#Ankara and #Moscow together will enable peace between #Armenia and #Azerbaijan
On July 9, United World International expert #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani news outlet qazet.az on the recent developments in the Southern #Caucasus.
We document the interview as published by qazet . az.
https://unitedworldint.com/19747-ankara-and-moscow-together-will-enable-peace-between-armenia-and-azerbaijan/ #Turkey #Russia
On July 9, United World International expert #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani news outlet qazet.az on the recent developments in the Southern #Caucasus.
We document the interview as published by qazet . az.
https://unitedworldint.com/19747-ankara-and-moscow-together-will-enable-peace-between-armenia-and-azerbaijan/ #Turkey #Russia
United World International
Ankara and Moscow together will enable peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan
UWI expert Perinçek spoke to Azerbaijani media.
“#Tehran and #Ankara together can stabilize #Afghanistan”
Afghanistan is witnessing the withdrawal of #US troops and intensified international diplomacy.
United World International expert #MehmetPerinçek shared his views on the country with the Iranian newspaper Tehran Times.
We document the interview as published by Tehran Times on July 28, 2021.
https://unitedworldint.com/20091-tehran-and-ankara-together-can-stabilize-afghanistan/ #Turkey #Iran #Caucasus
Afghanistan is witnessing the withdrawal of #US troops and intensified international diplomacy.
United World International expert #MehmetPerinçek shared his views on the country with the Iranian newspaper Tehran Times.
We document the interview as published by Tehran Times on July 28, 2021.
https://unitedworldint.com/20091-tehran-and-ankara-together-can-stabilize-afghanistan/ #Turkey #Iran #Caucasus
United World International
“Tehran and Ankara together can stabilize Afghanistan”
The Astana Process from Syria with Chinese economic support may be a model for Afghanistan too.
Ermenistan Başbakanı #Paşinyan, bir taraftan #Ankara-#Bakü'den gelen normalleşme çağrılarına olumlu sinyaller veriyor, diğer taraftan #Ermenistan'da aşağıdaki kararlar alınıyor.
❗️ Paşinyan, niyeti ciddiyse bu rezalete son vermeli. Unutulmamalı, ilişkilerin normalleşmesi ilk önce Ermenistan'ın ihtiyacı.
https://aydinlik.com.tr/haber/pasinyan-in-rakipleri-erivan-a-ittihatci-katillerinin-heykelini-dikecek-257488 #Türkiye #Azerbaycan
❗️ Paşinyan, niyeti ciddiyse bu rezalete son vermeli. Unutulmamalı, ilişkilerin normalleşmesi ilk önce Ermenistan'ın ihtiyacı.
https://aydinlik.com.tr/haber/pasinyan-in-rakipleri-erivan-a-ittihatci-katillerinin-heykelini-dikecek-257488 #Türkiye #Azerbaycan
🇹🇷🇦🇲 #Erivan'dan #Ankara'yla en üst düzeyde görüşmeye hazırız mesajı.
https://interfax.az/view/845390 #Turkiye #Ermenistan
https://interfax.az/view/845390 #Turkiye #Ermenistan
В Ереване заявляют о готовности к диалогу с Турцией на самом высоком уровне и рассчитывают на открытие транспортных коммуникаций…
#Karabağ'da #Türk-#Rus işbirliği Die Welt'in sayfalarına yansımış. #Ankara ve #Moskova'nın Güney Kafkasya'da inisiyatif alması Batı'yı rahatsız etmiş. https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/plus233998970/Bergkarabach-Die-Achse-Putin-Erdogan-gegen-den-Westen.html
Bergkarabach: Die Achse Putin-Erdogan gegen den Westen - WELT
Der internationale Friedensprozess in Bergkarabach gilt als gescheitert. Russland und die Türkei können ihre Interessen ungehindert vorantreiben – auch wenn sie auf unterschiedlichen Seiten stehen. Heute empfängt Putin Erdogan in Sotschi. Denn beide eint…
⚡️⚡️ #Türkiye'nin #PKK/#PYD'yle mücadelesi #Biden'ı bir kez daha rahatsız etti. #ABD Başkanı, #Türk Ordusunun eylemlerini #IŞİD'le mücadeleyi baltalamakla suçladı. Biden'a göre #Ankara, ABD'nin milli güvenliği ve dış politikası açısından tehdit.
