#Polyanskiy: #Syria can achieve lasting peace & security once it fully recovers its sovereignty & territorial integrity. It includes restoring control of🇸🇾authorities over the national border & natural resources, while continuing fight against terrorism. https://t.co/esj0wHevlO https://t.co/svEakERtAt
#Polyanskiy: Recovery of natural ties with the #Arab neighbors, i.a. in the political and economic domains, as well as the return of #Damascus to the Arab family would add to the overall improvement of the situation within and around #Syria. https://t.co/yJjbX1Wztu
#Polyanskiy: The🇺🇳mandate for cross-border humanitarian deliveries to #Syria through “Bab al-Hawa” crossing will remain effective until 10 July. There're a lot of things that we need to do in the remaining months, so we have no time to get started slowly. https://t.co/bbyYgPW6lr https://t.co/bbiLeyOYLV
#Polyanskiy: It is crucial to build up efforts to ensure early recovery of infrastructure that should provide essential services to the #Syria|ns. No humanitarian assistance can be as effective as unimpeded functioning of #hospitals, power stations, plants and factories. https://t.co/CTuUYSbSdU
#Polyanskiy: When working on🇸🇾humanitarian file, we must not ignore the problem of negative impact of unilateral #sanctions & coercive measures on the lives of #Syria|ns. Hopefully, SG will pay more attention to this issue in his reports– until the problem's fully eradicated. https://t.co/4XzG6aNRVv
#Polyanskiy: Donor contributions to these works will not only help improve the status of ordinary #Syria|ns, but also reduce cost of #humanitarian works while increasing their added value. In our view, this simple math-based logic is hard to argue with. @mfa_russia https://t.co/Y1iRDUBhDM
#Polyanskiy: From the most recent documents, we can cite the reports by #FAO and #WHO, which address the devastating impact of sanctions on agricultural production and deliveries of medicines and medical equipment to #Syria. Those who suffer from that are ordinary Syrians🇸🇾. https://t.co/ffOhNa6asA
#Polyanskiy: #ISIL was struck heavily in #Syria. #Terrorists were defeated and had to flee from the government-controlled territory. The problems remain where the Americans created legal vacuum and where Syria’s sovereign territory remains occupied by foreign troops. https://t.co/HUYZRrPsVG
#Polyanskiy: The illegal presence of US🇺🇸 military in #Syria🇸🇾 created a “lawless zone” in the north-east, where foreign terrorists, militants, and criminals feel perfectly at ease. There is anarchy and violence, and terrorists are divided into “the good and the bad”. https://t.co/YJJ8HpQgf9
#Kuzmin: Terrorist threats trigger great problems in NE #Syria. The illegally present US military fail to etablish order there. The atmosphere of lawlessness that evolves around the locations where🇺🇸contingents're deployed creates favorable conditions for #terrorists of all sorts https://t.co/gzlLEtGs7y
#Kuzmin: One of #Syria’s major #humanitarian challenges also takes us to the territory, illegally occupied by the #UnitedStates – camps “Al-Hol” and “Roj”, where dozens of thousand women and children are kept in horrible conditions. https://t.co/qCwsjTuIJP
#Kuzmin: The local militants definitely gained in strength and courage, because now they openly attack detention facilities where their “brothers-in-arms” are held. As a result, even those #terrorists who have been put to prison now turn out free. #Syria @mfa_russia https://t.co/AjTn0GUIji