Глиальные клетки наряду с нейронами образуют нервную ткань. Долгое время им отводилась лишь вспомогательная роль в работе мозга и всей нервной системы, но последние исследования показывают, что их роль не меньше, чем у нейронов.
Об истории изучения глиальных клеток и их функциях в научно-популярной лекции, организованной нейрокампусом, расскажет член научного комитета премии «ВЫЗОВ», научный журналист и главный редактор портала «Нейроновости» Алексей Паевский.
Лекция состоится 24 октября в 18:00 по адресу: Федеральный центр мозга и нейротехнологий, улица Островитянова, 1, стр. 10. Для очного посещения необходимо взять с собой паспорт и зарегистрироваться по ссылке.
Лекцию также можно будет посмотреть онлайн на странице нейрокампуса в ВК.
#научный_комитет #популяризация_науки
Glial cells, along with neurons, form nerve tissue. For a long time, they were assigned only an auxiliary role in the work of the brain and the entire nervous system, but recent research shows that their role is no less than that of neurons.
On the history of the study of glial cells and their functions in a popular science lecture organized by the neurocampus, will be told by Aleksey Paevsky, a member of the VYZOV Prize scientific committee, a scientific journalist and editor-in-chief of the Neuronovosti portal.
The lecture will take place on October 24 at 18:00 at the address: Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology, Ostrovityanova Street, 1, p. 10. For offline lecture, you must take your passport with you and register using the link.
The lecture will also be available online at the neurocampus in VK.
#scientific_committee #science_popularization
Об истории изучения глиальных клеток и их функциях в научно-популярной лекции, организованной нейрокампусом, расскажет член научного комитета премии «ВЫЗОВ», научный журналист и главный редактор портала «Нейроновости» Алексей Паевский.
Лекция состоится 24 октября в 18:00 по адресу: Федеральный центр мозга и нейротехнологий, улица Островитянова, 1, стр. 10. Для очного посещения необходимо взять с собой паспорт и зарегистрироваться по ссылке.
Лекцию также можно будет посмотреть онлайн на странице нейрокампуса в ВК.
#научный_комитет #популяризация_науки
Glial cells, along with neurons, form nerve tissue. For a long time, they were assigned only an auxiliary role in the work of the brain and the entire nervous system, but recent research shows that their role is no less than that of neurons.
On the history of the study of glial cells and their functions in a popular science lecture organized by the neurocampus, will be told by Aleksey Paevsky, a member of the VYZOV Prize scientific committee, a scientific journalist and editor-in-chief of the Neuronovosti portal.
The lecture will take place on October 24 at 18:00 at the address: Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology, Ostrovityanova Street, 1, p. 10. For offline lecture, you must take your passport with you and register using the link.
The lecture will also be available online at the neurocampus in VK.
#scientific_committee #science_popularization
Статья в соавторстве с членом научного комитета премии «ВЫЗОВ» Валентином Ананиковым вошла в специальную подборку HOT Article collection журнала Dalton Transactions
Статья посвящена синтезу и сравнительному изучению комплексов (NHCF)PdCl2Py и (NHCF)Ni(Cp)Cl. Это исследование предоставляет новую информацию для рационального проектирования эффективных катализаторов органического синтеза.
Dalton Transactions – это международный журнал, посвящённый высококачественным и оригинальным исследованиям в области неорганической и металлоорганической химии.
В подборке HOT Articles представлены 10% лучших исследований, публикуемых в журнале ежеквартально. Статья имеет открытый доступ для чтения и скачивания в течение 6 недель с момента включения в подборку.
#научный_комитет #премия_вызов
The article, co-authored with the VYZOV Prize Scientific Committee member Valentin Ananikov, was included in a Dalton Transactions HOT Articles collection
The article is devoted to the synthesis and comparative study of (NHCF)PdCl2Py и (NHCF)Ni(Cp)Cl complexes. This study provides novel information for the rational design of efficient catalysts for organic synthesis.
Dalton Transactions is an international journal for high quality, original research in inorganic and organometallic chemistry.
