O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Investitsiyalar, sanoat va savdo vazirligi
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100029, Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi, Toshkent sh., Islom Karimov, 1

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🇺🇿At the meeting held on the eve of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Laziz Kudratov, Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Ahmed Kuchuk, Minister of Finance of Egypt, focused on the development of trade, economic and investment cooperation between the two countries.

✍️ The trade turnover from January to August 2024 saw a 20% increase compared to the previous year. The collaborative investment portfolio boasts 18 diverse sector projects worth over $1.5 billion, with contributions from companies like Elsewedy Electric, Orascom Investment, Orascom Construction, Gulf Data Hub, Nile Sugar, Solyphar, and Elaraby Group.

🟠The meeting underscored the importance of leveraging all existing resources and opportunities to boost mutual trade volumes. A consensus was reached to establish a joint working group dedicated to conducting a thorough analysis and formulating targeted proposals to enhance bilateral trade.

🟠The discussions also pinpointed key priorities, such as fostering cooperation between financial and banking institutions and actively engaging Egyptian companies in Uzbekistan's new privatization initiatives and substantial public-private partnership projects across sectors like infrastructure, education, and healthcare.

🟠Concluding the talks, both parties reaffirmed their commitment to advancing their cooperative relationship and arranged for the subsequent session of the Intergovernmental Commission on trade-economic and scientific-technical cooperation between Uzbekistan and Egypt to take place in Samarkand before the end of the current year.
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🇺🇿25-26-sentabr kunlari Samarqand shahrida Osiyo infratuzilmaviy investitsiyalar banki Boshqaruvchilar kengashining Yillik yig‘ilishi bo‘lib o‘tadi. Tadbir arafasida Samarqandga OIIBga aʼzo bo‘lgan 100 dan ortiq davlatdan yuqori martabali mehmonlar kelishi davom etmoqda.

🟠Tadbir arafasida O‘zbekiston Respublikasi investitsiyalar, sanoat va savdo vaziri Laziz Kudratov Hindiston Respublikasi Moliya va korporativ aloqalar vaziri Sitharaman Nirmala bilan muzokaralar o‘tkazdi.

🟠Suhbat chog‘ida Hindiston bilan savdo-iqtisodiy va sarmoyaviy hamkorlikning bugungi holati va istiqbollari muhokama qilindi.

✍️Oxirgi besh yil ichida o‘zaro tovar ayirboshlash hajmi ikki barobarga oshib, 2023-yil oxiriga kelib 756 million dollarni tashkil etdi. Yil boshidan esa yana 30 foizga o'sish kuzatildi. 2019-yildan buyon qo‘shma korxonalar soni qariyb 2,5 barobar oshib, 317 taga yetdi. Shu yil boshidan mamlakatimizda Hindiston kapitali ishtirokida 51 yangi korxona ishga tushirildi.

🟠Tomonlar O‘zbekistonda yetishtirilayotgan 6 ta qo‘shimcha turdagi qishloq xo‘jaligi mahsulotlariga fitosanitariya ruxsatnomalarini olish jarayonini faollashtirish, ijtimoiy loyihalarni moliyalashtirish uchun Hindiston Eksimbankining imtiyozli kreditlarini jalb qilish bo‘yicha bir qator o‘zaro chora-tadbirlarga kelishib oldilar.

🟠Axborot texnologiyalari, farmatsevtika, tibbiyot, yengil sanoat va ta’lim sohalarida Hindistonning yirik kompaniyalarini O‘zbekistonga jalb etish istiqbollari alohida muhokama qilindi.

🟠Uchrashuv yakunlari bo‘yicha tomonlar Hukumatlararo qo‘shma komissiyaning navbatdagi yig‘ilishini o‘tkazish muddatlarini kelishib oldilar, unda barcha muhokama qilingan loyiha va tashabbuslarni amalga oshirishni nazarda tutuvchi “Qo‘shma dastur”ni imzolash rejalashtirilgan.
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🇺🇿25-26 сентября в Самарканде пройдёт Ежегодное заседание Совета управляющих Азиатского банка инфраструктурных инвестиций. В преддверии мероприятия в Самарканд продолжают прибывать высокопоставленные гости из более чем 100 стран – участниц АИИБ.

