O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Investitsiyalar, sanoat va savdo vazirligi
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🇺🇿Laziz Kudratov, Minister of Investment, Industry, and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, held a meeting with Helaina Matza, Acting Special Coordinator for the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment of the United States.

🟠During their discussion, the two parties focused on the crucial matter of attracting private financing for various projects related to the development of transportation infrastructure, geology, and digitalization.

✍️This initiative was initially proposed by the United States during the G7 summit in June 2022, with the ultimate objective of mobilizing investments to support the advancement of high-quality infrastructure in developing nations.

🟠Under this initiative, the United States has committed to allocating up to $200 billion over the course of five years through grants, federal financing, and the engagement of private sector investments. Additionally, G7 countries have pledged to contribute up to $600 billion. Notably, the implementation of this initiative involves the active participation of esteemed institutions such as the World Bank, as well as renowned private investment companies like BlackRock, Brookfield, and Global Infrastructure Partners.

🟠Furthermore, the meeting facilitated a constructive exchange of views on a wide range of current issues pertaining to bilateral cooperation, including the investment sector and the effective execution of joint initiatives.

🟠As a result of this meeting, both parties reaffirmed their unwavering commitment to further deepen and expand cooperation across all discussed areas of bilateral interaction.
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🇺🇿🇷🇺Joriy yilning 15-iyul kuni Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi hukumat delegatsiyasining Checheniston Respublikasiga tashrifi doirasida investitsiyalar, sanoat va savdo vaziri Laziz Kudratov Grozniy shahrida bo'lib o'tgan 1-Kavkaz investitsiya forumida ishtirok etdi.

🟠“Katta Kavkaz: dengizdan dengizgacha” deb nomlangan plenar sessiyasida ma’ruzachi sifatida so‘zga chiqqan Laziz Kudratov ikki davlat rahbarlari tomonidan o‘zaro savdo hajmini 30 milliard dollarga yetkazish bo‘yicha qo‘yilgan vazifani bajarish uchun O‘zbekiston va Rossiya o‘rtasidagi hududlararo hamkorlikni rivojlantirish muhimligini ta’kidladi.

✍️ Rossiya Federatsiyasi O‘zbekistonning asosiy savdo-iqtisodiy hamkorlaridan biridir. Oxirgi 7 yilda O‘zbekistonning Rossiya bilan tovar ayirboshlash hajmi 2,5 barobar o‘sdi va 2023-yil yakuniga ko‘ra qariyb 10 milliard dollarga yetdi. Asosiysi, o‘zaro yetkazib berilayotgan tovarlar tarkibi yuqori qo‘shilgan qiymatga ega mahsulotlar hisobiga sifat jihatidan o‘zgarmoqda.

🟠Shuningdek, munosabatlarni rivojlantirishning ustuvor yoʻnalishlari qatorida sanoat kooperatsiyasini chuqurlashtirish uchun yangi qoʻshma sanoat zonalarini tashkil etish, qoʻshma moliyalashtirish vositalarini shakllantirish, turizmni rivojlantirish, qishloq xoʻjaligi va madaniy-gumanitar sohalardagi hamkorlikni kengaytirish ham belgilandi.

🟠Bu borada ikki davlat prezidentlari raisligidagi Oʻzbekiston va Rossiya hududlari kengashining ahamiyati katta. O‘zbekiston-Rossiya keng qamrovli strategik sheriklik va ittifoqchilik ruhida ushbu hududlararo hamkorlik platformasi imkoniyatlarini yanada oshirish bo‘yicha kompleks chora-tadbirlarni ko‘rish muhimligi ta’kidlandi.

🟠Ma'ruzachi Rossiya hududlari va Rossiya biznesi vakillarini O'zbekistonda yaratilgan imkoniyatlardan unumli foydalanib o'zaro manfaatli yangi loyiha va tashabbuslarni muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirishga chaqirdi.
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🇺🇿🇷🇺15 июля этого года в рамках визита правительственной делегации Республики Узбекистан в Чеченскую Республику, министр инвестиций, промышленности и торговли Лазиз Кудратов принял участие в работе прошедшего в г.Грозный I-го Кавказского инвестиционного форума.

🟠Выступая в качестве спикера на главной пленарной сессии «Большой Кавказ: от моря до моря», Лазиз Кудратов подчеркнул важность развития межрегионального сотрудничества между Узбекистаном и Россией в целях достижения поставленной Главами двух государств задачи по доведению торгового оборота до $30 млрд.

✍️ Российская Федерация является одним из ключевых торгово-экономических партнёров Узбекистана. За последние 7 лет товарооборот Узбекистан с Россией вырос в 2,5 раза и по итогам 2023 г. достиг почти $10 млрд. Главное, при этом качественно меняется структура взаимных поставок, прежде всего за счёт продукции с высокой добавленной стоимостью.

🟠Среди приоритетных направлений развития партнёрства также обозначены создание новых совместных индустриальных зон для углубления промышленной кооперации, наращивание инструментариев совместного финансирования, развитие туризма, расширение сотрудничества в области сельского хозяйства и культурно-гуманитарной сфере.

🟠Большую роль в этой работе отводится Совету регионов Узбекистана и России под председательством Президентов двух государств. Подчёркнута критическая важность принятия комплексных мер для дальнейшего наращивания возможностей данной платформы межрегионального взаимодействия в духе узбекско-российского всеобъемлющего стратегического партнёрства и союзничества.

🟠Спикер призвал представителей регионов России и российского бизнеса воспользоваться созданными в Узбекистане уникальными возможностями для успешной реализации новых взаимовыгодных проектов и инициатив.
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🇺🇿🇷🇺On July 15 of this year, as part of the visit of the government delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Chechen Republic, Laziz Kudratov, Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade, took part in the work of the first Caucasian Investment Forum held in Grozny.

🟠Speaking at the main plenary session "The Greater Caucasus: from Sea to Sea", Laziz Kudratov stressed the importance of developing interregional cooperation between Uzbekistan and Russia in order to achieve the task set by the Heads of the two States to bring trade turnover to $30 billion.

✍️The Russian Federation is one of the key trade and economic partners of Uzbekistan. Over the past 7 years, Uzbekistan's trade turnover with Russia has grown 2.5 times and reached almost $10 billion by the end of 2023. The important aspect of the change is that the structure of mutual supplies is improving in quality, due primarily to products with high added value.

🟠Creation of new joint industrial zones for deepening industrial cooperation, building up tools for joint financing, developing tourism, expanding cooperation in the field of agriculture and the cultural and humanitarian areas were identified as the priority areas for partnership development.

🟠A major role in this work is assigned to the Council of Regions of Uzbekistan and Russia, chaired by the Presidents of the two states. The critical importance of taking comprehensive measures to further enhance the capabilities of this platform for interregional cooperation in the spirit of the Uzbek-Russian comprehensive strategic partnership and alliance was emphasized.

🟠The speaker called on representatives of the regions of Russia and Russian business to take advantage of the unique opportunities created in Uzbekistan for the successful implementation of new mutually beneficial projects and initiatives.
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