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🇷🇺🇺🇸Ответ Посла А.И.Антонова на вопрос СМИ:
: Уважаемый Анатолий Иванович, как Вы прокомментируете введение 2 августа очередных санкций в отношении российских граждан и организаций?
💬 А.И.#Антонов: Раскрученная Вашингтоном "санкционная машина" продолжает "штамповать" ограничения против отечественного бизнеса в попытке вытеснить Россию с мировых рынков. Занять освободившиеся позиции за счет банального шантажа, а не справедливой конкуренции. Причем многие санкции дублируются. Видимо, бюрократия придумать что-либо новенькое уже не может.
🔹Вопросы возникают к объявленным мерам против российских предпринимателей и компаний, связанных с производством металлопродукции и удобрений. Несмотря на многочисленные заверения минфина США о выведении подобных товаров, прежде всего агросырья, из-под рестрикций, банки, страховщики и транспортно-логистические фирмы отказываются от работы с отечественными предприятиями. Подтверждение законности подобных сделок со стороны международных организаций не всегда помогает.
🔹Подобное «усердие» американских властей дополнительно расшатывает глобальные рынки, и без того страдающие от значительных нарушений цепочек поставок. Отсюда - риски дальнейшего роста цен и возникновения проблем с получением необходимой продукции. Наибольший ущерб будет нанесен развивающимся странам.
🔹Как бы ни старались наши оппоненты, изолировать Россию не получится. Мы зарекомендовали себя в качестве ответственного, надежного поставщика, заинтересованного в поддержании крепких взаимовыгодных торговых связей с зарубежными партнерами.
🇷🇺🇺🇸Ambassador Anatoly Antonov's answer to a media question:
: Dear Ambassador, how would you comment on the imposition of the new sanctions against Russian citizens and organizations on August 2?
💬 Anatoly #Antonov: The "sanctions machine" initiated by Washington continues to "stamp out" restrictions against Russian business in an attempt to crowd Russia out from global markets. To take the vacant positions at the expense of banal blackmail, and not fair competition. Moreover, many sanctions are duplicated. Apparently, the bureaucracy can't come up with anything new anymore.
🔹Questions arise about the announced measures against Russian entrepreneurs and companies associated with the production of metal products and fertilizers. Despite numerous assurances from the US Treasury Department about the withdrawal of such goods, primarily agricultural raw materials, from restrictions, banks, insurers as well as transport and logistics firms refuse to work with Russian enterprises. Confirmation of the legality of such transactions by international organizations does not always help.
🔹Such "diligence" of the American authorities further undermines global markets, which are already suffering from significant supply chain disruptions. Hence the risks of further price increases and problems with obtaining the necessary products. The most painful damage will be inflicted on developing countries.
🔹No matter how hard our opponents try, it will not work to isolate Russia. We have established ourselves as a responsible, reliable supplier interested in maintaining strong mutually beneficial trade relations with foreign partners.
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🇷🇺🇲🇲 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov holds talks with Foreign Minister of Myanmar Wunna Maung Lwin

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🇷🇺🇲🇲 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov participated in the signing ceremony of the Plan of Russian-Myanmar interministerial consultations for 2022-2024

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🇷🇺🇲🇲 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov meets with the Chairman of the State Administration Council, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing

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The Moscow-based Victory Museum presents an online multimedia exhibition "Auschwitz. The Truth."

This online project was created to preserve the permanent exhibition "Tragedy. Courage. Liberation", that, until recently, was on display at the "Auschwitz-Birkenau" Museum in Poland.

Its first sections are devoted to the tragedy of Soviet prisoners of war, prisoners of camps. The exhibition follows the chronological order, telling how the first PoWs entered the camp, how they were used by the Nazis as lab rats to test the deadly Cyclone B gas. There is a section on underground resistance. A large portion of the exhibition tells about the Red Army's liberation of this horrifying concentration camp - materials, photos, witness testimonies, memoirs and personal items.

👉 Visit the virtual exhibition & learn more about Auschwitz

An extensive video collection is available for free in 3 languages - Russian, Polish and English - includes a film on the liberation of Auschwitz.
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✍️ Article by Director of the Foreign Policy Planning Department Alexey Drobinin for the International Affairs magazine

👉 https://telegra.ph/The-lessons-of-history-and-vision-for-the-future-Thoughts-on-Russias-foreign-policy-08-03

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Russia can be either strong or perish – the latest developments have proven in all clarity the accuracy of this axiomatic statement. Sanctions, military, media and political pressures and attempts to cut us from the global markets and deprive us of technology are effective only as long as we stay within a matrix shaped by those who are hostile to us. Russia’s policy to reinforce its national sovereignty in recent years has proven to be incompatible with its involvement in global processes on someone else’s terms or as a member of Western-centric structures such as the Group of Eight, which Russia left for good back in 2014. Injecting more sovereignty across the board, including in the world of ideas, politics, culture, research, economics, finance and other spheres while remaining open to broad mutually enriching equitable international cooperation can well place Russia on the path to steady development and secure the place it deserves in the multipolar world order. <...>

It is high time for Russia to go back to its roots and to realise that it forms a historical core of a civilisation with a unique identity and is, in fact, the largest Eurasian and Euro-Pacific power and one of the world’s most powerful geopolitical centres.

