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Forwarded from Russian House New Delhi
Dear friends!
The Russian House in New Delhi invites you to the photo exhibition “Russia on 64 squares. History of Victories” dedicated to International Chess Day.
📆 We are waiting for you at the photo exhibition on July 18 at 17:00.
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
Admission for exhibition visitors is free.
💎 Don't miss the opportunity to become part of an important event!
Waiting for you!

#RussianHouse #chess #exhibition #Rossotrudnichestvo
131st birth anniversary of Vladimir Mayakovsky celebrated in Kolkata

On July 18, the Institute of Russian Language, Russian House in Kolkata organised a meet in celebration of 131st birth anniversary of a Russian poet and playwright Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893 - 1930).

The students were acquainted with the life and works of Vladimir Mayakovsky through a presentation by Somoshri Paladhi, which was followed by the narration of the story "Flowers from Mayakovsky" by Natasha Ghose. Student Subhojit Roy presented the Institute a sketch of Vladimir Mayakovsky in commemoration of this event.

An exhibition on life and works of Vladimir Mayakovsky was also showcased.

131-летие со дня рождения Владимира Маяковского отметили в Калькутте

18 июля Институт русского языка при Русском доме в Калькутте организовал встречу студентов, посвященную 131-й годовщине со дня рождения русского поэта и драматурга Владимира Маяковского (1893 - 1930).

Студенты познакомились с жизнью и творчеством Владимира Маяковского через презентацию Сомошри Паладхи, за которой последовал рассказ Наташи Гхоше «Цветы от Маяковского». Студент Субходжит Рой подарил Институту свою художественную работу в ознаменование этого события.

Также студентам была представлена ​​выставка, посвященная жизни и творчеству Владимира Маяковского.

#Россия #Маяковский #Mayakovsky #VladimirMayakovsky #RussianPoet #RussianLiterature #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo
Russian education ambassador visited the Russian House in Kolkata

On July 22, Madhaby Bhattacharya, head of the Institute of Russian language of the Russian House in Kolkata, held a meeting with Prof. Kandarpa Das, vice-chancellor of Girijanada Chowdhary University, Assam and ambassador for Russian education and science.

During the working visit, current situation with Russian language studies in India was discussed as well as perspectives for further education in Russia, including scholarship programs.

Амбассадор российского образования и науки посетил Русский дом в Калькутте

22 июля профессор Кандарпа Дас, вице-канцлер университета Гириджанада Чоудхари штата Ассам, посетил Русский дом в Калькутте. Мадхаби Бхаттачарья, руководитель Института русского языка Русского дома, приняла амбассадора российского образования и науки.

В ходе рабочей встречи обсуждалась текущая ситуация с изучением русского языка в Индии, а также перспективы образования в России, в том числе с использованием квот Россотрудничества.

#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Education #EducationinRussia #scholarships #Russianlanguage
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🤗 On August 6, the flagship program of Rossotrudnichestvo "New Generation" united young representatives of creative professions from abroad in Moscow

The grand opening of the "Creative" block in two directions at once took place in the Arkhangelskoye Museum-Reserve: some will show their talents at the international Youth Weekend "RUS_SVET", while others will create scripts at the cinematic sessions "We and Cinema. Expanding Borders".

"We wanted to gather people who are interested in doing something together. This program is about bringing people together based on professional interests. You will probably have some ideas and we are ready to provide opportunities for their implementation," Dmitry Valerievich Polikanov, Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo, addressed the participants.

🇷🇺 At the "RUS_SVET" festival, together with more than 150 participants from different regions of Russia, delegates will be able to demonstrate their creative skills and perform on stage in front of an audience. Artists will even be able to create and record a friendship anthem as part of the project.

🎬 Filmmakers will spend several days writing scripts under the guidance of masters to prepare for pitching at the international film festival.

