Xalqaro investitsiya forumiga qiziqish yil sayin ortib bormoqda. Xususan, joriy yilda tadbirda 93 davlatdan 2,5 mingga yaqin delegat qatnashdi. Forumning birinchi kunida yirik kompaniyalar, jumladan, Masdar, Nile Sugar, Almar water solution va boshqa kompaniyalar bilan o‘ndan ortiq sarmoyaviy kelishuvlar imzolandi.
Интерес к Международному инвестиционному форуму с каждым годом растет. В частности, в этом году мероприятие собрало порядка 2,5 тысяч делегатов из 93 стран. В первый день форума было подписано более десяти инвестиционных соглашений с крупными компаниями, среди которых Masdar, Nile Sugar, Almar water solution и другие.
Interest in the International Investment Forum is growing every year. In particular, this year the event gathered about 2.5 thousand delegates from 93 countries. On the first day of the forum, more than ten investment agreements were signed with major companies, including Masdar, Nile Sugar, Almar water solution and others.
Интерес к Международному инвестиционному форуму с каждым годом растет. В частности, в этом году мероприятие собрало порядка 2,5 тысяч делегатов из 93 стран. В первый день форума было подписано более десяти инвестиционных соглашений с крупными компаниями, среди которых Masdar, Nile Sugar, Almar water solution и другие.
Interest in the International Investment Forum is growing every year. In particular, this year the event gathered about 2.5 thousand delegates from 93 countries. On the first day of the forum, more than ten investment agreements were signed with major companies, including Masdar, Nile Sugar, Almar water solution and others.
Toshkent xalqaro investitsiya forumining birinchi kuni muvaffaqiyatli yakunlandi. Tadbir yetakchi xalqaro va mahalliy investorlar, davlat xizmatchilari va biznes hamjamiyat vakillari orasidagi izchil va mazmunli muloqot ohangini belgilab berdi.
The first day of the Tashkent International Investment Forum has been successfully completed. The event set the tone for an intensive and meaningful dialog between leading international and local investors, government officials and representatives of the business community.
Первый день Ташкентского международного инвестиционного форума успешно завершен. Мероприятие задало тон для интенсивного и содержательного диалога между ведущими международными и местными инвесторами, государственными служащими и представителями бизнес-сообщества.
The first day of the Tashkent International Investment Forum has been successfully completed. The event set the tone for an intensive and meaningful dialog between leading international and local investors, government officials and representatives of the business community.
Первый день Ташкентского международного инвестиционного форума успешно завершен. Мероприятие задало тон для интенсивного и содержательного диалога между ведущими международными и местными инвесторами, государственными служащими и представителями бизнес-сообщества.
#TIIF2024 #Agenda #3rd_May
Panel Session: Residence by investment: challenges and opportunities
Venue: Hall 8
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Join Live broadcasting: YouTube
Panel Session: Residence by investment: challenges and opportunities
Venue: Hall 8
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Join Live broadcasting: YouTube
#TIIF2024 #Agenda #3rd_May
Panel Session: Unleashing SME investment and development opportunities in Uzbekistan organized by World Bank
Venue: Hall 10
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Join Live broadcasting: YouTube
Panel Session: Unleashing SME investment and development opportunities in Uzbekistan organized by World Bank
Venue: Hall 10
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Join Live broadcasting: YouTube
#TIIF2024 #Agenda #3rd_May
Panel Session: Youth in business: inspiration, innovation, success
Venue: Hall 2
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Join Live broadcasting: YouTube
Panel Session: Youth in business: inspiration, innovation, success
Venue: Hall 2
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Join Live broadcasting: YouTube
#TIIF2024 #Agenda #3rd_May
Round Table: Integrated urban planning: quality investments, environment and comfort for people
Venue: Hall Ballroom
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Join Live broadcasting: YouTube
Round Table: Integrated urban planning: quality investments, environment and comfort for people
Venue: Hall Ballroom
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Join Live broadcasting: YouTube
Media is too big
📹III Toshkent xalqaro investitsiya forumidan lavhalar. (2024-yil 2-may). Tadbirning 1-kuni.
📹Видеоотчёт с III Ташкентского международного инвестиционного форума (2 мая 2024 года). День первый.
📹Video report from the III Tashkent International Investment Forum (May 2, 2024). First day.
📹Видеоотчёт с III Ташкентского международного инвестиционного форума (2 мая 2024 года). День первый.
📹Video report from the III Tashkent International Investment Forum (May 2, 2024). First day.
#TIIF2024 #Agenda #3rd_May
Round Table: Connectivity: revitalization of the Great Silk Road
Venue: Hall Ballroom
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Join Live broadcasting: YouTube
Round Table: Connectivity: revitalization of the Great Silk Road
Venue: Hall Ballroom
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Join Live broadcasting: YouTube