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⚡️ ⚡️ Har bir talabaga “feedback” kerak, tanqid emas.

🔰Bugun kundalik hayotimizda “feedback” (“fidbek”) iborasi tez-tez uchrab turadi.

✳️ Masalan, siz maqola chop ettirdingiz, yoki yangi maxsulot ishlab chiqdingiz, jamoatchilikning unga bo‘lgan fikri, mulohazasi, javoban bildirilgan munosabati “feedback” deb ataladi.

⚠️ Bu har doim ham “tanqid” degani emas. Yoki, agar tanqid qilinmasa, bu fidbek bo'lmaydi deyish noto'g'ri.

🌐 G‘arb universitetlarida bir ibora bor: Har bir talabaga “feedback” kerak, tanqid yoki hukm emas❗️

🇬🇧Every student needs feedback, not criticism or judgment

Chunki o‘rni kelganida, hurmat va izzat bilan berilgan munosabat uni qabul qiluvchiga o'ziga xos “yo'l-yo'riq” sifatida foydali bo'lishi mumkin.

👉 Bunday "feedback" yo'l qo'yilgan xatolarni tuzatuvchi vosita ham bo'lishi mumkin.

☝️ Shuning uchun, konstruktiv fikrlaydigan insonlar “feedback” berganida, talaba ham uni konstruktiv qabul qilishi kerak.

👉 @think_global_act_local

🇺🇿 🇰🇿 Kuni kecha davlatimiz rahbarining Qozog‘istonga davlat tashrifi chog‘ida ikki mamlakat ittifoqchilik munosabatlari to‘g‘risidagi deklaratsiyani imzoladi.

🌐 Jahon siyosatida “ittifoqchilik munosabatlari” (“allied relations”) tushunchasi nimani anglatadi?

U “strategik sheriklik”dan (“strategic partnership”) qaysi jihatlari bilan farq qiladi?

🔰Ayni shu savollarga quyidagi maqolada oydinlik kiritishga harakat qildik.

👉 @think_global_act_local

🇺🇿 🇰🇿 Kuni kecha davlatimiz rahbarining Qozog‘istonga davlat tashrifi chog‘ida ikki mamlakat ittifoqchilik munosabatlari to‘g‘risidagi deklaratsiyani imzoladi.

🌐 Jahon siyosatida “ittifoqchilik munosabatlari” (“allied relations”) tushunchasi nimani anglatadi?

U “strategik sheriklik”dan (“strategic partnership”) qaysi jihatlari bilan farq qiladi?

🔰Ayni shu savollarga quyidagi maqolada oydinlik kiritishga harakat qildik.

👉 @think_global_act_local

🔰Читая «Классические работы по менеджменту» легендарного Питера Друкера на днях, я наткнулся на его упоминание американского генерала Джорджа Маршалла в качестве руководителя, «которому, возможно, лучше всех за всю историю США удавалось подбирать кадры».

Почему столь высокая оценка?
По каким критериям Маршалл подбирал кадров.

👉 Читайте далее

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⚡️⚡️ East and/or West 🌐

🌎 Westerners focus on values such as individualism, distinction, and independence.

🏆 They admire the person who takes action, they respect those with confidence, and they pride themselves on their logical approach.

🌏 Easterners emphasize collectivism, harmony, and accord.

♻️ They see themselves as connected to others, and they respect those who demonstrate restraint and establish ties with others.

Each of these two different value systems offers strong advantages.

What about your mindset? Do you resemble more a Westerner or an Easterner?

👉 @think_global_act_local
Media is too big
⚡️⚡️ “Тизимли фикрлаш: тамойил ва технологиялар” мавзусидаги мастер-классдан лавҳа.

"Тизимли фикрлаш" (systems thinking) нимани англатади?

⁉️ Нима учун бугун "тизимли фикрлаш" энг зарур бўлган кўникмалардан бири ҳисобланади?

👆Шу саволларга жавобни юқоридаги мастер-классдан олишингиз мумкин.

Тадбир Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти ҳузуридаги Давлат хизматини ривожлантириш агентлиги билан ҳамкорликда ташкил қилинди.

