Russian Delegation to UNESCO
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The Permanent Delegation of the Russian Federation to UNESCO

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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the General Meeting of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO (December 22, 2023)

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💬 The outgoing year was not an easy one for #UNESCO. As we know, after the beginning of the special military operation, the collective West began to intensify its efforts to politicise the organisation, and reduce its agenda to Ukraine.

Their notorious double standards are reflected in regular anti-Russia resolutions on Crimea and Ukraine. The West is pushing through these resolutions by twisting the arms of the developing nations.

These resolutions go beyond UNESCO’s mandate. It has no competence in this area.

❗️ Attempts to defame Russia for “destroying Ukraine’s cultural heritage" without citing any evidence are in the same category. Such evidence simply does not exist. Nor does UNESCO have any right to attribute guilt. <...>

At the same time, we still haven’t heard any statement condemning the act of terror at the Moscow Kremlin, a world heritage site. Nor has UNESCO Secretary-General Audrey Azoulay from France denounced the murder of Russian journalists although this is her direct mandate.


But the attempts to “cancel” Russia in UNESCO did not achieve the desired effect. As President Vladimir Putin noted at the St Petersburg Cultural Forum last November, in UNESCO we are conducting very serious projects that generate widespread interest in the world.

I will emphasise again that we are not closing ourselves off from anyone.


Overall, we have accumulated a wealth of positive experience to build upon. Frankly, a mutually beneficial professional dialogue in UNESCO is still possible despite the blatantly unlawful actions of its Secretariat’s senior officials.
2️⃣3️⃣апреля в штаб-квартире #UNESCO состоялось заседание Президиума Программы "Информация для всех" (#IFAP)

📍Член Президиума, Докладчик, Председатель Рабочей группы по многоязычию А.Паршакова🇷🇺 представила результаты работы российской стороны в областях компетенции #IFAP включая подготовку к проведению VI международной конференции "Информация и коммуникация в цифровую эпоху: явные и неявные воздействия" (Ханты-Мансийск, 18-20.06) и ко Второй международной конференции высокого уровня "Всемирная сокровищница родных языков: оберегать и лелеять" (С.-Петербург 30.06-02.07).

📍В рамках работы над Руководящими принципами Программы согласован порядок формирования рабочих групп.

📍Состоялся плодотворный обмен мнениями с Председателем #IFAP П.Хименезом🇩🇴, членами Президиума #IFAP и замгендиректора #UNESCO Т.Джеласси
2️⃣3️⃣April the Bureau of the Information for All Programme (#IFAP) convened its 34th meeting in #UNESCO Headquarters

📍Member of the IFAP Bureau, Rapporteur, Chairperson of the Working Group on Multilingualism A.Parshakova🇷🇺 reported on Russia's achievements in the spheres of #IFAP competence, including preparations for the VI International Conference “Tangible and Intangible Impact of Information and Communication in the Digital Age” (Khanty-Mansiysk, 18 -20.06) and the Second International High-Level Conference "World Treasury of Mother Tongues: Nourish and Cherish" (St. Petersburg 30.06-02.07).

📍Within the work on #IFAP Manual of Operations the procedure of nominating Working Groups members has been agreed upon.

📍A fruitful exchange of views took place with Chairperson of #IFAP P.Jimenez🇩🇴, members of #IFAP Bureau and #UNESCO Assistant Director General for Communication and Information T.Jelassi
💬On #WorldPressFreedomDay we remind #UNESCO Director-General A.Azoulay of the need to strictly follow her mandate and condemn killing of journalists without any distinction

This mandate was provided by the UNESCO General Conference in 1997 and confirmed by the Executive Board in 2023.

We regret that the UNESCO Secretariat, despite following these decisions of the Governing Bodies of the Organization, is guided by some “internal criteria” unfamiliar to Member-States and, to our view, based on double standards.

There is still no reaction of A.Azoulay to the killing of Russian journalists D.Dugina, O.Klokov, M.Fomin (V.Tatarsky), B.Maksudov and S.Eremin committed by Kiev regime.

📢We urge the UNESCO Director-General to unconditionally condemn the killing of Russian journalists.

Absence of UNESCO's reaction to crimes against Russian journalists creates conditions for impunity and puts into question the Organization's work in the field of press freedom and protection of journalists’ rights.
В рамках празднования #ДеньПобеды Постпред России 🇷🇺 при #UNESCO Р.Ж.Аляутдинов почтил память сражавшихся против фашизма советских солдат на военном кладбище Нуайе-Сен-Мартен во Франции.

Это самое большое захоронение советских солдат во Франции – на нем похоронено около 4650 человек.