HOT Articles collection represents the top 10% of research published in Dalton Transactions each quarter. The article has open access for reading and downloading for 6 weeks from the moment of inclusion in the collection.
#scientific_committee #vyzov_prize
Статья посвящена синтезу и сравнительному изучению комплексов (NHCF)PdCl2Py и (NHCF)Ni(Cp)Cl. Это исследование предоставляет новую информацию для рационального проектирования эффективных катализаторов органического синтеза.
Dalton Transactions – это международный журнал, посвящённый высококачественным и оригинальным исследованиям в области неорганической и металлоорганической химии.
В подборке HOT Articles представлены 10% лучших исследований, публикуемых в журнале ежеквартально. Статья имеет открытый доступ для чтения и скачивания в течение 6 недель с момента включения в подборку.
#научный_комитет #премия_вызов
The article, co-authored with the VYZOV Prize Scientific Committee member Valentin Ananikov, was included in a Dalton Transactions HOT Articles collection
The article is devoted to the synthesis and comparative study of (NHCF)PdCl2Py и (NHCF)Ni(Cp)Cl complexes. This study provides novel information for the rational design of efficient catalysts for organic synthesis.
Dalton Transactions is an international journal for high quality, original research in inorganic and organometallic chemistry.
HOT Articles collection represents the top 10% of research published in Dalton Transactions each quarter. The article has open access for reading and downloading for 6 weeks from the moment of inclusion in the collection.
#scientific_committee #vyzov_prize
Как эксперименты с термочувствительными каналами змей легли в основу новой области исследований – термогенетики, и какой потенциал она открывает в лечении патологий мозга и других органов?
Об этом член научного комитета премии «ВЫЗОВ», генеральный директор Федерального центра мозга и нейротехнологий ФМБА России Всеволод Белоусов рассказал на всероссийской конференции с международным участием «Биохимия человека 2024», которая была приурочена к 100-летию со дня рождения биохимика Темирболата Темболатовича Берёзова.
Подробнее читайте в материале нейрокампуса.
#научный_комитет #новости_партнёров #премия_вызов
How did experiments with thermosensitive TRP channels of snakes form the basis for a new field of research – thermogenetics – and what potential does this open up for the treatment of brain and other organ pathologies?
Vsevolod Belousov, a member of the VYZOV Prize Scientific Committee, Director General of the Federal Center of Brain Research and Neurotechnologies FMBA spoke about this at the All-Russian conference with international participation "Human Biochemistry 2024", which was timed to the 100th anniversary of the birth of biochemist Temirbolat Tembolatovich Berezov.
Read more in the neurocampus material.
Photo source: neurocampus.
#scientific_committee #news_by_partners #vyzov_prize
Об этом член научного комитета премии «ВЫЗОВ», генеральный директор Федерального центра мозга и нейротехнологий ФМБА России Всеволод Белоусов рассказал на всероссийской конференции с международным участием «Биохимия человека 2024», которая была приурочена к 100-летию со дня рождения биохимика Темирболата Темболатовича Берёзова.
Подробнее читайте в материале нейрокампуса.
#научный_комитет #новости_партнёров #премия_вызов
How did experiments with thermosensitive TRP channels of snakes form the basis for a new field of research – thermogenetics – and what potential does this open up for the treatment of brain and other organ pathologies?
Vsevolod Belousov, a member of the VYZOV Prize Scientific Committee, Director General of the Federal Center of Brain Research and Neurotechnologies FMBA spoke about this at the All-Russian conference with international participation "Human Biochemistry 2024", which was timed to the 100th anniversary of the birth of biochemist Temirbolat Tembolatovich Berezov.
Read more in the neurocampus material.
Photo source: neurocampus.
