🇮🇹 ORDINE E CAOS: dialoghi solstiziali alla luce del Sole di Mezzanotte — @ideeazione
ORDINE E CAOS: dialoghi solstiziali alla luce del Sole di Mezzanotte
In occasione del Solstizio d'Inverno dell'anno 2022, come ormai consueto le nostre Comunità celebreranno questo momento di passaggio cosmico con una conferenza in cui esploreremo Ordine e Caos alla luce del Sole di Mezzanotte.
Forwarded from Geopolitika.ru Türkçe
Kaosun önemli bir özelliği de karıştırmadır . Toplumla ilgili olarak, bu sonuç hiyerarşinin ortadan kaldırılması sürecinde ortaya çıkar. "İç Ontolojiler" adlı çalışmamızda , toplumun yörüngesel yapısının yatay bir izdüşümle değiştirilmesinden sonra nasıl çözülemez toplumsal sorunların ve çatışmaların doğduğunu inceledik. Yörüngesellik, gezegenlerin yörüngeleri boyunca hareketi için bir metafor olarak alınır; bu, üç boyutlu bir model söz konusu olduğunda, gezegenler dönme merkezinden çekilen aynı ışın üzerinde olsa bile herhangi bir çelişkiye yol açmaz. Serbestçe hareket etmeye devam etmelerini sağlayan yörüngedir. Hacmi bir uçağa yansıtırsanız ve bu prosedürü unutursanız, gezegenlerin birbiriyle çarpışacağı izlenimini edinirsiniz.. Ve buna bağlı olarak, böyle bir çarpışmanın etkileri ortaya çıkacaktır.
Aleksandr Dugin
Kaosun önemli bir özelliği de karıştırmadır . Toplumla ilgili olarak, bu sonuç hiyerarşinin ortadan kaldırılması sürecinde ortaya çıkar. "İç Ontolojiler" adlı çalışmamızda , toplumun yörüngesel yapısının yatay bir izdüşümle değiştirilmesinden sonra nasıl çözülemez toplumsal sorunların ve çatışmaların doğduğunu inceledik. Yörüngesellik, gezegenlerin yörüngeleri boyunca hareketi için bir metafor olarak alınır; bu, üç boyutlu bir model söz konusu olduğunda, gezegenler dönme merkezinden çekilen aynı ışın üzerinde olsa bile herhangi bir çelişkiye yol açmaz. Serbestçe hareket etmeye devam etmelerini sağlayan yörüngedir. Hacmi bir uçağa yansıtırsanız ve bu prosedürü unutursanız, gezegenlerin birbiriyle çarpışacağı izlenimini edinirsiniz.. Ve buna bağlı olarak, böyle bir çarpışmanın etkileri ortaya çıkacaktır.
Aleksandr Dugin
Kaosun önemli bir özelliği de karıştırmadır . Toplumla ilgili olarak, bu sonuç hiyerarşinin ortadan kaldırılması sürecinde ortaya çıkar. "İç Ontolojiler" [1] adlı çalışmamızda , toplumun yörüngesel
...Tradition is the opposite of Modernity. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia at the meeting of the World Russian People's Council very accurately identified the source of evil: he called it the term "secularism. And secularism is the transition from traditional to modern society. From the spiritual to the material, or anti-spiritual, secular, and secular. If we abandon the leading role of the spiritual institution - the Church for Russian Orthodox people, the Islamic tradition for Muslims, the Jewish tradition, the Buddhist tradition - then we move to a secular order, as if freeing man from God. Man is left alone. This is what Modernity is all about. Originally, Modern meant God-fighting: it was man's rebellion against God, earth against heaven, matter against spirit. That is what modern society is all about. And when we talk about progress, about perfection, about the fact that humanity develops - from the point of view of religion, it is the opposite. If we look at the last 500 years through the eyes of a religious person, we will see not progress, but degradation. We will see not the improvement of man and his morality, but on the contrary: its complete atomization, atomization, degeneration, which is accelerating more and more.
Alexander Dugin's Speech at the First Siberian Forum of The World Russian People's Council
Alexander Dugin's Speech at the First Siberian Forum of The World Russian People's Council
The radical egalitarianism of post-modernism: feminism, ecology, transhumanism, ltd
The new democracy mentioned above stems from the fact that previous egalitarian projects - both bourgeois and socialist - failed in their mission and, instead of abolishing hierarchy altogether, reformulated it in new forms. Capitalist societies have created a new ruling class of the rich, while socialist regimes have created new hierarchies of party nomenclature. In this way, the goal has not been achieved. This is where Postmodernism begins.
