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⚡️ Брифинг начальника войск радиационной, химической и биологической защиты ВС РФ генерал-лейтенанта Игоря Кириллова по военно-биологической деятельности США на территории Украины и других стран.

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Основные тезисы:

• Госдепартаментом США была развернута активная информационно-пропагандистская кампания по нейтрализации выдвигаемых Россией обвинений в нарушении американскими военными биологами положений Конвенции о запрещении биологического и токсинного оружия.

• Американские военные специалисты успешно владеют методиками адаптации и выращивания переносчиков, собранных в местах их естественного обитания. Разработанные ими способы позволяют в лабораторных условиях получать комаров и клещей, инфицированных арбовирусами.

• Работа американских военных биологов направлена на формирование «искусственно управляемых эпидемий» и не контролируется в рамках КБТО и механизма Генерального секретаря ООН по расследованию фактов применения биологического оружия.

• Из семи военно-биологических лабораторий ВМФ США (НАМРУ) три находятся за пределами Соединенных Штатов: в Италии, Камбодже и Перу. Организация их работы базируется на создании взаимосвязанной системы филиалов и представительств, расположенных в районах с неблагополучной эпидобстановкой.

• Военно-биологическое подразделение ВМФ в Италии поддерживает три стратегических командования США – Центральное, Европейское и Африканское, а его основной задачей является цитата: «…изучение, мониторинг и обнаружение заболеваний, имеющих военное значение…».
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🎬 Расследование Скотта Риттера. «Агент Зеленский» (1 серия)

Бывший американский морпех-разведчик, военный аналитик Скотт Риттер в своём документальном фильме раскрывает подробности становления неонацистского режима В.Зеленского на Украине и создание силами западных пиарщиков его образа «непогрешимого героя».

Показанные в расследовании различные документы и выступления экспертов из числа бывших сотрудников западных спецслужб позволяют иначе взглянуть на фигуру В.Зеленского. Прежде всего как на человека, который отказался от своих обещаний мирного урегулирования конфликта в Донбассе.

Первая серия фильма-расследования представляет факты и свидетельства, проливающие свет на подноготную восхождения к власти В.Зеленского.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 On July 18, 1909, a great statesman and outstanding Soviet diplomat, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Andrey Gromyko was born.

In 1936, he defended his PhD thesis on US agriculture and soon became a senior research associate at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

💼 Gromyko began his diplomatic career in 1939, he was selected by a party Central Committee commission to work in the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and was appointed to head the department of American countries.

In late 1939, he became an advisor to the USSR Embassy in the United States. In 1943, he headed the Soviet Embassy in the US. In this position, Gromyko was deeply involved in preparations for the Tehran, Potsdam and Yalta conferences of the allied heads of state. It was Gromyko who signed the UN Charter on behalf of the USSR on June 26, 1945. In 1946, he became the first Soviet diplomat to be appointed USSR Permanent Representative to the UN.

In 1957, Andrey Gromyko took over the Foreign Ministry – a position he went on to hold without interruption for 28 years.

Gromyko was involved in drafting many key agreements on security and strategic stability, which reduced global tensions.
☝️#InterestingFact: In the West, Gromyko was nicknamed “Mr Nyet” for his unyielding position on important issues involving national interests. Gromyko commented on his nickname: They heard my ‘nyet’ much less often than I heard their ‘no’ because we made many more proposals.

🕯️ He died on July 2, 1989, and was buried in Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Andrey Gromyko was one of the most widely respected world diplomats and a symbol of Soviet foreign policy. Owing to his talent, his incredible flexibility coupled with his steeliness in upholding the interests of the Fatherland, our country occupied one of the strongest positions in its entire history.
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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 On July 18, FM Sergey Lavrov attended a working lunch with the heads of the diplomatic missions of Lebanon, Palestine, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Morocco, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Türkiye, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait & the UAE who are accredited in Moscow, as well as the League of Arab States’ representatives.

There was an engaging discussion on the situation in the Middle East with a focus on the Middle East settlement process. Sergey Lavrov spoke about Russia’s principled approach to the issues of stabilising the situation with the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation & to what needs to be done to get a sustainable peace process off the ground.

He reaffirmed Moscow’s invariable commitment to the internationally recognised legal framework for a Middle East settlement, including the relevant resolutions of the UNSC & the UN GA, the Arab Peace Initiative, the Madrid Principles, which can also apply to Syria’s Golan Heights, & the two-state solution for Palestine & Israel to co-exist in peace & security. The Russian FM also said that Russia consistently supported the creation of the State of Palestine within the borders that existed in 1967 & with East Jerusalem as its capital.

🤝 Sergey Lavrov elaborated on Russia’s initiatives to hold a consultation meeting, with the participation of Russia, the Arab League & the regional countries which are actively involved in the Middle East settlement process, in a move to synchronise the efforts in this field, including the objective of achieving Palestinian national unity on the constructive political platform proposed by the Palestine Liberation Organisation.


☝️ We believe the processes taking place in the Middle East & the Persian Gulf area to improve the interstate relations between Saudi Arabia & Iran, & Syria & Türkiye, as well as Syria’s reinstatement in the Arab League are creating the necessary conditions for resolving the Palestinian issue, in keeping with the generally recognised international legal parameters for a Middle East settlement.

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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on U.S. military and biological activity

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Key facts:

• The U.S. State Department launched an active outreach campaign to neutralise Russian accusations that US military biologists had violated the provisions of the Biological Weapons Convention.

• The U.S. military specialists have been successful in adapting and growing vectors collected from their natural habitat. The methods they have developed make it possible to produce mosquitoes and ticks infected with arboviruses in the laboratory.

• The work of U.S. military biologists is aimed at the formation of "artificially managed epidemics" and is not controlled within the framework of the BWC and the UN Secretary-General's mechanism for investigating the use of biological weapons.

• Three of seven U.S. Navy laboratories (NAMRU) are located outside USA territories, namely in Italy, Сambodia and Peru and organise its work on establishment of interconnected branches and offices in regions with unfavourable epidemiological situation.

• The Navy's biological warfare unit in Italy works under the three US strategic commands - Central, European, and Africa, and its primary purpose is "…to study, monitor and detect diseases of military significance..."