O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Investitsiyalar, sanoat va savdo vazirligi
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100029, Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi, Toshkent sh., Islom Karimov, 1

Ishonch telefoni: 71-238-50-05
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🇺🇿On May 16 of the current year, the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade hosted a roundtable discussion on the topic "Challenges in the Export of Construction Materials".

🟠The event was attended by Minister Laziz Kudratov, staff of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the leadership of the "Uzpromstroymaterialy" Association, as well as heads of about 100 enterprises engaged in the production and export of construction materials from all regions of the country.

🟠During the open dialogue, both systemic and individual problems arising in the process of production and export activities were discussed. In particular, issues related to stimulating the export of products, diversifying external markets, and supporting domestic enterprises were considered.

🟠More than 20 new proposals and initiatives put forward by industry entrepreneurs were analyzed.

🟠As a result of the roundtable, relevant leaders were instructed to create a "Roadmap" to address the problematic issues raised in collaboration with the relevant departments, with specific timelines for their implementation.
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🇺🇿Investisiyalar, sanoat va savdo vazirligi binosida Jahon bankining Elektron tijoratga global kirish imkoniyatini kengaytirish dasturi (EGATE) yetakchi mahalliy va xalqaro ekspertlari ishtirokida Markaziy Osiyo davlatlari ichida ilk bor “Elektron tijorat maydonchalarida jonli efir orqali savdoni yo‘lga qo‘yish” mavzusidagi axborot sessiya o‘tkazildi.

🟠Axborot sessiyada respublika hududlarida faoliyat yurtuvchi 50 nafar eksportchi korxona rahbarlari oflayn va onlayn tarzda ishtirok etdi. Tadbir davomida ekspertlar tomonidan jonli efir boshlovchilari (strimerlar) yordamidan foydalanish, strimerlar hamda ularning o‘ziga xos ustunliklari, jonli efir platformalarida faoliyat olib borayotgan Belarus, Shri-Lanka, Mongoliya va Singapur davlatlari milliy pavilyonlari tajribasi hamda platformalar orqali eksportdagi samarali logistika yechimlari bilan tanishtirildi.

🟠Shuningdek, tadbir doirasoda jonli efir platformalarida Markaziy Osiyo davlatlari ichida birinchi bo‘lib “Made in Uzbekistan” milliy pavilyonini tashkil qilish g‘oyasi ilgari surildi.
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🇺🇿В Министерстве инвестиций, промышленности и торговли при участии ведущих местных и международных экспертов программы Всемирного банка «Глобальный доступ к электронной коммерции» (EGATE), впервые среди стран Центральной Азии прошла информационная сессия «Организация продаж посредством прямого эфира на площадках электронной коммерции».

🟠В офлайн и онлайн режимах приняли участие руководители 50 предприятий-экспортеров. Эксперты ознакомили участников с преимуществом взаимодействия с ведущими – стримерами, поделились опытом работы национальных павильонов Беларуси, Шри-Ланки, Монголии и Сингапура, работающих на площадках с прямыми трансляциями, а также эффективными логистическими решениями для экспорта посредством таких платформ.

🟠В ходе мероприятия была выдвинута идея организации национального павильона «Made in Uzbekistan» на площадках прямых трансляций. Данный опыт станет первым среди стран региона.
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🇺🇿At the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade, with the participation of leading local and international experts from the World Bank's "Global Access to E-commerce" (EGATE) program, an informational session "Organizing Sales through Live Broadcasting on E-commerce Platforms" was held for the first time among Central Asian countries.

🟠The informational session was attended both offline and online by the heads of 50 exporting enterprises operating within the republic. Entrepreneurs received valuable information on organizing successful trading through live broadcasts on e-commerce platforms. In particular, experts acquainted participants with the advantages of interacting with leading streamers, shared the experience of national pavilions from Belarus, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, and Singapore, which operate on platforms with live broadcasts, as well as effective logistical solutions for exporting through such platforms.

🟠During the event, the idea of organizing a national pavilion "Made in Uzbekistan" on live broadcast platforms was proposed for the first time among Central Asian countries.
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📱Joriy yilning 16-may kuni investitsiyalar, sanoat va savdo vaziri Laziz Kudratov Malayziyaning "Khazanah Nasional" jamg‘armasi, (EPF) Employees Provident Fund Malayziya Pensiya jamg‘armasi va "Petronas" kompaniyasi rahbarlari bilan videokonferensaloqa orqali uchrashdi.

🟠Muzokaralarda bank, moliya, energetika va kimyo sohalarida investitsiya loyihalarini birgalikda amalga oshirish istiqbollari muhokama qilindi.
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📱16 мая текущего года, министр инвестиций, промышленности и торговли, Лазиз Кудратов в режиме видеоконференцсвязи провел встречи с руководителями таких малазийских фондов, как Khazanah Nasional, Пенсионный фонд Малайзии Employees Provident Fund (EPF) а также компании Petronas.

🟠Обсуждены перспективы совместной реализации инвестиционных проектов в банковско-финансовой, энергетической и химической сферах.
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📱 On May 16 this year, the Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade, Laziz Kudratov held online meetings with the heads of such Malaysian funds as Khazanah Nasional, Malaysian Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and Petronas company.

🟠The prospects of joint realization of investment projects in banking and finance, energy and chemical spheres were discussed.
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🇺🇿🇦🇿Joriy yilning 21-may kuni Ozarbayjon Respublikasining Guba shahrida II Ozarbayjon – O‘zbekiston hududlararo forumi bo‘lib o‘tadi.

Forumda ishtirok etish istagida bo'lganlar quyidagi havola orqali ariza yuborishlari mumkin: https://forms.gle/3oVgjwU8gqgdn98E8
🇺🇿🇦🇿21 мая этого года в г.Губа Азербайджанской Республики состоится II Межрегиональный Форум Азербайджан - Узбекистан.

Желающие принять участие в Форуме могут подать заявку по ссылке: https://forms.gle/39apBp71PoUKH1Er7
🇺🇿🇦🇿II Interregional Forum Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan will be held on May 21 this year in Guba, Republic of Azerbaijan.

Those wishing to participate in the Forum can apply at the link: https://forms.gle/6McgvcEoFz8LfVHB9
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