#scientific_committee #news_by_partners #vyzov_prize
Нейротехнологии сегодня в первую очередь ассоциируют с нейроимплантами – устройствами, которые могут вернуть людям утраченные способности двигаться, видеть и слышать, но на самом деле, возможности и функции нейротехнологий намного шире. Как они уже сегодня меняют подходы и способы лечения многих заболеваний? Об этом член научного комитета Национальной премии в области будущих технологий «ВЫЗОВ», генеральный директор Федерального центра мозга и нейротехнологий ФМБА России Всеволод Белоусов рассказал для блога Газпромбанка, соучредителя премии «Вызов», на Хабре.
Читайте статью по ссылке.
#научный_комитет #премия_вызов #новости_партнёров
Neurotechnologies today are primarily associated with neuroimplants – devices that can restore people's lost abilities to move, see and hear, but in fact, the possibilities and functions of neurotechnologies are much broader. How are they already changing approaches and ways of treating many diseases? Vsevolod Belousov, a member of the VYZOV Prize scientific committee, Director General of the Federal Centre for Brain Research and Neurotechnology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia, spoke about this for Gazprombank, a co-founder of the VYZOV Prize, on Habr.
Read the article at the link.
#scientific_committee #vyzov_prize #news_by_partners
Читайте статью по ссылке.
#научный_комитет #премия_вызов #новости_партнёров
Neurotechnologies today are primarily associated with neuroimplants – devices that can restore people's lost abilities to move, see and hear, but in fact, the possibilities and functions of neurotechnologies are much broader. How are they already changing approaches and ways of treating many diseases? Vsevolod Belousov, a member of the VYZOV Prize scientific committee, Director General of the Federal Centre for Brain Research and Neurotechnology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia, spoke about this for Gazprombank, a co-founder of the VYZOV Prize, on Habr.
Read the article at the link.
#scientific_committee #vyzov_prize #news_by_partners
Clean energy of the future
Andrey Reznichenko, a member of the VYZOV Prize scientific committee, Head of the “Science” Editorial Office at TASS News Agency, moderated the session of the International Symposium "Inventing the Future", at which representatives of the energy industry, together with science popularizers and science fiction writers, discussed which technological and organizational solutions would meet the growing needs of Russia and humanity in clean energy.
One of the participants of the session is the Scientific Director of the Project Direction "Proryv" Evgeny Adamov. In his speech, he spoke about the prospects for the development of energy, including the creation of a new technological platform and the possibilities of energy production based on new physical principles: "There is certainly something beyond our knowledge - this is fantastic."
Fiction was mentioned for a reason – the achievements of scientific and technological progress have always been associated with this genre of fiction. What science fiction writers once represented in their works is gradually being realized and becoming a reality. Concepts and inventions in modern works seem impossible to us today, but they lay the foundation for future developments. Liu Yijing, Deputy Head of the Editorial Department of the World of Science Fiction magazine, told about how Chinese science fiction writers represent the future of energy.
She recalled the work "The Sun of China" by Liu Cixin, in which humanity built a station orbiting the Earth and returning energy and sunlight to the planet. Liu Yijing appreciated the prospects of such a development beyond science fiction: "This will be able to provide a new reliable energy source that will not be affected by weather and other factors." At the end of her speech, she noted that the fantasies of writers are gradually becoming reality, so that even more technologies may appear, which previously could only be dreamed of.
Summing up the discussion, Andrey Reznichenko noted: "Science fiction writers do not so much predict the future as warn us about it. And right now we are building our energy future."
For more information, please, follow the link.
Photo: Ilya Pitalev, Photo host-RIA Novosti agency
#vyzov_prize #scientific_committee #science_of_future
Andrey Reznichenko, a member of the VYZOV Prize scientific committee, Head of the “Science” Editorial Office at TASS News Agency, moderated the session of the International Symposium "Inventing the Future", at which representatives of the energy industry, together with science popularizers and science fiction writers, discussed which technological and organizational solutions would meet the growing needs of Russia and humanity in clean energy.
One of the participants of the session is the Scientific Director of the Project Direction "Proryv" Evgeny Adamov. In his speech, he spoke about the prospects for the development of energy, including the creation of a new technological platform and the possibilities of energy production based on new physical principles: "There is certainly something beyond our knowledge - this is fantastic."