The special military operation creates ample opportunities for reclaiming this identity. Russians, Chechens, Avars, Tatars, Yakuts, Tuvans and members of other indigenous peoples are all fighting within a multi-ethnic and multi-faith Russian army against the troops of Kiev’s puppet regime, which has put its stakes on a retrograde policy of radical nationalism and an unconditional and humiliating subordination to its foreign masters. Cossacks and Chechens had been adversaries for a long time, but now they worked together to liberate Lisichansk and call each other comrades in arms. A Chechen commander received a Cossack military award. This is something that deserves some thought. It emerges that efforts to promote an interethnic unity and traditional values generate creative energies, while relying on a falsified vision of history and illusions about the future is unnatural, paving the way to domestic instability and aggression against dissenters.

Of course, going back to one’s roots would be impossible without mobilising the state and society on the ideological front. This is another essential prerequisite for an effective foreign policy as we move away from our dependency on the West in all its forms and manifestations. Prominent Russian researchers have been making this point as they presaged many of the issues that emerged at the current historical stage. Ivan Solonevich wrote back in 1951 that the unique nature of the Russian civilisation can be defined as a “singular national state and cultural whole that is clearly distinct from both Europe and Asia.” In 1993, Vadim Tsymbursky referred to Russia as a “special ethnic and civilisational platform.” Alexander Zinoviev wrote in 2003 that Europe was the Western tip of the Eurasian continent saying: “The prosperous West that Russia is dreaming of is but a small island in the ocean of filth and suffering.”

History has chosen Russia as a force poised to accelerate the transition to a new world order through its persistence and steady resolve to achieve truth and justice for all. Not only Russia’s foreign policy positions but the stability of the entire system of international relations hinge on our ability to play a unifying role and create a cross-civilisational network of priority partners within the next decade.
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🎙 Statement by Mr. Igor Vishnevetskii, Deputy Head of the Russian Delegation at the 10th #NPT Review Conference

💬 The confidence of the NPT states parties in IAEA safeguards is a key factor in the sustainability of the entire nuclear non-proliferation system.

We believe that the basic principles of the IAEA safeguards system should remain:

technical objectivity,
consistency with the safeguards agreements concluded between states and the IAEA.

☝️ The presumption of innocence and respect for sovereignty remain legitimate rights of all NPT states parties, and the application of safeguards should take this fully into account.

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🎙 FM Sergey #Lavrov’s opening remarks during talks with Foreign Minister of the Republic of the Union of #Myanmar Wunna Maung Lwin

We appreciate the traditionally friendly and trust-based nature of our partnership, which is immune to the influence of time-serving foreign policy considerations.

Despite the pandemic, our trade grew by 20 percent in 2021 and by 50 percent in the first six months of 2022, year on year.

We have developed close ties in education and the training of personnel. Over 7,000 Myanmar citizens have been given an opportunity to receive a higher education in Russia.

We have close or similar positions on the majority of current global and regional issues and are closely coordinating our efforts at the UN and other multilateral platforms.

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🇷🇺🇹🇷 FMs Sergey #Lavrov & Mevlut Cavusoglu met on the sidelines of the #ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting.

👉 The Ministers had an in-depth discussion of the international and regional agenda, above all the developments in Ukraine. They reviewed progress in implementing the package agreements on transporting Ukrainian grain from the Black Sea ports and promoting Russian exports of food and fertiliser signed on July 22 in Istanbul. The discussion also covered the Syrian settlement process.

The ministers considered at length topical issues and prospects for Russian-Turkish cooperation, primarily in the trade and economic sphere, in the context of preparations for the upcoming highest-level contacts.

🔗 https://is.gd/YsCipf

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🇷🇺🇰🇭 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov and Prime Minister of Cambodia Hun Sen held a meeting in Phnom Penh.

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🎙 Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov’s interview with Rossiya Segodnya on the third session of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies 2021-2025

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💬 We insisted on including Russia’s proposal to create a list of contact points for all UN member states in the OEWG report in order to establish feedback between the action agencies, to exchange information about computer incidents, and to overcome differences.

❗️One of the alarming stories is the Western countries’ plan to impose on everyone the reporting mechanisms for compliance with the norms of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace, which have not been agreed upon by the international community. The idea appears to be good, but clearly premature, because these rules are voluntary and non-binding.
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💬 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks at a meeting with Chairman of the State Administrative Council and Prime Minister of the Provisional Government of Myanmar Min Aung Hlaing, Nay Pyi Taw, August 3, 2022

🤝 We always talk as good friends and strategic partners. Our colleagues fully understand this.

🇷🇺🇲🇲 Our ties are becoming more intensive. We expect to see a military delegation from Myanmar at the International Security Conference, the International Army Games and the Army-2022 International Forum in August.
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🇷🇺🇲🇲 Press release on Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s visit to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

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On August 3, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey #Lavrov visited the Republic of the Union of #Myanmar where he was received by the Chairman of the State Administrative Council, Prime Minister of the Provisional Government, Min Aung Hlaing. He also held talks with Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin.

Sergey Lavrov and Min Aung Hlaing had an in-depth discussion of the geopolitical situation that is emerging against the background of the unprecedented sanctions campaign unleashed by the collective West both against Russia and against Myanmar.

The meetings in Nay Pyi Taw were held in a constructive and friendly atmosphere, traditional for relations between the two countries, which in 2023 will mark 75 years since being established.