Al Arabiya English
US President Biden singles out Turkey for undermining fight against ISIS in Syria | Al Arabiya English
US President Joe Biden on Thursday singled out Turkey for undermining the fight against ISIS with
#BirleşikArapEmirlikleri'nin Veliaht Prensi, bugün #Ankara'ya geldi.
#BAE'de eksen kayması mı yaşanıyor, #ABD ve #İsrail'le ilişkilerinde sorun mu yaşanıyor?
Onur Sinan Güzaltan özel bilgilere dayanarak kaleme aldı.
#BAE'de eksen kayması mı yaşanıyor, #ABD ve #İsrail'le ilişkilerinde sorun mu yaşanıyor?
Onur Sinan Güzaltan özel bilgilere dayanarak kaleme aldı.
🇹🇷 Mehmet perinçek, #Ankara'nın #Rusya-#Ukrayna arasındaki aracılık önerisini değerlendirdi
🇷🇺 Предложение Турции о посредничестве между Россией и Украиной имеет значение. Именно путем нормализации отношений между Киевом и Москвой Турция может снизить влияние США в Украине
🇷🇺 Предложение Турции о посредничестве между Россией и Украиной имеет значение. Именно путем нормализации отношений между Киевом и Москвой Турция может снизить влияние США в Украине
План Турции по примирению России и Украины: методы и перспективы - Международная панорама на Caliber.Az
Forwarded from United World International
#Ankara’s proposal to mediate between #Moscow and #Kiev
United World International expert Dr. #MehmetPerinçek believes that the objective interests of #Turkey and #Russia coincide in the #BlackSea region, in the eastern #Mediterranean, in #Syria and in the South #Caucasus. At the same time, both countries suffer from the #UnitedStates’ aggressive actions.
United World International expert Dr. #MehmetPerinçek believes that the objective interests of #Turkey and #Russia coincide in the #BlackSea region, in the eastern #Mediterranean, in #Syria and in the South #Caucasus. At the same time, both countries suffer from the #UnitedStates’ aggressive actions.
United World International
Ankara’s proposal to mediate between Moscow and Kiev
As long as Western intervention is prevented, there is no problem that Russia, Ukraine and Turkey cannot solve.
Forwarded from United World International
Propuesta de #Ankara para mediar entre #Moscú y #Kiev
Por #MehmetPerinçek
https://noticiaspia.com/propuesta-de-ankara-para-mediar-entre-moscu-y-kiev/ #Turquía #Rusia #Ucrania
Por #MehmetPerinçek
https://noticiaspia.com/propuesta-de-ankara-para-mediar-entre-moscu-y-kiev/ #Turquía #Rusia #Ucrania
Pia Global
Propuesta de Ankara para mediar entre Moscú y Kiev - Pia Global
Por Mehmet Perinçek* - La propuesta de mediación de Turquía puede desempeñar un papel importante para garantizar la estabilidad y la paz regionales en este marco.
Forwarded from United World International
“The rapprochement between #Ankara and #Erivan is very important for establishing stability in the region”
The first official contact between #Turkey and #Armenia after many years will take place on January 14 in #Moscow, the capital of #Russia.
https://unitedworldint.com/22999-the-rapprochement-between-ankara-and-erivan-is-very-important-for-establishing-stability-in-the-region/ #MehmetPerinçek #HasanKorkmazcan
The first official contact between #Turkey and #Armenia after many years will take place on January 14 in #Moscow, the capital of #Russia.
https://unitedworldint.com/22999-the-rapprochement-between-ankara-and-erivan-is-very-important-for-establishing-stability-in-the-region/ #MehmetPerinçek #HasanKorkmazcan
United World International
“The rapprochement between Ankara and Erivan is very important for establishing stability in the region”
Turkish and Armenian delegations are going to meet in Moscow on January 14 - first time after a long break of communication.
