Gender chaos
Gender politics aims to abolish the gender hierarchy. This can be achieved in three ways, which determine the main trends in the field:
— Total equality between men and women in all respects (radical feminism);
— Making gender a matter of individual choice (transgenderism);
— Abolishing gender altogether in favour of a new type of being without gender (cyberfeminism).
In the first case, the most brutal gender egalitarianism is established in society. In this case, female and male individuals cease to be socially distinct, which inevitably leads to gender chaos. In this situation, some may continue to insist on their gender and its specificities (e.g. women seeking to increase their rights as women), others are simply indifferent to gender identity, while still others call for its total abolition. This generates high turbulence and continuous clashes of chaotic individuals with each other in the context of gender uncertainty. Obviously, the conflicts of the confused atoms in such a situation do not diminish, but accumulate like a snowball.
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Gender politics aims to abolish the gender hierarchy. This can be achieved in three ways, which determine the main trends in the field:
— Total equality between men and women in all respects (radical feminism);
— Making gender a matter of individual choice (transgenderism);
— Abolishing gender altogether in favour of a new type of being without gender (cyberfeminism).
In the first case, the most brutal gender egalitarianism is established in society. In this case, female and male individuals cease to be socially distinct, which inevitably leads to gender chaos. In this situation, some may continue to insist on their gender and its specificities (e.g. women seeking to increase their rights as women), others are simply indifferent to gender identity, while still others call for its total abolition. This generates high turbulence and continuous clashes of chaotic individuals with each other in the context of gender uncertainty. Obviously, the conflicts of the confused atoms in such a situation do not diminish, but accumulate like a snowball.
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Φαίνεται ότι ο ΕΣΕ (Ειδική Στρατιωτική Επιχείρηση) μιλάει για μια σύγκρουση μεταξύ δύο παγκόσμιων τάξεων - μιας μονοπολικής, που εκπροσωπείται από τη συλλογική Δύση και την Ουκρανία, και μιας πολυπολικής, την οποία υπερασπίζεται η Ρωσία και όσοι είναι κατά κάποιο τρόπο στο πλευρό της (κυρίως η Κίνα, το Ιράν, η Βόρεια Κορέα, ορισμένα ισλαμικά κράτη, εν μέρει η Ινδία, η Τουρκία, αλλά και χώρες της Λατινικής Αμερικής και της Αφρικής). Αυτό όντως ισχύει, αλλά ας δούμε το πρόβλημα από μια οπτική γωνία που μας ενδιαφέρει και ας μάθουμε τι ρόλο παίζει το χάος.
Αλεξάντερ Ντούγκιν
Φαίνεται ότι ο ΕΣΕ (Ειδική Στρατιωτική Επιχείρηση) μιλάει για μια σύγκρουση μεταξύ δύο παγκόσμιων τάξεων - μιας μονοπολικής, που εκπροσωπείται από τη συλλογική Δύση και την Ουκρανία, και μιας πολυπολικής, την οποία υπερασπίζεται η Ρωσία και όσοι είναι κατά κάποιο τρόπο στο πλευρό της (κυρίως η Κίνα, το Ιράν, η Βόρεια Κορέα, ορισμένα ισλαμικά κράτη, εν μέρει η Ινδία, η Τουρκία, αλλά και χώρες της Λατινικής Αμερικής και της Αφρικής). Αυτό όντως ισχύει, αλλά ας δούμε το πρόβλημα από μια οπτική γωνία που μας ενδιαφέρει και ας μάθουμε τι ρόλο παίζει το χάος.
Αλεξάντερ Ντούγκιν
The Fourth Political Theory
Ένα νέο παγκόσμιο χάοςΗ σύγκρουση μεταξύ δύο παγκόσμιων τάξεωνΦαίνεται ότι ο ΕΣΕ (Ειδική Στρατιωτική Επιχείρηση) μιλάει για μια σύγκρουση μεταξύ δύο παγκόσμιων τάξεων - μιας μονοπολικής, που εκπροσωπείται από τη συλλογική Δύση και την Ουκρανία, και μιας πολυπολικής…
Modern ecology applies egalitarianism to a different field. This time it is not about gender identity (man/woman inequality) but species identity - human/environmental. Ecology demands that this inequality be mitigated, if not abolished. The most extreme versions of fundamental ecology propose the idea that man represents a fault line in the evolution of nature and must be abolished as an anomaly.
