released.Changes from 1674: 8b30d0fe...11cd548e
An update is live on all distribution platforms.
You can install APKs directly: arm64, arm32, x64, x86.
Read more: https://t.iss.one/tgx_android/309
Telegram X APKs & Build Info pinned « stable released. Changes from 1674: 8b30d0fe...11cd548e An update is live on all distribution platforms. You can install APKs directly: arm64, arm32, x64, x86. Read more: https://t.iss.one/tgx_android/309» beta
released.Changes from 1717: 11cd548e...08539f4a
Pull requests: 602 / 1924fd1f (
) by nikita-toropovYou can install it from APKs below.
Telegram X APKs & Build Info pinned « beta released. Changes from 1717: 11cd548e...08539f4a Pull requests: 602 / 1924fd1f (+1024,-194) by nikita-toropov You can install it from APKs below.» stable
released yesterday for all users.While it brings a dozen of new features, it includes the fundamental fixes and improvements for displaying RTL and mixed-direction messages, which should significantly improve the experience while reading messages in Arabic, Hebrew and Persian languages.
If you or your friends previously frustrated from the related problems in Telegram X — please make sure to check out the latest update, and leave a comment on Google Play if you liked it. beta
got released today. It includes a lot of work towards finishing and releasing chat folders for all users.For years Google Play used to review most Telegram X beta versions within an hour. Since December 2023 the review times for beta noticeably degraded, and it sometimes takes days to review a single beta version of Telegram X — the same duration as it takes to review the stable updates.
We haven't decided how to deal with this yet, but seems like we'll have to rely only on this channel, and stop publishing most beta versions on Google Play, as during public phase of development we sometimes need to publish multiple beta versions in a single day — at much faster pace than they get reviewed.
If you'd like to help in testing folders, make sure to follow this channel (@tgx_log), install the latest APK, enable folders in Settings — hold app version — Experimental Settings — Chat Folders, and then focus on finding any bugs related to chat folders & filters, including visual glitches, and report to the testing group (make sure to include the
Copy Report Details
in your report). In case you'll encounter a crash, find it in Settings — hold app version — Application Logs — Log Files.Thank you for your continued support of Telegram X.
If you like the app, and would like to share some good words — leave a review on Google Play.
47.4 MB
Commit: e0a8b152, 16/05/2024, 18:32 UTC
Pull requests: 602 / c635a827 (
MD5: 5fdba9e27ca446f5c85ee68abea3154c
SHA-1: 91b0ebe32834c8d75059c37e40f88a916cc133ce
SHA-256: 085c7c695bc7ffcc47672915598a586ede1b30bddf32011ea579f8d60f14842b
#universal #apk
Commit: e0a8b152, 16/05/2024, 18:32 UTC
Pull requests: 602 / c635a827 (
) by nikita-toropovMD5: 5fdba9e27ca446f5c85ee68abea3154c
SHA-1: 91b0ebe32834c8d75059c37e40f88a916cc133ce
SHA-256: 085c7c695bc7ffcc47672915598a586ede1b30bddf32011ea579f8d60f14842b
#universal #apk
47.4 MB
Commit: 18a230f9, 21/05/2024, 05:24 UTC
Pull requests: 602 / e7c15571 (
MD5: 6ca9e1df50877239fe93c27f9fa854b0
SHA-1: 1d81ca8fdb529c05921199eb5d9a155dbb592f53
SHA-256: ea840ac8d01cade4ada9958d02362b65d68ea7fb4f1f88fe3c1851ebd3adefab
#universal #apk
Commit: 18a230f9, 21/05/2024, 05:24 UTC
Pull requests: 602 / e7c15571 (
) by nikita-toropovMD5: 6ca9e1df50877239fe93c27f9fa854b0
SHA-1: 1d81ca8fdb529c05921199eb5d9a155dbb592f53
SHA-256: ea840ac8d01cade4ada9958d02362b65d68ea7fb4f1f88fe3c1851ebd3adefab
#universal #apk
47.4 MB
Commit: 3a4f5a6a, 22/05/2024, 15:23 UTC
Pull requests: 602 / d6023dbd (
MD5: b100fabf8b928ba82dfd853e54c06b45
SHA-1: b40f3d1592ac988a1c17c60e1bab0457e74b26f2
SHA-256: 3aeb8067f0f95cfff90a536e427c3877c28482264da8b7d2cdc9c7c0b4c6b624
#universal #apk
Commit: 3a4f5a6a, 22/05/2024, 15:23 UTC
Pull requests: 602 / d6023dbd (
) by nikita-toropovMD5: b100fabf8b928ba82dfd853e54c06b45
SHA-1: b40f3d1592ac988a1c17c60e1bab0457e74b26f2
SHA-256: 3aeb8067f0f95cfff90a536e427c3877c28482264da8b7d2cdc9c7c0b4c6b624
#universal #apk
47.4 MB
Commit: 22519922, 24/05/2024, 06:49 UTC
Pull requests: 602 / 9826472a (
MD5: 171a1b36b15524762be9bc10ed817025
SHA-1: e4b251ddaa0bb4136baea0dcd14fb62fd75773a5
SHA-256: 3332e04cabd18400dee7d568b1dd1c8638bf67295c59488e098d2eeae9b242f5
#universal #apk
Commit: 22519922, 24/05/2024, 06:49 UTC
Pull requests: 602 / 9826472a (
) by nikita-toropovMD5: 171a1b36b15524762be9bc10ed817025
SHA-1: e4b251ddaa0bb4136baea0dcd14fb62fd75773a5
SHA-256: 3332e04cabd18400dee7d568b1dd1c8638bf67295c59488e098d2eeae9b242f5
#universal #apk