🤗 6 августа флагманская программа Россотрудничества «Новое поколение» объединила в Москве молодых представителей творческих профессий из-за рубежа

В музее-заповеднике «Архангельское» состоялось торжественное открытие блока «Творческий» сразу по двум направлениям: одни покажут свои таланты на международном Weekend молодежи «RUS_SVET», а другие создадут сценарии на кинематографических сессиях «Мы и кино. расширяя границы».

«Мы хотели собрать людей, которым интересно делать что-то вместе. Эта программа про то, чтобы сближать людей по профессиональным интересам. У вас наверняка появятся какие-то идеи и мы готовы со своей стороны предоставлять возможности по их реализации», — обратился к участникам заместитель руководителя Россотрудничества Дмитрий Валериевич Поликанов.

🇷🇺 На фестивале «RUS_SVET» вместе с более чем 150 участниками из разных регионов России делегаты смогут проявить свои творческие навыки и выступить на сцене перед зрителями. Артисты даже смогут создать и записать гимн дружбы в рамках проекта.

🎬 Кинематографисты будут несколько дней писать сценарии под руководством мастеров, чтобы подготовиться к питчингу на международном кинофестивале.

#Russia #Россотрудничество #РусскийДом #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouse #НовоеПоколение #NewGeneration #RusSvet
Forwarded from Russian House New Delhi
Dear friends!
📚 The Russian House in New Delhi invites you to the opening ceremony of the project "Russia, Indian View" curated by Aakshat Sinha and Savita Gupta, as well as a display of sculptures, photographs, installations and memorabilia as reminders of Russia.
📆 We are waiting for you at the opening ceremony on August 19 at 5:30 p.m.
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
Entrance for exhibition visitors is free.
💎 Don't miss the opportunity to become part of an important event!
We are waiting for you!
#RussianHouse #exhibition #photos #Rossotrudnichestvo

Дорогие друзья!
📚 Русский дом в Нью-Дели приглашает вас на церемонию открытия проекта «Россия, индийский взгляд» кураторы Аакшат Синха и Савита Гупта, а также показ скульптур, фотографий, инсталляций и памятных предметов как напоминания о России.
📆 Ждем Вас на церемонии открытия 19 августа в 17:30.
🏢 Место проведения: Русский дом в Нью-Дели.
Вход для посетителей выставки - свободный.
💎Не упустите возможность стать частью важного события!
Ждем Вас!
#РусскийДом #выставка #фотографии #Россотрудничество
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⭐️Participants of the “New Generation” program visited “Mosfilm” to see the world of Russian and Soviet cinema.

Delegates from different countries, including 🇮🇳 India learned about the history of the studio, saw the sets, costumes and equipment that were used in the filming of famous films, and also saw awards such as the Oscar, Golden Lion, Golden Globe, Golden Bear and Cesar. Participants visited several filming pavilions and one outdoor site, where streets of the last century were recreated in life-size.

🔍Mosfilm is one of the largest film studios in Russia, located in Moscow.

🎬How was it? Let's go on a video tour together

#Russia #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouse #NewGeneration #Cinema #filmstudio #Moscow #Mosfilm
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🇷🇺🌊🌊🌊🇮🇳 From September 2 to October 12, Ratheesh Nair, the Honorary Consul of Russia and head of the Russian House in Trivandrum (India), will embark on a journey retracing the "Journey Beyond Three Seas" route of Afanasy Nikitin. This project, commemorating the 555th anniversary of Nikitin's arrival in India, aims to present the image of modern Russia to residents of other countries while fostering connections between Indian business organizations and Russian regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

🟣The journey will span 🇷🇺Russia, 🇦🇿Azerbaijan, 🇮🇷Iran, 🇴🇲Oman, and 🇮🇳India, following the exact route of the Russian traveler. It will feature online meetings between Russian regional governments and their Indian counterparts, showcasing the tourist, industrial, and trade potential of various Russian regions including Astrakhan, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Tver, Yaroslavl, as well as the Republics of Tatarstan and Dagestan. Key discussions will focus on expanding trade, cultural, and educational ties through regional cooperation, and promoting Russia's trade opportunities abroad.