🎖On 8 May the Permanent Representative of Russia 🇷🇺 to #UNESCO R.Alyautdinov laid wreath at the monument to Russian participants of the French Resistance at the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris on the eve of the 79th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

⚡️ The Hague, which hosted #UNESCO International Conference “Cultural Heritage and Peace: Building on 70 years of The Hague Convention”, flagrantly violated the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Host Country Agreement with UNESCO.

❗️Russian experts were denied registration and a visa, and a senior diplomat of the Russian Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, who had arrived from Paris to take part in the Penal sessions, was blocked by the security service from entering the hall before the closing session and escorted out of the building.

This outrage occurred in the face of UNESCO Secretariat's failure to ensure Russia's full participation in the event.

🛑 We are outraged that Assistant Director General E.Ottone, who officially invited Russia to the event, was praising on the stage the Government of the Netheralnds "for excellent organisation of the conference", while the Russian diplomat was escorted out of the building under excuse of a "political decision" of the Dutch side.

Does this mean that UNESCO Secretariate supports actions against Russia?

📢 We request the Director General A.Azoulay to conduct an internal investigation into the incident and call the Hague to account for the gross violation of international obligations and report on the outcomes to UNESCO Member States!
7️⃣July is World Kiswahili Language Day  

📍Kiswahili Language Day was proclaimed at 41st #UNESCO General Conference.

📍Kiswahili is spoken by more than 200 million people in Africa and Middle East

🎊Congratulations to all who speak Kiswahili language

👉 Russia🇷🇺 in UNESCO stands for promotion of multilingualism and contributes to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022-2032
⚡️21 июля в Нью-Дели под председательством Индии открылась 46-я сессия Комитета всемирного наследия #UNESCO Российскую делегацию возглавляет Постоянный представитель России🇷🇺 при ЮНЕСКО Р.Ж.Аляутдинов.

📍В ходе заседаний Комитета будут рассмотрены актуальные вопросы функционирования Конвенции 1972 года об охране всемирного культурного и природного наследия, состояние сохранности объектов, включение в Список всемирного наследия новых номинаций, проблематика культурного наследия африканского континента.

📍На обсуждение Комитета будет представлена российская заявка «Заповеданное Кенозерье» – пример реликтового культурного ландшафта северо-запада России с традиционной деревянной архитектурой в окружении живописных озер, рек, лесов и полей, сохранивших следы обычаев прошлого.

📍«На полях» сессии состоятся форумы управляющих объектами всемирного наследия, молодых специалистов, в которых примут участие российские эксперты.

📍Работа 46-й сессии продлится до 31 июля.
⚡️46th session of #UNESCO World Heritage Committee #WHC opened in New Delhi under the chairmanship of India оn July 21. The Russian delegation is headed by the Permanent Representative of Russia🇷🇺 to UNESCO H.E. Rinat Alyautdinov.

📍WHC will consider developments under the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, state of conservation of World Heritage sites, inscription of new nominations on the World Heritage List and cultural heritage of Africa.

📍The Russian nomination “Testament of Kenozero Lake” will be tabled for consideration by WHC. It is an example of a relict cultural landscape of the North-West of Russia with traditional wooden architecture surrounded by picturesque lakes, rivers, forests and fields that have preserved traces of the past.

📍Russian experts will participate in the forums for World Heritage Site's managers and young professionals on the sidelines of the session.

📍The 46th session will last till July 31.
⚡️Statement by Permanent Delegate of Russia to #UNESCO H.E. R.Alyautdinov at 46th session of World Heritage Committee #WHC under item "Report of World Heritage Centre on its activities & implementation of WHC’s decisions"

📍As stated by Director-General, Secretariat seems ready to assist WHC in dealing equitably with different sensitive issues. But it is evident that some biased Committee members instead of prioritizing collective action to protect heritage worldwide have again opted for double standards and selective approach.

📍Russia rejects inadmissible allegations & false accusations made by Ukraine & delegations of Western countries. They care less of world heritage & more of pursuing their own short-term political interests thus putting Convention in Danger. They escalate & use this expert forum to spread misinformation & politicized rhetoric, while world majority is endeavouring way out of current situation.

📍Russia is firmly committed to WHC & fulfill vigorously all its international obligations.
Media is too big
💬Постпред РФ при #UNESCO Р.Ж.Аляутдинов по итогам включения «Культурного ландшафта Кенозерья» в Список всемирного наследия:

📍Включение Кенозерья в Список всемирного наследия – это дань памяти нашим предкам, которые с удивительным чувством меры и красоты создали в суровых северных краях деревни, церкви, часовни с прекрасными потолочными росписями-небесами. Это дань уважения исследователям, ученым, реставраторам, которые столетиями изучали и бережно сохраняли культурное наследие Кенозерья.

📍Сформировавшийся на Русском Севере феномен русского деревянного зодчества – это свидетельство высокого уровня народной культуры и одновременно выдающийся вклад России во всемирное наследие человечества.