👉 @think_global_act_local
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⚡️Throughout history, people have found knowledge, peace and inspiration in books.

🔰 Books have been BEST friends of all people in all ages and in all parts of the world.

🌐 Most of the successful people of history were AVID readers. Books have considerably influenced their global views.

☝️ As the saying goes, "today a reader, tomorrow a leader”.

🔆 It means that to grow as a leader you should read as much as you can to get knowledge and wisdom from the world’s most intelligent people.

👉 @think_global_act_local
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🚀 They say, when ELON MUSK is not building rockets and revolutionizing the aerospace industry, he reads a lot of books.

When asked how he learned to build rockets, he replied,


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Ҳурматли китобхонлар, азиз инновацион билимларга интилувчи ёшлар!

Биз "GLOCAL-S" (“Glocal Strategies”) номли янги лойиҳага старт бермоқдамиз.

🌐 Унинг асосий мақсади – энг фойдали ГЛОБАЛ ғояларни ЛОКАЛ (маҳаллий) шароитга олиб кириш.

💠 Унинг вазифаси эса – илғор ГЛОБАЛ билим ва кўникмаларнинг энг сарасидан мамлакатимиз китобхонларини хабардор қилиш.

🔅 Лойиҳамиз ГЛОБАЛ фикрлаш орқали қандай қилиб ЛОКАЛ даражада ажойиб натижаларга эришишингиз мумкинлигига эътибор қаратади.

👍 Умид қиламизки, бизни кузатиб борасиз ва биз билан ГЛОБАЛ фикрлашни ўрганасиз!

👉 @think_global_act_local
Уважаемые читатели, дорогие искатели инновационных знаний!

Мы даем старт новому проекту под названием «GLOCAL-S» (Glocal Strategies), что обозначает «Глокальные стратегии».

🌐 Его главная цель — внедрение самых полезных ГЛОБАЛЬНЫХ идей в ЛОКАЛЬНЫЙ (местный) контекст.

💠 Его задача состоит в том, чтобы донести лучшее из ГЛОБАЛЬНЫХ знаний и навыков до сведения наших МЕСТНЫХ читателей.

🔆 Основной акцент будет сделан на том, как вы сможете добиться отличных результатов ЛОКАЛЬНО, думая ГЛОБАЛЬНО.

👍 Мы надеемся, что вы будете с нами и научитесь мыслить МАСШТАБНО!

👉 @think_global_act_local
Dear readers, dear seekers of innovative knowledge!

We are starting a new project called “GLOCAL-S”, which means “Glocal Strategies”.

🌐 Its main goal is to translate most useful GLOBAL ideas into the LOCAL context.

💠 Its concern is to bring the best of GLOBAL knowledge and skills into the minds of our LOCAL readers.

🔆 It will focus on how you can achieve excellent results LOCALLY by thinking GLOBALLY.

👍 We hope you will stay with us and learn thinking BIG!

👉 @think_global_act_local

Read books and you will learn to think UNCONVENTIONALLY (I)

⚡️ One of the best things, which reading books has taught me, is thinking UNCONVENTIONALLY.

🔶 I learnt to look at any problem situation through the eyes of the author, or as we say, from his perspective.

📖 My habit of reading books is not just mechanical memorization of data or facts.

It is about determining the author’s perspective and why he has raised this problem.

↘️ (to be continued)

Founder of "Cambridge Learning Center", "Cambridge KidZz", "ModMe" & "MARS IT SCHOOL"

👉 @think_global_act_local

Read books and you will learn to think UNCONVENTIONALLY (II)

☝️ The more we read books, the more diverse perspectives we face. It is rather an enriching experience. Our thinking gets more meaningful and more flexible.

❗️Otherwise, we might be guided only by our TRADITIONAL thinking.

🔆 In fact, reading books brings a fresh viewpoint and breathes a new life into our understanding of difficult situations.

🔻 Today, in most cases we have to conduct business in quite unfamiliar situations.

As new challenges arise every day, our traditional way of thinking is often unable to address them in an efficient way.

