#EU #UK #LawTermination Ожидается крупнейшая расчистка британского законодательства от европейских норм: правительство Терезы Мэй выпустило Белую книгу: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-great-repeal-bill-white-paper
The Repeal Bill: White Paper - GOV.UK
The Repeal Bill White Paper sets out the government’s proposals for ensuring a functioning statute book once we have left the EU.
#LawTermination #EU #Великобритания The day after triggering Brexit, the government published details of its "Great Repeal Bill". Described by Theresa May as an "essential step" on the way to leaving the EU, it aims to ensure European law will no longer apply in the UK. It is now being beginning its journey into law, with the formal title of the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill. Here's how it will work: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-39266723
BBC News
A guide to the EU Withdrawal Bill
As part of Brexit, the government plans to end the supremacy of EU law - here are the key points.
#REFIT #EU Ролики немецких профсоюзов с критикой Европейской Комиссии. И, конечно, угроза безопасности на рабочем месте как основной аргумент против вредительских целей better regulation😱 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvvOyvVi9fk и https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaHNTpsPSxE
Was bedeuten Better Regulation und REFIT für Arbeitnehmerrechte?
Was bedeuten die EU-Programme "Better Regulation" und "REFIT" für Arbeitnehmerrechte? Die EU-Kommission will mit den Programmen "Better Regulation" und "REFI...
#Data #EU Комментарий к Федеральному закону «О персональных данных»: Ряд положений Закона о персональных данных анализируется в сравнении с европейским законодательством, включая недавно принятый General Data Protection Regulation и правовые позиции Европейского Суда Справедливости. https://www.consultant.ru/kniga/
#EU #evidence-based
Evidence-based policy making in the European Commission
The Secretariat General of the European Commission, has as part of its mission “to ensure the coherence, quality and delivery of policy, legislation and operations across policy areas and Commission departments”. Before the EU takes action the commission publishes roadmaps describing the planned initiative and prepares an impact assessment, which examines the potential economic social and environmental consequences. The objective being that “Commission initiatives and proposals for EU legislation are prepared on the basis of transparent, comprehensive and balanced evidence on the nature of the problem to be addressed, the added value of EU action and the cost and benefits of alternative courses of action for all stakeholders”. I propose to illustrate evidence-based policy making within the European Commission, with the example of the ongoing initiative to address greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and LULUCF in the context of the 2030 EU Climate and energy framework. Agriculture accounts for approximately 10% of EU greenhouse gas emissions, while the LULUCF sector is currently a net sink. https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/evidence-based-policy-making-european-commission
Evidence-based policy making in the European Commission
The Secretariat General of the European Commission, has as part of its mission “to ensure the coherence, quality and delivery of policy, legislation and operations across policy areas and Commission departments”. Before the EU takes action the commission publishes roadmaps describing the planned initiative and prepares an impact assessment, which examines the potential economic social and environmental consequences. The objective being that “Commission initiatives and proposals for EU legislation are prepared on the basis of transparent, comprehensive and balanced evidence on the nature of the problem to be addressed, the added value of EU action and the cost and benefits of alternative courses of action for all stakeholders”. I propose to illustrate evidence-based policy making within the European Commission, with the example of the ongoing initiative to address greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and LULUCF in the context of the 2030 EU Climate and energy framework. Agriculture accounts for approximately 10% of EU greenhouse gas emissions, while the LULUCF sector is currently a net sink. https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/evidence-based-policy-making-european-commission
EU Science Hub
Evidence-based policy making in the European Commission
Evidence-based policy making in the European Commission - The European Commission's science and knowledge service