🟣 Throughout the journey, meetings with university rectors are planned, with a special emphasis on enhancing cooperation between Russian and foreign universities in student exchange programs and joint training initiatives. This ambitious project is organized by #Rossotrudnichestvo, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (#MFA), the #RusskiyMirFoundation, and the Russian Geographical Society (#RGS, #RGO), with #Rosatom and #Sber as partners.

🟣 By retracing Nikitin's historic route, this modern-day expedition not only honors a significant chapter in Russian exploration but also serves as a platform for cultural exchange and economic cooperation. It exemplifies Russia's commitment to fostering international understanding and collaboration, bridging the past with the present in a meaningful journey of discovery and partnership.

#RussianHouse #RussianHouseTrivandrum #JourneyBeyondThreeSeas
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🎥 On August 24, the Russian House in New Delhi hosted a screening of Russian cinema novelties as part of the "Night of Cinema" event.

🇷🇺🎬 The event was timed to coincide with the Day of Russian Cinema, which is celebrated on 27 August.
This year, Indian audiences saw the sci-fi blockbuster "One Hundred Years Ahead" (directed by Alexander Andryushchenko), the fairy tale "At the Pike's Behest" (directed by Alexander Voitinsky) and the military-historical drama "Air" (directed by Alexei German Jr.) as part of the event.

🕊 The event was organised by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation with the support of the Cinema Fund and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (@MFARussia), with #ROSKINO acting as operator.

🎟 Cinema-goers were public figures and cultural figures of India, diplomats, compatriots and students of Indian universities.

#RussianHouse #NightCinema #films #movies #Rossotrudnichestvo #India #DruzhbaDosti #RussianCulture #RussianMovie
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🇷🇺🌊🌊🌊🇮🇳 Ratheesh Nair, Honorary Consul of Russia in Trivandrum (Kerala), continued his journey along Afanasy Nikitin's route, commemorating the 555th anniversary of the famous “Journey Beyond Three Seas".

⛪️ On September 3, Ratheesh Nair arrived in Kalyazin, where he visited the monastery mentioned in Afanasy Nikitin's book.

🟣 Next, Ratheesh Nair headed to Uglich, where he met with the city's mayor, Anatoliy Kuritsyn. The parties agreed to organize "Uglich Days" in Trivandrum in 2025.

🟣 On September 4, the Honorary Consul met with Vice-Governor Andrey Kolyadin in Yaroslavl, during which the parties agreed on Yaroslavl's participation in the Indian tourism fair, cooperation between planetariums in Yaroslavl and Kerala and joint projects between Russian and Indian schools.

🟣 The Honorary Consul also met with Yaroslavl Mayor Artem Molchanov: it was decided to hold an online call with the mayor of Anantapur (Andhra Pradesh) next week to establish cooperation.

🟣 In addition, Ratheesh Nair held meetings with the rectors of three local universities, and a Russian-Indian business online session.

🗺 The Head of the Russian House in Trivandrum will visit four more countries after Russia. His route, like 555 years ago, will lie from Tver to Astrakhan along the Volga river, then by car to Derbent, from there to 🇦🇿Azerbaijan, then to 🇮🇷 Iran, from there by plane to 🇴🇲 Oman, and then to 🇮🇳 India.

This project is organized by #Rossotrudnichestvo, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (#MFA), the #RusskiyMirFoundation, and the Russian Geographical Society (#RGS, #RGO), with #Rosatom and #Sber as partners.

#RussianHouse #RussianHouseTrivandrum #JourneyBeyondThreeSeas
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🎹 🎻 Glimpses of the Christmas concert for the Russian compatriots.

🎅 We thank little bright stars from the Academy for Musical Excellence, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, who made that evening special.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Christmas #ChristmasConcert #Tchaikovsky #Shostakovich #соотечественники #RussianAsia #Kolkata #Musicea