O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Investitsiyalar, sanoat va savdo vazirligi
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O‘zR Investitsiyalar, sanoat va savdo vazirligining rasmiy kanali


100029, Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi, Toshkent sh., Islom Karimov, 1

Ishonch telefoni: 71-238-50-05
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🇺🇿🇦🇿On July 10 of this year, the 13th meeting of the joint Intergovernmental Commission on Cooperation between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan was held in Bukhara under the chairmanship of Laziz Kudratov, Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Mikayil Jabbarov, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

🟠During the meeting, which was attended by the heads of relevant ministries and departments, industry associations of the two countries, the parties reviewed the current state and prospects for the development of bilateral multifaceted cooperation in priority sectors.

✍️In 2023, the trade turnover between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan increased by 26.5%, reaching $231.6 million. There are 236 enterprises with Azerbaijani capital operating in Uzbekistan, of which 62 are joint ventures and 174 are enterprises with one hundred percent foreign capital. There are 70 Uzbek companies operating in Azerbaijan.

🟠Measures to bring the volume of mutual trade to $1 billion were discussed, worth highlighting among which were: import substitution based on the analysis of sought-after products, regular trade and business missions, exhibitions of national products in major cities on a mutual basis.

🟠Among the promising industries are projects for the production of silk products, the creation of a textile cluster, the construction of an international school, and the organization of food production.
New promising areas for cooperation in the field of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, building materials, energy, petrochemicals, agriculture and tourism were also identified.

🟠Special attention was paid to the diversification of transport corridors and the creation of logistics infrastructure in order to increase the volume of bilateral and transit cargo transportation. Measures for the development of interregional cooperation were discussed in a separate order. Twinning ties have been established between the cities of Gulistan and Fuzuli, Namangan and Mingachevir, Termez and Bilasuvar. Work in this direction continues.

🟠As a result, the Final Minutes of the meeting were adopted, which reflected the agreements reached, identified responsible managers and deadlines for the implementation of the tasks set.
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#newproject  #investment

  Yangi loyiha ishga tushdi

⚫️Buxoro viloyatining  Buxoro shahrida qiymati 32,4 mlrd so'mlik gazlama mato ishlab chiqarishni kengaytirish loyihasi amalga oshirildi.

⚫️Loyiha quvvati yiliga 5,5 mln pgm mahsulotni tashkil qiladi.

⚫️29 ta yangi ish oʻrni yaratildi.

⚫️Loyiha tashabbuskori - “ARK EKO TEKSTIL” MCHJ.
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#newproject #investment

Запущен новый проект

⚫️В г.Бухаре Бухарской области реализован проект по производству полотен из ткани стоимостью 32,4 млрд сумов.

⚫️Мощность проекта составляет 5,5 млн погонных метров продукции в год.

⚫️Создано 29 новых рабочих мест.

⚫️Инициатор проекта - ООО “ARK EKO TEKSTIL”.
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#newproject #investment

A new project has been launched

⚫️A fabric manufacturing project worth 32,4 billion soums has been implemented in the Bukhara city of Bukhara region.

⚫️The project capacity is 5,5 mln metres of production per year.

⚫️29 new jobs have been created.

⚫️The project initiator is ARK EKO TEKSTIL LLC.
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Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев “Indorama Kokand Fertilizers and Chemicals” акциядорлик жамиятининг минерал ўғит корхонаси фаолияти билан танишди.

Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев ознакомился с деятельностью предприятия минеральных удобрений акционерного общества «Indorama Kokand Fertilizers and Chemicals».

#Mirziyoyev #safar #Fargona #kimyo

Давлатимиз раҳбари инвесторлар билан учрашиб, Фарғона вилоятида амалга оширилиши режалаштирилган янги лойиҳалар билан танишди.

Глава государства встретился с инвесторами и ознакомился с новыми проектами, которые планируется реализовать в Ферганской области.

#Mirziyoyev #safar #Fargona #investitsiya

Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев Фарғона вилоятида йирик саноат ва энергетика объектлари фаолиятига ва қурилишига старт берди.

Президент Шавкат Мирзиёев дал старт деятельности и строительству крупных объектов промышленности и энергетики в Ферганской области.

#Mirziyoyev #safar #Fargona #start