In Postmodernism, or new democracy, the problem of equality is posed with a new acuity, taking into account previous social phases and experiments. Thus emerges the theory of the need for a radicalisation of equality, i.e. a shift to an even more horizontal social model, from which all verticality, even two-dimensional and materialist verticality, is eliminated. This leads to four main trends in the new democracy:
— the equality of the sexes,
— the equality of species,
— the equality of people and machines,
— the equality of objects.
Gender equality is realised through feminism, the legalisation of gay marriage, transgenderism and the promotion of the LGBT+ agenda. Gender ceases to be an orbital distinction, where men move in their orbit, women in theirs, but both are randomly mixed into a chaotic mass of gender uncertainty and a fickle chain of temporary, playful identities.
Continuation in comments
The new democracy mentioned above stems from the fact that previous egalitarian projects - both bourgeois and socialist - failed in their mission and, instead of abolishing hierarchy altogether, reformulated it in new forms. Capitalist societies have created a new ruling class of the rich, while socialist regimes have created new hierarchies of party nomenclature. In this way, the goal has not been achieved. This is where Postmodernism begins.
In Postmodernism, or new democracy, the problem of equality is posed with a new acuity, taking into account previous social phases and experiments. Thus emerges the theory of the need for a radicalisation of equality, i.e. a shift to an even more horizontal social model, from which all verticality, even two-dimensional and materialist verticality, is eliminated. This leads to four main trends in the new democracy:
— the equality of the sexes,
— the equality of species,
— the equality of people and machines,
— the equality of objects.
Gender equality is realised through feminism, the legalisation of gay marriage, transgenderism and the promotion of the LGBT+ agenda. Gender ceases to be an orbital distinction, where men move in their orbit, women in theirs, but both are randomly mixed into a chaotic mass of gender uncertainty and a fickle chain of temporary, playful identities.
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Darya Dugina: il pensiero e l'esempio - Conferenza a Modena, 29 ottobre 2022 - VIDEO INTEGRALE
Darya Dugina: il pensiero e l'esempio - Conferenza a Modena, 29 ottobre 2022 - VIDEO INTEGRALE
Video integrale della conferenza intitolata "Darya Dugina, il pensiero e l'esempio. L'Eurasiatismo e la sfida del Multipolarismo", tenutasi a Modena il 29 ottobre 2022, in memoria della figlia Darya, vittima di un attentato il 20 agosto 2022, organizzata…
Forwarded from Eurasian Youth Union
The theogony of the Greeks was first expounded and developed systematically in the poem of Hesiod.
It tells of the origin of the gods from Chaos, and of the three successive kingdoms of Uranus, Kronos, and Zeus, a representation of which we find traces in other theogonies, and in some of the myths associated with the ancient cults.
Out of the primordial Chaos comes the Earth (Gaia) and Eros (love attraction), the first of the immortals, then Night and Erebus (darkness), which copulate and give birth to Day and Ether. The earth gives birth first to the Sky (Uranus), then, without his help, mountains and the barren abyss of the sea (άτρύγετον πέλαγος), from which the sea (πόντος) is formed.
Then the Earth copulates with the Sky and gives birth to the Ocean River and Tethys, its female half.
© S. N. Trubetskoy "Metaphysics in Ancient Greece"
It tells of the origin of the gods from Chaos, and of the three successive kingdoms of Uranus, Kronos, and Zeus, a representation of which we find traces in other theogonies, and in some of the myths associated with the ancient cults.
Out of the primordial Chaos comes the Earth (Gaia) and Eros (love attraction), the first of the immortals, then Night and Erebus (darkness), which copulate and give birth to Day and Ether. The earth gives birth first to the Sky (Uranus), then, without his help, mountains and the barren abyss of the sea (άτρύγετον πέλαγος), from which the sea (πόντος) is formed.
Then the Earth copulates with the Sky and gives birth to the Ocean River and Tethys, its female half.
© S. N. Trubetskoy "Metaphysics in Ancient Greece"
On 21 December, the French architect Shahnour Kechichian presented H.E. Alexey Meshkov, the Russian Ambassador to France, with a portrait of Daria Dugina by the Russian artist Yulia Mezhevikina. The ceremony took place in the Russian House of Science and Culture in Paris.
"The death of Daria Dugina shook Russia and did not leave our foreign friends indifferent... Dear Mr. Keshishyan, this portrait of Daria Dugina, made on your order, will take its rightful place in the library of the Russian House of Science and Culture in Paris. May the memory of this versatile, courageous and passionate girl remain forever in our hearts", the Ambassador stressed.
"The death of Daria Dugina shook Russia and did not leave our foreign friends indifferent... Dear Mr. Keshishyan, this portrait of Daria Dugina, made on your order, will take its rightful place in the library of the Russian House of Science and Culture in Paris. May the memory of this versatile, courageous and passionate girl remain forever in our hearts", the Ambassador stressed.