#Nebenzia: While telling tales about a triumph of democracy in #Ukraine, the #Maidan authorities and nationalists killed political opponents with impunity, persecuted the opposition, shut down opposition TV channels where one could get relatively objective information. https://t.co/HM8bCrZM8P
#Nebenzia: A “bubble” of lies and fakes is being created around the🇷🇺special military operation. It is the houses in #Donbas that were destroyed by nationalists &🇺🇦that Western media most often brazenly present as consequences of Russia’s military operation in🇺🇦. https://t.co/B36hXggH45
#Nebenzia: Russian military pose no threat to Ukraine’s peaceful citizens, they do not fire at peaceful facilities. Cities that are controlled by🇷🇺live normally: critical infrastructure & transit keep working, public order is maintained by joint efforts with local administrations https://t.co/QMHmLyPfZj
#Nebenzia: What does pose a threat to the people of #Ukraine is 🇺🇦 nationalists who in fact hold them as hostages and use as a human shield. There is evidence, disseminated by ordinary Ukrainians, proving that nationalists deploy heavy equipment in residential quarters. https://t.co/F6hm4mkCOu
#Nebenzia: We are neighboring #NATO countries and that was the result of cheating by our Western partners who, when the Berlin Wall collapsed, told us that they wouldn't move beyond the borders of the former GDR. And our naive leadership at that time opted to believe them. https://t.co/36stsyxDMG
#Nebenzia: [Expulsion of 12 diplomats from @RussiaUN] is sad news and another demonstration of gross disrespect by 🇺🇸to the host country agreement, commitments within the framework of their obligations, both under the #UNCharter, host country agreement and #Vienna conventions. https://t.co/jnEY3keluG
#Nebenzia: 🇺🇸authorities have undertaken another hostile action against 🇷🇺Mission to UN, grossly violating their commitments under host country agreement. They announce 12 people from our personnel persona non grata and demand that they leave by March 7. https://t.co/rre4PBEcKR https://t.co/pgap2ohNDE
#Nebenzia: The🇷🇺special operation does not impact civil infrastructure. Over the5⃣days of this operation, there have been no recorded cases of deliberate devastation. By the same token, there is no evidence of civilians dying through the fault of🇷🇺military https://t.co/RR6zlxBo9n https://t.co/7T4vRHodoI
#Polyanskiy: 🇷🇺supported adoption of UNSCR [renewing #Yemen's sanctions regime]. But we'd like to note that restrictive measures per se can't be viewed as a method of conflict settlement, and must not exacerbate the already dire humanitarian situation in🇾🇪https://t.co/H4epGfRUoU https://t.co/p0hAZKyNaQ
#Polyanskiy: Enhancement of political and diplomatic efforts will bring peace to #Yemen and alleviate confrontation in the region. We call on SESG for 🇾🇪H.Grundberg to boost activity within his mandate, establish contacts with all sides, put forward a roadmap for settlement asap. https://t.co/61scbS6Iwp
#Polyanskiy: It's been 8 months since DG Arias last addressed the UNSC, during which time he was re-elected for a 2nd term. We'd want for him to share how he plans to improve the outrageous situation at the #OPCW that was caused by politicizing of the work of the Organization. https://t.co/Jkz8ud2q7w
#Polyanskiy: Threat of possible use of chemical weapons by terrorists [in #Syria] is still there, to our deepest regret. As lately as 26 February,🇷🇺Defense Ministry reported that militants from “Jabhat al-Nusra” delivered tanks w/poisoning agents, presumably chlorine, to #Idlib. https://t.co/fOaWGcWWB5
#Polyanskiy: Investigation and Identification Team, as well as the Fact-Finding Mission for #Syria, violates the Chemical Weapons Convention as far as its principles of investigations, first of all those applying to collection and secure preservation of evidence. https://t.co/YJcQs8BDiq
#Polyanskiy: We extended an invitation to DG Arias to participate in this meeting, but he rejected it citing his very busy schedule. We regret that #OPCW Director-General was not able to carve out some time to speak to the Security Council of the United Nations🇺🇳. @mfa_russia https://t.co/m5BmxAVG1W
#Polyanskiy: Biased conclusions of the #IIT became the basis for the punitive decision to incapacitate #Syria at the #OPCW on a far-fetched pretext. It was the 1st time such a step was taken against a sovereign state that complied with the #CWC faithfully. https://t.co/mYPJgEYzIh https://t.co/fV9qANP8Ld
#Евстигнеева: Новые власти #Афганистана демонстрируют готовность налаживать конструктивное взаимодействие с международным сообществом. Отмечаем определенные усилия, предпринимаемые ими для решения политических, социально-экономических, гуманитарных и правочеловеческих проблем. https://t.co/IH8mF4f4If
#Евстигнеева на #СБООН по #Афганистану: Отмечаем улучшение ситуации с безопасностью в стране, что позволило гуманитарщикам попасть в регионы, куда до недавнего времени доступа не было. https://t.co/OSnt8JLMgF https://t.co/FE7GfdUcaW
#Евстигнеева: Ожидаем от #талибов серьезных мер по завершению процесса межафганского примирения и формированию инклюзивных структур власти с отражением интересов всех ключевых этнополитических сил страны. Отмечаем важность непрерывных усилий по противодействию тер- и наркоугрозам https://t.co/Ncv8X7cqHF
#Евстигнеева: Приоритет🇷🇺остается неизменным – сохранение стабильности в🇦🇫. Это задача, от решения которой зависит обстановка в регионе. Однако об эффективном купировании проблем невозможно говорить в условиях отсутствия национального потенциала, утечки кадров и нехватки ресурсов https://t.co/b7iutWtPSp
#Евстигнеева: 20 лет назад🇺🇸вошли в🇦🇫с особой миссией – борьбой с терроризмом. За все годы присутствия в стране у #США была масса возможностей и времени для ликвидации террористов в🇦🇫. Однако в действительности приход в страну США лишь укрепил ее статус рассадника #терроризма. https://t.co/pqjqbn361V
#Евстигнеева: 20 лет нахождения #США в #Афганистане стоило тысяч унесенных жизней простых афганцев и 🇺🇸 солдат, а также миллиардов потраченных долларов. Народ, который они лицемерно бросили на произвол судьбы, остался один на один с #разрухой, #нищетой, #терроризмом и #голодом. https://t.co/NaFj3bHw4A