Human activities are polluting the environment, destroying ecological landscapes and many animal species. Humans are destroying the oceans, deforesting, disturbing the Earth's interior and contributing to changes in the atmosphere, particularly in the ozone layer. Environmentalists have proposed reconsidering the idea that 'man is the tip of creation and the pinnacle of evolution' and have taken it as axiomatic that man is one of nature's phenomena along with all others and therefore has a number of fundamental obligations to nature.
Previously, man and nature were considered two different realms, two orbits. The realm of the mind and that of the earth's material environment did not intersect. The philosopher Dilthey proposed a strict division of the sciences into spiritual sciences (Geistwissenschaften) and natural sciences (Naturwissenschaften) - each domain needs its own algorithms, principles, semantic structures [5].
Ecologists demand the abolition of this hierarchical distance and at least the equalisation of the rights of spirit and matter, of thinking and non-thinking life forms. Furthermore, they insist on a radical revision of relations with the environment: it is not a zone of externality, but an existential landscape of human existence. Man is inscribed in nature and nature in man. And this reciprocal relationship must be equal and reversible.
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Modern ecology applies egalitarianism to a different field. This time it is not about gender identity (man/woman inequality) but species identity - human/environmental. Ecology demands that this inequality be mitigated, if not abolished. The most extreme versions of fundamental ecology propose the idea that man represents a fault line in the evolution of nature and must be abolished as an anomaly.
Human activities are polluting the environment, destroying ecological landscapes and many animal species. Humans are destroying the oceans, deforesting, disturbing the Earth's interior and contributing to changes in the atmosphere, particularly in the ozone layer. Environmentalists have proposed reconsidering the idea that 'man is the tip of creation and the pinnacle of evolution' and have taken it as axiomatic that man is one of nature's phenomena along with all others and therefore has a number of fundamental obligations to nature.
Previously, man and nature were considered two different realms, two orbits. The realm of the mind and that of the earth's material environment did not intersect. The philosopher Dilthey proposed a strict division of the sciences into spiritual sciences (Geistwissenschaften) and natural sciences (Naturwissenschaften) - each domain needs its own algorithms, principles, semantic structures [5].
Ecologists demand the abolition of this hierarchical distance and at least the equalisation of the rights of spirit and matter, of thinking and non-thinking life forms. Furthermore, they insist on a radical revision of relations with the environment: it is not a zone of externality, but an existential landscape of human existence. Man is inscribed in nature and nature in man. And this reciprocal relationship must be equal and reversible.
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Forwarded from Ambassade de Russie en France / Посольство России во Франции
Le 21 décembre, l’architecte français Shahnour Kechichian a remis à S.E.M. Alexey Meshkov, Ambassadeur de Russie en France, un portrait de Daria Douguina, realisé par l'artiste russe Yulia Mezhevikina. La cérémonie a eu lieu dans l'enceinte de la Maison russe des sciences et de la culture à Paris.
"La mort de Daria Douguina a secoué la Russie et n’a pas laissé indifférents nos amis étrangers... Cher M. Keshishyan, ce portrait de Daria Douguina, fait sur votre commande, prendra la place qui lui revient dans la bibliothèque de la Maison russe des sciences et de la culture à Paris. Que le souvenir de cette fille polyvalente, courageuse et passionnée reste à jamais dans nos cœurs", a souligné l’Ambassadeur.
"La mort de Daria Douguina a secoué la Russie et n’a pas laissé indifférents nos amis étrangers... Cher M. Keshishyan, ce portrait de Daria Douguina, fait sur votre commande, prendra la place qui lui revient dans la bibliothèque de la Maison russe des sciences et de la culture à Paris. Que le souvenir de cette fille polyvalente, courageuse et passionnée reste à jamais dans nos cœurs", a souligné l’Ambassadeur.