Russian Delegation to UNESCO
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The Permanent Delegation of the Russian Federation to UNESCO

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💬 #Zakharova: #Latvia has long had a tarnished reputation as a country where attempts are being made at the highest level to glorify Nazism and falsify history.

☝️ With their vicious revanchist restrictions, the Latvian authorities insult the memory of the victims of #WWII.
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"More than two hundred years of history of the Russian-language education in Latvia has come to an end - on September 29, the Latvian Saeima approved in the final reading the transition of Russian schools into the Latvian language.

The ruling elite of the country once again gained its mercenary-minded goals at the expense of the Latvian younger generation, having denied children the right to a comfortable learning environment. Instead of taking advantage of the country's natural bilingualism, politicians stubbornly continue to fight the "wrong" language, destroying the Russian culture here.

It is a shame that the Latvian authorities are unable to understand that the upbringing of patriots and citizens loyal to Latvia is really hindered not by education in the Russian language, but by the complete disregard for the vital needs and interests of the country's population by its leadership."

#Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"It is with deep indignation that we have received the news about the dismantling of memorials in Daugavpils and on the “Mound of Friendship".

Having grossly ignored the UN Human Rights Committee resolutions and in fact neglected the opinion of hundreds of thousands of residents of their own country, the Latvian ruling elite continues to cynically and defiantly mock the memory of the fallen heroes who saved the Latvians from the total extermination and to demolish to the ground the memorials established in their honor.

The motivation for it presented by the Latvian side looks absolutely awkward – the monuments, they say, represent a symbol of "the Russian aggression in Ukraine and glorification of the totalitarian regimes."

Russia has repeatedly made harsh public assessments of this shameful policy, saturated with savage Russophobia, nationalism and populist slogans. We are convinced that any attempts to justify the destruction of monuments are unacceptable. Such a phenomenon should have no place in the civilized world, regardless of the political conjuncture.

The complete connivance of the Latvia's partners in the European Union, who prefer to turn a blind eye on this both legally and morally criminal policy of Riga, cannot but cause alarm. Unfortunately, such inaction only unties the hands of local nationalists, instilling false confidence in the rightness of their own actions.

We call on the international community, specialized international organizations and reputable human rights NGOs to give a consolidated assessment of these barbaric escapades of the Latvian ruling elite and increase their influence on Riga."

#Latvia #Daugavpils #Russia #RussianEmbassy
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"On January 30, 2023, there took place an appeal hearing on the case of the well-known Latvian social activist and journalist Y.Alekseyev, who for many years has been subjected to politically motivated persecution for his professional activity by the republic's authorities.

As a result, due to the lack of clear evidence, charges filed under the criminal law article "ammunition storage" were completely dropped. The result, one must admit, is quite logical – the case made up in a hurry begins to simply fall apart.

Well, this once again confirms the correctness of our statements that Y.Alekseev became another victim of the Latvian "punitive justice". There is no doubt in the Russophobic context of the accusations fabricated by the local law enforcement agencies against our compatriot.  

We hope that international specialized structures, in particular, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media will finally give an adequate assessment of the lawlessness taking place in Latvia and put an end to the reprisal by the republic officials of independent Russian-speaking journalists."

#Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

On February 9, 2023, the Constitutional Court of Latvia delivered a final verdict to ban teaching in Russian in private universities. The Latvian "Themis" disregarded even the opinion of the credible European organizations – in September 2022, the EU Court of Justice addressed a recommendation to the local authorities to review language restrictions in commercial educational institutions, which are of a vivid discriminatory nature.

The Latvian government, in an effort to oust the Russian language from all the spheres of public life, is flagrantly ignoring its obligations to protect and support the linguistic rights of the national minorities.

Remarkably, the local ruling elite is of the opinion that the Russian language poses a threat to the Latvian language in higher education, unlike teaching in the EU official languages (including English). Is there anything else one should know about the "absence" of Russophobia in Latvia?"

#Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"The Latvian "national patriots" have once again desecrated in the center of Riga the monument to the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. Apparently, inspired by the practices of international terrorist organizations (see the photo), the perpetrators put a black bag on the head of the monument and threw flowers from the pedestal into the dumpster.

The fact that the young vandals shot this impertinence on a video camera makes this outrageous trick especially cynical. Judging by the materials in the Internet, they were minors.

However, there is nothing to wonder about – the authorities of modern Latvia do educate their youth in the spirit of such ideals. In 2022, in the midst of Russophobic rage, they destroyed more than 120 objects of historical and cultural heritage. As the saying goes, monkey see, monkey do."

#Riga #Latvia #Pushkin
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Комментарий Посольства России в Латвии:

"20 апреля 2023 г. Сейм Латвии в спешном порядке одобрил законодательную инициативу, которая запрещает проведение любых мероприятий по случаю празднования Дня Победы, фактически объявив 9 Мая «вне закона».

Решительно осуждаем эту безнравственную выходку латвийских парламентариев, деятельность которых давно вышла за рамки здравого смысла и норм поведения, принятых в цивилизованных странах.

Рассматриваем результат голосования местных депутатов как акт глумления над светлой памятью героев, отдавших жизнь в борьбе с фашистскими захватчиками, и очередную попытку предать забвению уроки Второй мировой войны, переписав её итоги.

Развёрнутая Ригой беспрецедентная кампания по массовому сносу памятников советским воинам, героизации легионеров «Ваффен-СС» вкупе с гонениями на не согласных с этой иезуитской политикой лиц нарушает все мыслимые международно-правовые обязательства республики.

Любые попытки очернить решающий вклад СССР в освобождение мира от «коричневой чумы» и вытравить из памяти жителей Латвии героический подвиг советского народа заведомо обречены на провал".

#ДеньПобеды #память #9мая #запрет #СеймЛатвии #националисты #русофобы #памятники #ВОВ #Россия #Krievija #Russia #Рига #Латвия #Riga #Latvia #Rīga #Latvija #ПосольствоРоссии #МИД #МИДРоссии