Mehmet Perinçek
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Dr., İstanbul Üniversitesi - Moscow State University Institute of Asian and African Studies
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🇹🇷 Mehmet Perinçek, #MoskovaAntlaşması'nın 100. yılında #Türk-#Sovyet/#Rus ilişkilerini tarihi-güncel boyutlarıyla UWI'ye değerlendirdi.

🇬🇧 The #Turkish Parliament commemorated the centennial anniversary of the #Moscow Treaty. Dr. Perinçek answered UWI’s questions after the panel
#Ankara and #Moscow together will enable peace between #Armenia and #Azerbaijan

On July 9, United World International expert #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani news outlet on the recent developments in the Southern #Caucasus.

We document the interview as published by qazet . az. #Turkey #Russia
#Ankara’s proposal to mediate between #Moscow and #Kiev

United World International expert Dr. #MehmetPerinçek believes that the objective interests of #Turkey and #Russia coincide in the #BlackSea region, in the eastern #Mediterranean, in #Syria and in the South #Caucasus. At the same time, both countries suffer from the #UnitedStates’ aggressive actions.
The #Georgia|n side says that it will not participate in the “3 + 3” platform due #Russia’s presence in the platform, referring to the fact that #Moscow has recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

United World International expert Dr. #MehmetPerinçek: "#Tbilisi will lose a lot if it abandons the “3 + 3” platform." #Caucasus #Azerbaijan #Turkey #Armenia
#Ukraine conflict and Eastern Mediterranean

📌 Small Modular Reactors made in #USA instead of #Russia|n nuclear plant?
📌 “Unified #Cyprus may become a #NATO member”
📌 Unchanged “fundamental reality” in #US-#Turkish relations
📌#Turkey is anxious to break free from hypocritical constraints imposed by the West”
📌 “Press #Ankara to abandon balancing between #Washington and #Moscow

By #YunusSoner
The #Russia|n Federation hosted over 500 participants from more than 130 countries in #Moscow to challenge Western hegemony in the Second Congress of the International Russophile Movement (MIR).

We present the presentation of #ZwelivelileMandlaMandela. Mandela is a member of the South #African National assembly and the grandson of #NelsonMandela. #Africa