So we have to seek new, non-standard approaches, which we can find in the books created by successful authors.

Founder of "Cambridge Learning Center", "Cambridge KidZz", "ModMe" & "MARS IT SCHOOL"

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🔰 There are numerous benefits of reading books. With every book, you are smarter and get closer to your dreams.

🔆 From broadening your worldview to curing your stress and give you fun, books, whether novels or non-fiction, can change your situation.

👆Watch this video highlighting excellent benefits of reading books.

Video content by Glocal-S
Designed by N.Isroilova


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The LEADER is someone who is able to positively influence the thinking and motivation of people who associate their destinies with his vision, values and business.

founder of «MFaktor» & «Impulse», CEO of «Dekos»

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⚡️ A new word of the day...


🔰 A balanced mind means peace of mind, giving you the ability to think clearly. You keep calm. You are not run by emotions or stress. You can control your body, spirit and mind.

☀️ If you have a “balanced mind”, then you have excellent emotional health.

❇️ That’s why, they say: “to balance your life, you have to balance your mind”.

✔️ If you can keep calm and have a balanced mind, you will be able to manage very difficult situations in life and at work.

So, think about always keeping your mind balanced!

📖 Learn related words: mental balance, emotional balance (imbalance), inner balance, emotional well-being.


ROMANCE genre is the most popular among readers worldwide

🔰 Research of World Reading Habits in 2021 shows that the ROMANCE genre is the most popular among readers worldwide.

🇺🇸 This is especially true for the Americans.

🗯 “The Americans read a lot of romance books to deal with anxieties and life worries. The good always triumphs in romance books. And the Americans, by nature, are disposed to believe that the good will always prevail over evil. Of course, there is an enduring tragic love story “Romeo and Juliet”, in which death seemingly wins over love. But the Americans know that love is forever and will never end.

📚 Another epic romance loved by the Americans is “Doctor Zhivago” by Boris Pasternak. A soldier goes to war and does not come back for 20 years. When he is back, he discovers that the girl he loved was waiting for him without marrying anyone else over this entire time. And this is not anything else, but true love.

In short, life is beautiful with love. Love has so many different shapes and forms (for instance, love for Mother, love for a family, love for the country). But one thing is true – evil never comes from a loved one".

Zarnigor Yakhyoeva,
The Diplomat University student

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The former President of France, an outstanding statesman with lasting historical heritage JACQUES CHIRAC, as a young man, knew the Russian language and literature very well.

He knew by heart and could recite many classic Russian poems.

Jacques Chirac even translated Pushkin’s verse novel ‘Eugene Onegin’ into French.

Have you ever attempted to translate some pieces of world's classic literature into your native language?

👉 @think_global_act_local

When applying for a job, a young candidate was asked:
“What Was Your Biggest Challenge as a Student?”

And this was his response: 👇

🗯 “Acquiring successful time management skills was the biggest challenge I faced as a student. It was an aspect of college life that I underestimated the significance of. Now that I am in the workforce, I continue to use the skills I gained, and I am always trying to improve on them as well”.

⚡️Time management challenges are common to all students worldwide.

❗️You are not the exception either.

❇️ Effective time management will allow you to make the most of your day, week, month, year and, surely, all your life.

✔️ So try to learn how to plan your time in the most effective way.

Useful expressions:
successful time management skills, to underestimate the significance of, to be in the workforce (to be one of those who have a job), to improve on the (existing) skills

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🔸 Гарвард университетининг собиқ ректори Дрю Фаустнинг (2007-2018) сўзларини диққат билан тингланг. Ҳаёлан ўзингизга савол беринг: мен шу уч каҳрамондан қайси бирига тўғри келаман? Танлаган йўлингизда лидер бўлиб шаклланишингиз ушбу саволга берган тўғри жавобингизга боғлиқ. ‼️

🔸 Dig deeper into the words of the former Harvard president Drew Faust (2007-2018). Ask yourself: which of these three heroes do I look like? Your leadership in the chosen field depends on your honest answer to this question.‼️

Read in more details:

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