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#andijon #sport #musobaqa

Yoshlarni ta'til davrida boʻsh vaqtlarini mazmunli oʻtkazish va sog'lom turmush tarzini ta'minlash maqsadida, Marhamat tumani E.Vohidov nomidagi shaxmat maktabida sportning shaxmat turi boʻyicha tuman birinchiligi musobaqasi oʻtkazildi.
Unda 40 nafardan ziyod yoshlar ishtirok etdilar. Qizgʻin va koʻtarinki ruhda o‘tkazilgan musobaqaning so'ngida gʻoliblar faxriy yorliq va esdalik sovgʻalari bilan taqdirlandi.


#andijan #sport #competition

In order to provide young people with a meaningful leisure time and a healthy lifestyle during the holidays, the district championship in chess was held at the chess school named after E.Vakhidov in Marhamat district.
It was attended by more than 40 young people. At the end of the competition, which was held in a lively and high spirits, the winners were awarded certificates and souvenirs.

Press service of the Main Department of Tourism and Sports of Andijan region
#jonli #sport #musobaqa

Ayni paytda Andijon shahar Olimpiya zaxiralari kollejida viloyatdagi idora, korxona, tashkilotlar va ta'lim muassasalarida faoliyat ko'rsatayotgan xodimlar o'rtasida sport musobaqasi o'tkazilmoqda.

#tezkor #mobile_rakurs

#live #sport #competition

Currently, the Andijan College of Olympic Reserve is holding a sports competition among employees of departments, enterprises, organizations and educational institutions in the region.

Press service of the Main Department of Tourism and Sports of Andijan region
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#andijon #sport

Yilnoma: 2021yilda Andijon viloyati sporti sarhisobi

📹 Sport.




#Mass Media about us


#Andijon_trk #Andijon_axboroti

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#andijon #turizm

Yilnoma: 2021 yilda Andijon viloyatining turizm salohiyati

📹 Turizm.




#Mass Media about us


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#jonli #sport #musobaqa

Xabar qilganimizdek, tashkilot va muassasalar xodimlari o'rtasida o'tkazilayotgan musobaqadan ko'zlangan asosiy maqsad, ularni turli kasb kasalliklaridan sport va sog'lom turmush tarzi asoslari orqali muhofaza qilish va sportning ommaviy turlariga qiziqishlarini yanada oshirishga qaratilgan.
Unda ishtirokchilar sportning mini-futbol, stol tennisi, arqon tortish va tosh ko'tarish kabi turlari bo'yicha o'zaro kuch sinashmoqda.

#live #sport #competition

As reported, the main purpose of the competition among employees of organizations and institutions is to protect employees from various occupational diseases through the basics of sports and a healthy lifestyle, and to increase their interest in popular sports.
Participants compete in mini-football, table tennis, tug of war and rock climbing.

Press service of the Main Department of Tourism and Sports of Andijan region
#andijon #sport

Izboskan tumani 11-, 26-, 34-, 37-, 39-DIMI maktablarida hududlardagi fuqarolar ishtirokida sport-sog'lomlashtirish tadbirlari bo'lib o'tdi.
Ushbu sport musobaqalariga tumanning korxona-tashkilotlar xodimlaridan tuzilgan jamoalar, nuroniylar sportning voleybol va stol tennisi turlari bo'yicha o'zaro bellashdilar.
O'tkazilgan mazkur tadbirda 400 dan ziyod fuqarolar ishtirok etdi.

#andijan #sport

Sports and health-improving activities with the participation of citizens of the regions were held in schools 11, 26, 34, 37, 39 DIMI of Izbaskan district.
Teams of employees of enterprises and organizations of the district, volleyball and table tennis competed in these sports.
The event was attended by more than 400 citizens.

Press service of the Main Department of Tourism and Sports of Andijan region