Info tur ishtirokchilarining Andijon tumanida joylashgan "Horse king" ot majmuasiga tashrifi jo‘shqin taasurotlarga boy o‘tmoqda. Aynan mana shu maskanda uyg‘ongan chin ma'nodagi o‘zgacha turistik kayfiyatni tur qatnashchilarining yuz ifodasidan bilish qiyin emas.
The visit of the participants of the Info tour to the Horse King equestrian complex in Andijan district is full of impressions.
It is not difficult to see the real tourist mood in the faces of the participants of the tour.
Info tur ishtirokchilarining Andijon tumanida joylashgan "Horse king" ot majmuasiga tashrifi jo‘shqin taasurotlarga boy o‘tmoqda. Aynan mana shu maskanda uyg‘ongan chin ma'nodagi o‘zgacha turistik kayfiyatni tur qatnashchilarining yuz ifodasidan bilish qiyin emas.
The visit of the participants of the Info tour to the Horse King equestrian complex in Andijan district is full of impressions.
It is not difficult to see the real tourist mood in the faces of the participants of the tour.
"Horse king" ot majmuasi ijrochi direktori: "Darhaqiqat, so‘ngi yillarda mamlakatimizda yilqichilik sanoati jadal rivojlanmoqda, ot sport turlari yanada ommalashib, otning ko‘plab turlarini ko‘paytirish borasida sezilarli ishlar olib borilmoqda".
"Indeed, in recent years, the horse industry in our country is developing rapidly, equestrian sports are becoming more popular, and significant work is being done to increase the number of horse breeds," said the executive director of the Horse King equestrian complex.
"Horse king" ot majmuasi ijrochi direktori: "Darhaqiqat, so‘ngi yillarda mamlakatimizda yilqichilik sanoati jadal rivojlanmoqda, ot sport turlari yanada ommalashib, otning ko‘plab turlarini ko‘paytirish borasida sezilarli ishlar olib borilmoqda".
"Indeed, in recent years, the horse industry in our country is developing rapidly, equestrian sports are becoming more popular, and significant work is being done to increase the number of horse breeds," said the executive director of the Horse King equestrian complex.
Tur doirasida navbatdagi manzil- Yangi Andijon.
The next destination of the tour is New Andijan.
Tur doirasida navbatdagi manzil- Yangi Andijon.
The next destination of the tour is New Andijan.
Media is too big
"Siz ko‘rib turgan maket - qurilishi ko‘zda tutilgan binolarning nechadir qismi halos. Yangi Andijon shahrini bunyod etish tahminan 20 yillarga mo‘ljallangan. Qolaversa, bu shaharga 450 mingdan ziyod aholi ko‘chib chiqishi rejalashtirilgan"- deydi, yangi Andijon shahri loyihasining bosh injeneri.
"The model you see is just a few of the buildings that are planned to be built. The construction of the new city of Andijan is planned for about 20 years. In addition, more than 450,000 people are expected to move to the city," he said. chief engineer of the project.
"Siz ko‘rib turgan maket - qurilishi ko‘zda tutilgan binolarning nechadir qismi halos. Yangi Andijon shahrini bunyod etish tahminan 20 yillarga mo‘ljallangan. Qolaversa, bu shaharga 450 mingdan ziyod aholi ko‘chib chiqishi rejalashtirilgan"- deydi, yangi Andijon shahri loyihasining bosh injeneri.
"The model you see is just a few of the buildings that are planned to be built. The construction of the new city of Andijan is planned for about 20 years. In addition, more than 450,000 people are expected to move to the city," he said. chief engineer of the project.
Avval xabar berganimizdek, viloyatimizda turizm salohiyatini kengroq namoyish etish maqsadida tashkil etilgan info tur ning bugun 2-kuni.
Tur qatnashchilari ayni paytda Xonobod shahrida bo‘lib turibdilar. Ular Xonobod sihatgohi, "Fozilmon ota ziyoratgohi" bo‘ylab sayohat qilmoqda.
As previously reported, today is the 2nd day of the info tour, which is organized to showcase tourism in our region.
The participants of the tour are currently in Khanabad. They are touring Khanabad Sanatorium, Fozilmon Ota Shrine.
Avval xabar berganimizdek, viloyatimizda turizm salohiyatini kengroq namoyish etish maqsadida tashkil etilgan info tur ning bugun 2-kuni.
Tur qatnashchilari ayni paytda Xonobod shahrida bo‘lib turibdilar. Ular Xonobod sihatgohi, "Fozilmon ota ziyoratgohi" bo‘ylab sayohat qilmoqda.
As previously reported, today is the 2nd day of the info tour, which is organized to showcase tourism in our region.
The participants of the tour are currently in Khanabad. They are touring Khanabad Sanatorium, Fozilmon Ota Shrine.
Forwarded from Uzbekistan.travel
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Tur doirasida navbatdagi manzil- Xonobod shahri.
The next destination of the tour is Khanabad city.
Tur doirasida navbatdagi manzil- Xonobod shahri.
The next destination of the tour is Khanabad city.
Info tur ishtirokchilari hozirda Xonobod shahridagi Xonobod "Water Life mineral" MCHJ suv ishlab chiqarish zavodini qurilish ishlari bilan tanishmoqdalar.
The participants of the Info tour are currently getting acquainted with the construction of the water treatment plant of Khanabad Water Life Mineral LLC in Khanabad.
Info tur ishtirokchilari hozirda Xonobod shahridagi Xonobod "Water Life mineral" MCHJ suv ishlab chiqarish zavodini qurilish ishlari bilan tanishmoqdalar.
The participants of the Info tour are currently getting acquainted with the construction of the water treatment plant of Khanabad Water Life Mineral LLC in Khanabad.