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French colonial legacy in Algeria

📌 What did the #French really do in Algeria?
📌 #Ottoman Rule in Algeria
📌 Beginning of the French occupation
📌 Towards independence
📌 Current political problems between #Algeria and #France

By #HalimGençoğlu

https://unitedworldint.com/21460-french-colonial-legacy-in-algeria/ #Africa
Echoes of the Algerian War of Independence on Cinema

📌 #Cinema under colonialist control
📌 #RenéVautier and militant cinema
📌 The birth of the #Algerian national cinema
📌 Pontecorvo and the echoes of the “Algerian War”
📌 Taboo of #French cinema: #Algeria

By #TuncaArslan

French Double Standards for Israeli War Crimes

📌 Why Western Governments Legitimizing #Israel’s Military Actions for #Palestine
📌 #French support for #Israeli Crimes
📌 What #France did about #Armenia|n Question
📌 The French #Genocide in #Algeria
📌 Double Standards for #Muslim Cases in the West: Examining Perceptions and Realities

By #HalimGençoğlu

First day at the ICJ hearing on legal consequences of Israeli occupation of Palestine

📌 South #Africa: Israel establishes apartheid
📌 #SaudiArabia: Israel’s occupation “was illegal since 1967”
📌 #Netherlands: Presentation without mentioning #Israel or #Palestine
📌 #Bolivia: States must cooperate to stop Israel

By #YunusSoner

https://unitedworldint.com/33125-first-day-at-the-icj-hearing-on-legal-consequences-of-israeli-occupation-of-palestine/ #Algeria #Bangladesh #Belgium #Belize #Brazil #Chile