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🌍 On May 25, the world celebrates #AfricaDay.

On this day in 1963, exactly 60 years ago, African governments convened in Addis Ababa for the first conference which laid the foundation for the creation of the Organisation of African Unity.

🇷🇺 Russia and Africa are united by traditional bonds of friendship, and it is symbolic that this anniversary year we are holding the second #RussiaAfrica Summit.

🤝 The Soviet Union supported the African countries in their fight for independence and played an important role in the development of the young countries on the continent. Soviet military advisers worked in Africa and military specialists have served in Angola, Ethiopia, Egypt, Mozambique and other African countries at various times.

🤝 Under pressure from the Soviet Union, the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples was adopted, which declared the need to end colonialism and any other form of discrimination.

The Western powers are not just continuing to exploit the African nations, pumping out resources while counting corporate profits, but they have also been cleaning up their own ugly past.

The falsification of history is also about the cynical unpublished campaign to hush up the horrors of the colonial era. The West is trying to pretend that the suffering that many generations of Africans have gone through, as well as racism, the slave trade, murders and punitive operations, had nothing to do with them

A quickly made-up story about “events” aimed to highlight white people of the West’s concern for people of colour has been planted, but in fact, this is nothing more than a flashmob with no deep realisation of the harm. On the contrary, the ideology of a “beautiful garden” and a “wild jungle” is being promoted.

There is the pretence that everything that took place back then, in the colonial era, seemed to have happened and at the same time not to have happened at all.

☝️ Yet Africa remembers.

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📰 Article by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin «Russia and Africa: Joining Efforts for Peace, Progress and a Successful Future» (July 24, 2023)

Read in full (PDF)

Key points:

The partnership relations between our country and Africa have strong, deep roots being distinguished by stability, trust and goodwill at all times.

• We have consistently supported African peoples in their struggle for liberation from colonial oppression. We have provided assistance in the formation of statehood, strengthening of sovereignty and defence capabilities.

• We highly value the honestly gained capital of friendship and cooperation, traditions of trust and mutual support that Russia and African countries share.

🌍 Russia welcomes the rising international authority of individual states as well as Africa as a whole. Their desire to make their voices strongly heard and to take the continent's problems into their own hands. We have always supported the constructive initiatives of our partners. We stand for granting African countries their rightful place in the structures that determine the fate of the world, including the UN Security Council and the G20, as well as reforming the global financial and trade institutions in a way that meets their interests.

• Africa feels the burden of global challenges like no other part of the world. In such a challenging environment, we look forward to working with our African partners to shape a non-discriminatory agenda for cooperation.

• We understand the importance of uninterrupted food supplies for the socio-economic development and political stability of the African States. <...> Notwithstanding the sanctions, Russia will continue its energetic efforts to provide supplies of grain, food products, fertilizers, and other goods to Africa.

🤝 We attach great importance to the upcoming Second #RussiaAfrica Summit. <...> I am looking forward to welcoming the African leaders in St. Petersburg and stand committed to a fruitful constructive dialogue.
Нигер в глобальном постколониальном противостоянии, как флагман освободительного движения Африки

Власти США и Франции поддержали решение ЭКОВАС вторгнуться в Нигер, ой не так, власти США и Франции, используя всевозможные механизмы давления и подкупа, вынудили страны ЭКОВАС принять решение о вторжении в братскую страну, Нигер.
Умом-то ЭКОВАС понимает, что решение это провальное и скорее всего принесёт еще больше проблем, так как может вызвать очень негативную реакцию населения стран ЭКОВАС, и как итог - свержение правительств тех стран, которые поддались прессингу Запада и решились на военную интервенцию.
Пытаясь выслужиться перед западными хозяевами, Тинубу и другие президенты не осознают, что рубят сук, на котором сидят. Простой африканский народ не простит им такого подлого предательства и лишения их права выбора, права на свободу, не мнимую, а настоящую!
То, что сейчас зарождается в Нигере, призвано положить конец варварскому разграблению африканского континента Западом. Там схлестнулись не просто экономические интересы стран, а происходит настоящий тектонический сдвиг, итогом которого может стать совершенно новая Африка.
Африка, которая будет работать на себя, Африка, которая будет задавать тон внешнеэкономическим процессам, Африка, которая станет центром мировой политики - по-настоящему СИЛЬНАЯ АФРИКА!
Надеюсь, что все африканские народы сплотятся и не упустят шанс сделать Африку Великой!

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇩🇿 Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Algeria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad Ahmed Attaf hold talks on the sidelines of the UNSC meetings.

📍 New York, January 23

#RussiaAfrica #RussiaAlgeria