Forwarded from United World International
Cooperation between #Baku and #Ankara is in the interests of the South #Caucasus and all of #Eurasia
#Turkey and #Azerbaijan are celebrating the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations. On that occasion, United World International expert #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani news outlet day az.
#Turkey and #Azerbaijan are celebrating the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations. On that occasion, United World International expert #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani news outlet day az.
United World International
Cooperation between Baku and Ankara is in the interests of the South Caucasus and all of Eurasia
30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan.
🇹🇷 Mehmet Perinçek'in #Ankara-#Moskova-#Bakü ekseni ve #Ukrayna meselesi üzerine Sputnik #Azerbaycan'a verdiği röportaj.
🇷🇺 Ось Анкара-Москва-Баку должна сыграть свою роль в украинском вопросе. Сейчас Баку и Анкара могут помочь Украине в вопросе избавления от влияния США.
🇷🇺 Ось Анкара-Москва-Баку должна сыграть свою роль в украинском вопросе. Сейчас Баку и Анкара могут помочь Украине в вопросе избавления от влияния США.
Sputnik Азербайджан
Каковы преимущества формата Турция-Россия-Азербайджан
Когда США окружают Россию, то они окружают Турцию и Азербайджан, считает политолог, по мнению которого у Анкары сегодня серьезные проблемы с НАТО.
🇹🇷 Mehmet Perinçek, #Azerbaycan Cumhurbaşkanı İlham Aliyev'in #Ankara ziyaretini CBC kanalına değerlendirdi.
🇷🇺 Сотрудничество Баку и Анкары выгодно всем странам региона. Проекты, реализуемые по инициативе лидеров Азербайджана и Турции, вносят весомый вклад в экономическое развитие и безопасность.
🇷🇺 Сотрудничество Баку и Анкары выгодно всем странам региона. Проекты, реализуемые по инициативе лидеров Азербайджана и Турции, вносят весомый вклад в экономическое развитие и безопасность.
Лидеры Азербайджана и Турции обсудили дальнейшее развитие отношений
Сотрудничество Баку и Анкары выгодно всем странам региона. Проекты, реализуемые по инициативе лидеров Азербайджана и Турции, вносят весомый вклад в экономическое развитие и безопасность. В ходе встречи Ильхама Алиева и Реджепа Тайипа Эрдогана состоялось обсуждение…
Mehmet Perinçek yanıtladı: "#Türkiye #NATO veya #Rusya'dan birini seçip taraf olamaz. Kendi haklarını koruyacak. Türkiye'nin kendi çıkarları #ABD'nin planlarını ortadan kaldırmaktır. Olaylara #Ankara'dan bakmak gerekir."
Programın tamamını izlemek için tıklayınız
Programın tamamını izlemek için tıklayınız
Dr. Mehmet Perinçek: "Türkiye taraf seçmeyecek. NATO veya Rusya'dan birini seçemez"
Türkiye taraf seçmek zorunda mı?
Açık ve Net'te Kübra Par sordu; Dr. Mehmet Perinçek yanıtladı: "Türkiye taraf seçmeyecek. NATO veya Rusya'dan birini seçemez. Kendi haklarını koruyacak. Türkiye'nin kendi çıkarları ABD'nin planlarını ortadan kaldırmaktır.…
Açık ve Net'te Kübra Par sordu; Dr. Mehmet Perinçek yanıtladı: "Türkiye taraf seçmeyecek. NATO veya Rusya'dan birini seçemez. Kendi haklarını koruyacak. Türkiye'nin kendi çıkarları ABD'nin planlarını ortadan kaldırmaktır.…
Forwarded from United World International
#Ukraine conflict and Eastern Mediterranean
📌 Small Modular Reactors made in #USA instead of #Russia|n nuclear plant?