🟠Накануне мероприятия министр инвестиций, промышленности и торговли Республики Узбекистан Лазиз Кудратов провёл переговоры с министром финансов и корпоративных связей Республики Индия Ситхараманом Нирмалой.

🟠В ходе беседы были рассмотрены текущее состояние и перспективы наращивания торгово-экономического и инвестиционного партнёрства с Индией.

✍️ За последние пять лет объем взаимной торговли увеличился вдвое до 756 миллионов долларов по итогам 2023 года. С начала года отмечен рост ещё на 30%. С 2019 года количество совместных предприятий выросло почти в 2,5 раза до 317 единиц. Только с начала года в нашей стране открыто 51 новое предприятие с участием индийского капитала.

🟠Стороны согласовали ряд взаимных мер по активизации процесса получения фитосанитарных разрешений на 6 дополнительных видов сельскохозяйственной продукции, выращиваемой в Узбекистане, привлечение льготных кредитов индийского «Эксимбанка» для финансирования социальных проектов.

🟠В отдельном порядке рассмотрены перспективы привлечения в Узбекистан крупных индийских компаний в сферы информационных технологий, фармацевтики, медицины, легкой промышленности и образования.

🟠По итогам встречи стороны согласовали сроки проведения очередного заседания Межправительственной совместной комиссии, на которой планируется подписание «Совместной программы», предусматривающей реализацию всех обсужденных проектов и инициатив.
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🇺🇿The Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will be held in Samarkand on September 25-26. On the eve of the event, high–ranking guests from more than 100 AIIB member countries continue to arrive in Samarkand.

🟠On the eve of the event, Laziz Kudratov, Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, held talks with Sitharaman Nirmala, Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs of the Republic of India.

🟠During the conversation, the current state and prospects of building up trade, economic and investment partnership with India were discussed.

✍️ Over the past five years, the volume of mutual trade has doubled to $756 million by the end of 2023. Since the beginning of the year, there has been an increase of another 30%. Since 2019, the number of joint ventures has grown almost 2.5 times to 317 units. Since the beginning of the year alone, 51 new enterprises with the participation of Indian capital have been launched in our country.

🟠The parties agreed on a number of mutual measures to intensify the process of obtaining phytosanitary permits for 6 additional types of agricultural products grown in Uzbekistan, attracting preferential loans from the Indian Eximbank to finance social projects.

🟠In a separate order, the prospects of attracting large Indian companies to Uzbekistan in the fields of information technology, pharmaceuticals, medicine, light industry and education were considered.

🟠Following the meeting, the parties agreed on the dates of the next meeting of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission, at which signing of a "Joint Program" is planned providing for the implementation of all discussed projects and initiatives.
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#AIIB Annual meeting 2024 #Dastur #Agenda #25th_September

🟠"Farovon kelajak uchun uchun yo‘llarni yaxshilshga investitsiyalar kiritish" sessiyasi
Zal: Diamond
Vaqt: 9:30-10:45 AM
Jonli efirni tomosha qiling: YouTube

🟠 "Investing in Resilient Roads for a Better Tomorrow" Session:
Venue: Diamond
Time: 9:30-10:45 AM
Join Live broadcasting: YouTube
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#AIIB Annual meeting 2024 #Dastur #Agenda #25th_September

🟠"Flagman seminar: Osiyo va Global miqyosda Mustahkam Aloqalarni Rivojlantirish" sessiyasi
Zal: Diamond
Vaqt: 11:15-12:30 AM
Jonli efirni tomosha qiling: YouTube

🟠 "Flagship Seminar: Promoting Resilient Connectivity in Asia and Beyond" Session:
Venue: Diamond
Time: 11:15-12:30 AM
Join Live broadcasting: YouTube
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