#Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Sekreteri, #Rusya devlet başkanı #Putin'in #Donbass'ta #soykırım oluyor sözlerini değerlendirdi. "Soykırım açıkça uluslararası hukukun tanımladığı bir suçtur. Olaylar soykırım olarak uluslararası hukuka uygun nitelendirilmelidir" dedi. #ABD'ye de #Ermeni soykırımı(!) kararı sebebiyle bunu hatırlatmalı!
‘#Türkiye #Ukrayna’dan #Paşinyan çıkarabilir’
#Rusya’nın #Donbass bölgesinin güvenliği için başlattığı askeri harekatın ardından gelişmeleri Dr. Mehmet Perinçek’e sorduk. Perinçek, operasyonun turuncu devrimle kurulan cuntaya karşı olduğuna dikkat çekti.
#Rusya’nın #Donbass bölgesinin güvenliği için başlattığı askeri harekatın ardından gelişmeleri Dr. Mehmet Perinçek’e sorduk. Perinçek, operasyonun turuncu devrimle kurulan cuntaya karşı olduğuna dikkat çekti.
‘Türkiye Ukrayna’dan Paşinyan çıkarabilir’
Rusya’nın Donbass bölgesinin güvenliği için başlattığı askeri harekatın ardından gelişmeleri Dr. Mehmet Perinçek’e sorduk. Perinçek, operasyonun turuncu devrimle kurulan cuntaya karşı olduğuna dikkat çekti.
#Ukrayna, 2014 Maidan Olayları’ndan bu yana #ABD’nin yönlendirdiği neo-Nazilerin gölgesinde. Ukrayna siyasetinde etkin ve sokaklara hâkim olan neo-Naziler, #Kırım ve #Donbass’ta binlerce insanın ölümünden ve yüz binlerce insanın yerinden edilmesinden de sorumlu.
Ulusal Kanal
ABD'nin Ukrayna'daki Nazileri
Ukrayna, 2014 Maidan Olayları’ndan bu yana ABD’nin yönlendirdiği neo-Nazilerin gölgesinde. Ukrayna siyasetinde etkin ve sokaklara hâkim olan neo-Naziler, Kırım ve Donbass’ta binlerce insanın ölümünden ve yüz binlerce insanın yerinden edilmesinden de sorumlu.
Forwarded from United World International
The #Donbass Diaries, Part I: The #Azovstal will be captured within two weeks
📌 #Kiev has targeted journalists and intellectuals
📌 The Ukrainian spy who disguises as a woman
📌 The #Russia|n artillery shells Azovstal
📌 400 Foreign fighters
By #MehmetPerinçek
📌 #Kiev has targeted journalists and intellectuals
📌 The Ukrainian spy who disguises as a woman
📌 The #Russia|n artillery shells Azovstal
📌 400 Foreign fighters
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
The Donbass Diaries, Part I: The Azovstal will be captured within two weeks
Travelling from Donbass to Mariupol.
Forwarded from United World International
#Donbass Diaries Part III: We managed to enter the power plant they called “the Second #Chernobyl”
United World International expert Dr. #MehmetPerincek has been in the conflict area in #Ukraine, where #Russia’s military operation took place, between April 29th and May 1st, at the invitation of the Russian Defense Ministry.
United World International expert Dr. #MehmetPerincek has been in the conflict area in #Ukraine, where #Russia’s military operation took place, between April 29th and May 1st, at the invitation of the Russian Defense Ministry.
United World International
Donbass Diaries Part III: We managed to enter the power plant they called “the Second Chernobyl”
The Grandma with the Soviet flag, the first marriage siche begin of military operation, Western lies about nuclear plant and the actual truth on location..And British citizens formerly fighting in Syria captured and put on trial in Donetsk.
Forwarded from United World International
#Donbass Diaries, Part IV: How will the Russian military operation proceed?
UWI expert Dr. #MehmetPerinçek has been where the Russian military operation took place in #Ukraine, upon invitation from the #Russia|n Defense Ministry.
UWI expert Dr. #MehmetPerinçek has been where the Russian military operation took place in #Ukraine, upon invitation from the #Russia|n Defense Ministry.
United World International
Donbass Diaries, Part IV: How will the Russian military operation proceed?
And where will the “next Mariupol” be?
Forwarded from United World International
The Ground Zero of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict Part 1: The journey to #Donbass
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
https://unitedworldint.com/25472-the-ground-zero-of-the-russo-ukrainian-conflict-part-1/ #Russia #Ukraine
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
https://unitedworldint.com/25472-the-ground-zero-of-the-russo-ukrainian-conflict-part-1/ #Russia #Ukraine
United World International
The Ground Zero of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict Part 1: The journey to Donbass
Forwarded from United World International
Impressions from #Donbass, Pt.1: #Ukrainians who switched to the side of Russia
Fighting on the #Russian side with the aim to liberate #Ukraine.
By #YiğitSaner, #Donbass / #Russia
Fighting on the #Russian side with the aim to liberate #Ukraine.
By #YiğitSaner, #Donbass / #Russia
United World International
Impressions from Donbass, Pt.1: Ukrainians who switched to the side of Russia
Forwarded from United World International
Impressions from #Donbass, Pt. 2: Press conference with #Donetsk People’s Republic’s leader #DenisPushilin
By #YiğitSaner, Donbass / #Russia
https://unitedworldint.com/35998-impressions-from-donbass-pt-2-press-conference-with-donetsk-peoples-republics-leader-denis-pushilin/ #Ukraine
By #YiğitSaner, Donbass / #Russia
https://unitedworldint.com/35998-impressions-from-donbass-pt-2-press-conference-with-donetsk-peoples-republics-leader-denis-pushilin/ #Ukraine
United World International
Impressions from Donbass, Pt. 2: Press conference with Donetsk People’s Republic’s leader Denis Pushilin