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Joriy yil 26-fevral kuni Muynoq tumani Madaniyat va "Future Muynak" markazlarida "MUYNAK INNOVATION FORUM" forumi va "Yosh innovatorlar" ko'rgazmasi tashkil qilindi.

🏛Ushbu forumga Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti Nukus filiali jamoasi ham faol ishtirok etdi. Talabalarimizning robototexnika, aqilli uy va shu kabi ko'rgazmalari barchada katta qiziqish uyg'otdi.

Tadbir davomida barcha ishtirokchilar Muynoqdagi "Korabller mozori"ga sayohat uyushtirildi. Muynoqga bo'lgan sayohat barcha forum ishtirokchilari qalbida iliq ta'surotlar qoldirdi.
Forwarded from Sherzod Shermatov
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Another victory for Uzbekistan is an important sign for companies seeking to leverage their competitiveness through looking for affordable talents.

The international summit “Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week” opened with exciting news.

The Presidential School in Tashkent won 1st place in the “Global Middle Schools” nomination, highlighting global recognition of Uzbekistan’s rapidly advancing education system.

In recent years, Uzbekistan has seen remarkable reforms in education and innovation. Over the past seven years, the coverage rate in preschool education has increased from 27% to 72%, while in higher education, it has risen from 9% to 42%.

All schools are connected to broadband. To prepare youth for the digital world, initiatives like “One Million Uzbek Coders” were launched.

Uzbekistan ranks #1 globally on Coursera, with 6.25% of the workforce actively learning—far above the global average of 0.73%. The number of IT education centers in the country has increased from 78 to 500, and currently, 25,000 young people are receiving education in future-oriented IT professions each year at these institutions.

The number of higher education institutions specializing in IT has reached 110, with 60,000 students currently enrolled in these programs. The number of freelancers earning income in the ICT sector has reached 86,000.

At present, a total of 38,000 skilled IT specialists are employed in active IT companies across the country.

In 2024, 79,000 young people received training in foreign languages and obtained C1-level or higher certifications. The educational and certification expenses of 2,400 young people for obtaining international IT certifications were reimbursed. Currently, these professionals with IT certifications are earning $1,000 or more per month.

Now, Uzbekistan, in partnership with the UAE, is launching a bold initiative to train 1 million AI prompters, making prompt engineering a key skill of the future.

These efforts are transforming Uzbekistan into a talent pool for the global IT market, equipped with future-forward skills.

This combined with tax free regime up to 2040 for ITES exporting companies makes Uzbekistan ideal place for outsourcing: https://outsource.gov.uz/en

#Uzbekistan #Innovation #DigitalEconomy #AI #EducationReform #OneMillionCoders #OneMillionPrompters #GlobalSuccess