📍Российская сторона в полной мере осознает важность сбережения уникального культурного ландшафта для будущих поколений и приложит все усилия для выполнения этой почетной миссии на самом высоком уровне.
💬Постпред🇷🇺 Р.Ж.Аляутдинов в комментарии ТАСС:

📍На полях сессии Комитета всемирного наследия #UNESCO провел важные встречи с коллегами из африканских стран. Обсуждали перспективы углубления сотрудничества. Накопленный Россией экспертный потенциал востребован за рубежом.

📍Главным событием для России на сессии стало принятие решения о внесении в Список всемирного наследия нового российского объекта - "Культурный ландшафт Кенозерья".☝️ Теперь в нашей стране 3️⃣3️⃣объекта всемирного наследия.

📍 С подачи западных стран Комитет становится местом сведения геополитических счетов. Спонсоры Киева попытались использовать доклад о состоянии сохранности памятников в Киеве, Львове и Одессе для распространения безосновательных обвинений России. ☝️ Комитет превысил свои полномочия. ЮНЕСКО не имеет ни атрибутивных функций, ни элементарных компетенций, чтобы возлагать на кого-нибудь ответственность за разрушение наследия.

👉 Читайте комментарий целиком.
⚡️According to incoming media reports as a result of Ukrainian troops attack the church of the Gornal St Nicholas Monastery in the Kursk Region🇷🇺 was burnt.

☝️This shelling is yet another flagrant violation by Ukraine of its international obligations under the 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.

📍Protection of cultural property is #UNESCO 's mandate.

📢We call on UNESCO Director-General Ms. Audrey Azoulay to raise her voice in defence of Russia's cultural property and condemn the criminal actions of Kiev!
⚡️According to the VESTI TV-channel, Mr. Evgeny Poddubny VGTRK correspondent was wounded as a result of a targeted attack by a Ukrainian FPV-drone, while reporting in the Kursk region 🇷🇺

📍This is another Kiev's crime against the Russian media in order to hide the truth.

📍Ukraine has trampled all its international obligations in the field of safety of journalists, freedom of expression & access to information.  The relevant international structures turn a blind eye to it.

☝️According to #UNESCO General Conference Resolution (1997) & Executive Board Decision (2023) the Director-General is tasked to condemn killings and any physical violence against journalists without distinction.

📢 We call on #AAzoulay to fulfill her mandate and condemn the attack against Mr.Poddubny.
9️⃣August - the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples. It was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly Resolution in 1994.

📍Russia🇷🇺 is the largest multinational country, where 47 indigenous small-numbered peoples with a total population of more than 300 thousand people live.

📍Russia in #UNESCO advocates for preservation of languages and culture of indigenous peoples, promotes the goals of and pioneers within the International Decade of Indigenous Languages ​​#IDIL 2022-2032:


- became the first country that developed and implements the National Action Plan of #IDIL;

- shares its experience within the framework of the Global Task Force for #IDIL;

- heads the working group on multilingualism of #UNESCO "Information for All Programme" #IFAP;

-  organized the largest event within the framework of #IDIL this year in St. Petersburg - the High-Level International Conference “World Treasury of Mother Tongues: Nourish and Cherish” (June,30 - July,2)

👉Lear more about the conference
2⃣0️⃣ August marks 2 years from the date of the Russian Journalist Daria Dugina killing by Ukrainian Special Services.

📍Despite #UNESCO General Conference & Executive Board tasking to "condemn killing & phisical violence against journalists without distinction" the Director General A.Azoulay did not condemn this crime.

☝️ Absence of reaction of Specialized International Agences generates impunity for crimes against journalists.
Kiev continues to pursue and kill Russian journalists in violation of its international obligations.

📢 We demand that information about the killing of D.Dugina and other Russian journalists by Kiev be included in the DG report to the Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the Development of Communication #IPDC.

В дни православных церковных праздников для Соловецкого монастыря предлагаем посмотреть на красоту Историко-культурного комплекса Соловецких островов - этого объекта всемирного наследия #UNESCO -  глазами фотохудожника Алексея Лазарева.
📢In connection with the news on detention of Telegram CEO Mr. Pavel Durov in France we call on #UNESCO Secretariat which is supposed to advocate for freedom of expression & access to information, to assess how Paris' actions correspond to these principles.
⚡️We draw #UNESCO's attention of to ongoing shelling of educational institutions and civilian infrastructure by the terrorist Kiev regime❗️

On September 2, #KnowledgeDay, school No.44 in Gorlovka, DPR🇷🇺 was damaged as a result of shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the NATO artillery. Today, school in the residential area "Stroitel" came under fire.

📢We call on #UNESCO in line with its mandate to give a public assessment to the attacks on education by Kiev.