📌 “Unified #Cyprus may become a #NATO member”
📌 Unchanged “fundamental reality” in #US-#Turkish relations
📌 “#Turkey is anxious to break free from hypocritical constraints imposed by the West”
📌 “Press #Ankara to abandon balancing between #Washington and #Moscow”
By #YunusSoner
📌 Small Modular Reactors made in #USA instead of #Russia|n nuclear plant?
📌 “Unified #Cyprus may become a #NATO member”
📌 Unchanged “fundamental reality” in #US-#Turkish relations
📌 “#Turkey is anxious to break free from hypocritical constraints imposed by the West”
📌 “Press #Ankara to abandon balancing between #Washington and #Moscow”
By #YunusSoner
United World International
Ukraine conflict and Eastern Mediterranean
US House of Representatives debates "Opportunities and Challenges".
Forwarded from United World International
The power behind the #terrorist attack in #Türkiye and the truth about the #PKK
📌 “The conflict is not between #Turks and #Kurds”
📌 “#Ankara’s operations serve as a shield for the whole of #Eurasia”
📌 “The PKK will neither achieve autonomy nor form a separate state”
📌 “Kurds living in Türkiye have equal rights with other citizens”
📌 “The conflict is not between #Turks and #Kurds”
📌 “#Ankara’s operations serve as a shield for the whole of #Eurasia”
📌 “The PKK will neither achieve autonomy nor form a separate state”
📌 “Kurds living in Türkiye have equal rights with other citizens”
United World International
The power behind the terrorist attack in Türkiye and the truth about the PKK
UWI authors evaluate on the PKK's recent terror attack and Turkish anti-terror opreations in the North of Syria.
Forwarded from United World International
A strategy for #Ankara in the #Turkish-#American war
📌 #Türkiye’s operations in the interest of the entire #Eurasia
📌 The way to success: cooperation with #Damascus
📌 The fallacy of buffer zone policy
📌 A comprehensive strategy for Türkiye
📌 Cooperation with the #US against #ISIS?
📌 To gain the support of #Russia and #Iran
📌 The economical aspect
By #MehmetPerinçek
📌 #Türkiye’s operations in the interest of the entire #Eurasia
📌 The way to success: cooperation with #Damascus
📌 The fallacy of buffer zone policy
📌 A comprehensive strategy for Türkiye
📌 Cooperation with the #US against #ISIS?
📌 To gain the support of #Russia and #Iran
📌 The economical aspect
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
A strategy for Ankara in the Turkish-American war
Commenting on the recent shot down of a Turkish drone by the United States in the broader context of Turkish foreign policy.
Forwarded from United World International
UWI author, Doctor of Historical Sciences, representative of the Vatan (Patriotic) Party #MehmetPerinçek, in an interview with #Russia|n NEWS.ru, called #Ankara’s agreement to #Sweden’s entry into #NATO “a betrayal of the #Turkish people” due to serious disagreements and conflicts with NATO.
https://unitedworldint.com/32909-ankaras-approval-of-swedens-entry-into-nato-is-a-betrayal/ #Türkiye
https://unitedworldint.com/32909-ankaras-approval-of-swedens-entry-into-nato-is-a-betrayal/ #Türkiye
United World International
Ankara’s approval of Sweden’s entry into NATO is a betrayal
Interview to Russian NEWS.ru.
Forwarded from United World International
Bayraktars in #Africa: This time against Ukraine
#Türkiye is deepening its cooperation with the #Sahel countries. #Ankara should reflect that in its #Ukraine policy too.
By #MehmetPerinçek
#Türkiye is deepening its cooperation with the #Sahel countries. #Ankara should reflect that in its #Ukraine policy too.
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
Bayraktars in Africa: This time against Ukraine
Türkiye is deepening its cooperation with the Sahel countries. Ankara should reflect that in its Ukraine policy too.