Mehmet Perinçek'in yaptırımların kaldırılması ve nükleer faaliyetler üzerine #İran'la yürütülen #Viyana müzakereleriyle ilgili röportajı Farsça olarak da yayınladı.
خبرگزاری مهر | اخبار ایران و جهان | Mehr News Agency
استاد دانشگاه مسکو در گفتگو با مهر: آمریکا اراده سیاسی جدی برای دستیابی به توافق ندارد
استاد دانشگاه مسکو با بیان اینکه ایران از خطوط قرمز خود عقب نشینی نخواهد کرد، گفت: آمریکا اراده سیاسی جدی برای دستیابی به توافق در خصوص موضوع هسته ای ایران ندارد.
🇹🇷 Mehmet Perinçek'in #İran'la yapılan Viyana görüşmelerine dair değerlendirmesi İngilizce olarak yayında.
🇬🇧 The United States does not only use its missiles and bombs as weapons. One of America’s biggest weapons is unilateral economic sanctions.
🇬🇧 The United States does not only use its missiles and bombs as weapons. One of America’s biggest weapons is unilateral economic sanctions.
United World International
The United States does not have the political will to reach an agreement with Iran
UWI expert Perinçek's interview to Iranian MEHR agency on the nuclear talks.
📺 Mehmet Perinçek, #İran devlet kanalı Seher TV'nin Türkçe yayınında #Türk dış politikasını konuştu.
Mehmet Perinçek'in #Ukrayna'daki gelişmelerle ilgili #İran'ın Fars Haber Ajansı'nda yayınlanan demeci.
Mehmet Perinçek, #Ukrayna kriziyle ilgili gelişmeleri #İran'ın Mehr haber ajansına anlattı.
Mehr News Agency
ABD ve Batı, Rusya'nın kendisini savunma hamlesi karşısında aciz kalmıştır
Siyaset bilimci ve yazar Mehmet Perinçek, Ukrayna krizinin ABD'nin tek kutuplu dünya projesini sürdürmek amacıyla ortaya çıkardığı bir kriz olarak nitelendirdi.
Forwarded from United World International
Negative role of #Greece in new Middle Eastern order: Will #Iran leverage #Cyprus against #Athens
📌 Greece’s enmity with Iran: improper but effective
📌 Iran’s response to Greece: The Cyprus case?
By #MasoudSadrmohammadi
📌 Greece’s enmity with Iran: improper but effective
📌 Iran’s response to Greece: The Cyprus case?
By #MasoudSadrmohammadi
United World International
Negative role of Greece in new Middle Eastern order: Will Iran leverage Cyprus against Athens
Despite their conflicts, Iran and Turkey get closer in responding to Greece's activities in West Asia.
Forwarded from United World International
The #Tehran Summit and beyond
📌 Joint decision: The #UnitedStates will be expelled from #Syria
📌 Common stance against separatist and reactionary-fanatic terror
📌 The #Turkish Armed Forces’ operation is necessary
By #MehmetPerinçek #Türkiye #Russia #Iran
📌 Joint decision: The #UnitedStates will be expelled from #Syria
📌 Common stance against separatist and reactionary-fanatic terror
📌 The #Turkish Armed Forces’ operation is necessary
By #MehmetPerinçek #Türkiye #Russia #Iran
United World International
The Tehran Summit and beyond
The revitalization of the Astana Process is presenting important decisions, opportunities and tasks that can beyond the region change the global balances.
Forwarded from United World International
#Syria and #Türkiye can – together with #Iran and #Iraq – eliminate “hypothetical threat of #Kurdish extremism”
Interview with Dr. #NabilToumeh, a Ba’ath party member in the #Syrian People’s Assembly. In parliament since 2016.
Interview with Dr. #NabilToumeh, a Ba’ath party member in the #Syrian People’s Assembly. In parliament since 2016.
United World International
Syria and Türkiye can – together with Iran and Iraq – eliminate “hypothetical threat of Kurdish extremism”
Any meeting between Assad and Erdoğan must be built on a sound basis.
Forwarded from United World International
Political crisis in #Iran and #Azerbaijan
📌 The problem doesn’t lie in the issue itself, but rather in its framing
📌 Classification of influential groups in the relations of the two sides
📌 Will the crisis worsen?
By #MasoudSadrmohammadi
📌 The problem doesn’t lie in the issue itself, but rather in its framing
📌 Classification of influential groups in the relations of the two sides
📌 Will the crisis worsen?
By #MasoudSadrmohammadi
United World International
Political crisis in Iran and Azerbaijan
Causes and the possible future.
📺 ABD'nin bölgede Ermenistan, Gürcistan ve Türkiye ile yaptığı tatbikatları Ulusal Kanal'a değerlendirdim.
🚨 ABD ve Ermenistan Karadeniz'de Tatbikat Krizi! Türkiye'nin Güvenliği Tehlikede! | Mehmet Perinçek
Karadeniz'de Tehdit Artıyor! ABD ve Ermenistan'ın Ortak Tatbikatları Bölgeyi Karıştırıyor. Rusya ve İran'dan Tepkiler Yağarken, Türkiye Milli Savunma Bakanlığı Açıklama Yaptı. Detaylar Haberimizde!
#Karadeniz #ABD #Ermenistan #Tatbikat #Rusya #İran #Türkiye…
#Karadeniz #ABD #Ermenistan #Tatbikat #Rusya #İran #Türkiye…