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Very pertinent remarks of Lacan (My teaching) about capitalism and USA:

"... on the other side [comparing with communism of USSR where the desire of the Other is taken as base for egalitarian justice - AGD], where the desire of the Other is based upon what they call freedom, or in other words injustice? In a country where you can say anything, even the truth, the outcome is that, no matter what they say, it has no kind of effect whatsoever."

It was like that in 1967/1968. What we have now? Freedom=injustice is eternal truth. Now like then. But.."In a country where you can say anything, even the truth" now it is absolutely not like that. With "cancel culture" and political correctness the formula has radically changed - Now "in this country USA you can not say anything, especially the truth" In Lacans time the problem was "no matter what they say, it has no kind of effect whatsoever." Today USA "no matter what they DON'T say, it has no kind of effect whatsoever with one exception - when they say something wrong (or when they don't say something they rather ought to - for example BLM or "LGBT+ will win" or "the fatter the better" and so on) - there will be effect - violent punishment...
Such a huge change in psycho-analitical landscape of American mind. Freedom without justice leads exactly to that result - to the open and brutal dictatorship... of the Other.
Платонизм. Лекция 18. Das weibliche Ich - 1. Женщина у Платона - онтология и соматология каст.
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Винишко-тян в аристократической версии “Ноомахии”
Фундаментальная психология. Лекция № 28. Лакан: RSI структура и топология бессознательного