Fiction was mentioned for a reason – the achievements of scientific and technological progress have always been associated with this genre of fiction. What science fiction writers once represented in their works is gradually being realized and becoming a reality. Concepts and inventions in modern works seem impossible to us today, but they lay the foundation for future developments. Liu Yijing, Deputy Head of the Editorial Department of the World of Science Fiction magazine, told about how Chinese science fiction writers represent the future of energy.
She recalled the work "The Sun of China" by Liu Cixin, in which humanity built a station orbiting the Earth and returning energy and sunlight to the planet. Liu Yijing appreciated the prospects of such a development beyond science fiction: "This will be able to provide a new reliable energy source that will not be affected by weather and other factors." At the end of her speech, she noted that the fantasies of writers are gradually becoming reality, so that even more technologies may appear, which previously could only be dreamed of.
Summing up the discussion, Andrey Reznichenko noted: "Science fiction writers do not so much predict the future as warn us about it. And right now we are building our energy future."
For more information, please, follow the link.
Photo: Ilya Pitalev, Photo host-RIA Novosti agency
#vyzov_prize #scientific_committee #science_of_future
Премия учреждена в 2023 году. Она вручается ежегодно учёным, инженерам, изобретателям, чьи разработки обладают значительным потенциалом для качественного улучшения жизни людей к лучшему и имеют горизонт практического внедрения до десяти лет.
В телеграм-канале мы делимся новостями премии и других проектов Фонда развития научно-культурных связей «Вызов».
#новости_премии, #научный_комитет и #лауреаты_премии – здесь всё о людях, их достижениях и важных событиях премии.
#новости_фонда #научная_дипломатия – под этими тегами мы собрали важные новости о проектах фонда внутри страны и в международной сфере.
#популяризация_науки – самые интересные и передовые заметки о достижениях учёных; лекции и интервью.
The Prize was organized in 2023. It is awarded annually to scientists, engineers, and inventors whose developments have significant potential for improving people's lives for the better and have a practical implementation horizon of up to ten years.
In the telegram channel, we share the news of the Prize and other projects of the Vyzov Foundation for the Development of Scientific and Cultural Relations.
#prize_news, #scientific_committee, and #prize_laureates – here you can find everything about the people, their achievements, and important events related to the award.
#foundation_news, #science_diplomacy – under these tags, we have gathered important news about the foundation's projects both domestically and internationally.
#science_popularization – the most interesting and cutting-edge articles about scientists' achievements; lectures and interviews.
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Aleksey Fedorov, Deputy Chairman of the VYZOV Prize Scientific Committee entered in a shortlisted for "Znanie. Prize"!
He claims to win in the category "For his contribution to education in the field of Science and Technology". In total, the shortlist of the prize in 2024 includes 107 applications in 18 categories.
Aleksey Fedorov is the Head of the Quantum Information Technologies research group at the Russian Quantum Center, Head of the College of Physics and Quantum Engineering at the NUST MISIS, Professor at the MIPT. Aleksey Fedorov's scientific work has significantly advanced the development of quantum technologies in Russia and the world.
In addition to his active research activities, he is engaged in the popularization of science. In popular science lectures, he talks about the principles of quantum computers, as well as how quantum computers will change the world, improve data encryption and help solve global problems.
We wish victory to Aleksey Fedorov and look forward to the announcement of the results!
He claims to win in the category "For his contribution to education in the field of Science and Technology". In total, the shortlist of the prize in 2024 includes 107 applications in 18 categories.
Aleksey Fedorov is the Head of the Quantum Information Technologies research group at the Russian Quantum Center, Head of the College of Physics and Quantum Engineering at the NUST MISIS, Professor at the MIPT. Aleksey Fedorov's scientific work has significantly advanced the development of quantum technologies in Russia and the world.
In addition to his active research activities, he is engaged in the popularization of science. In popular science lectures, he talks about the principles of quantum computers, as well as how quantum computers will change the world, improve data encryption and help solve global problems.
We wish victory to Aleksey Fedorov and look forward to the announcement of the results!