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Перспективы развития торгово-экономических связей между Россией и Индией обсудили в Нью-Дели
Русский дом в Нью-Дели совместно с Фондом «Индия-Россия» провели онлайн-семинар «Вопросы укрепления российско-индийских торгово-экономических связей. Механизмы расчетов в рупиях и рублях».
Главными спикерами стали: первый вице-президент Фонда «Индия – Россия» Судхир Пал Сабхарвал, председатель торгово-промышленной палаты БРИКС (Индия) Вишвас Трипатхи, руководитель Торгового представительства Российской Федерации в Индии Александр Рыбас, представитель индийского отделения Сбербанка Абхинав Гровер, представитель индийского банка Canara Bank Хитендра Кумар, научный сотрудник Центра изучения России и Центральной Азии университета им. Джавахарлала Неру профессор Сандип Трипатхи и генеральный секретарь Фонда «Индия – Россия» доктор Раджеш Мехта.
В ходе обсуждения участники отметили, что, несмотря на введенные Западом санкции против России и давление на Индию, обе страны по-прежнему заинтересованы в дальнейшем развитии торгово-экономических связей. В пример были приведены крупные сделки на покупку 4.8 миллионов баррелей российской нефти марки Urals корпорацией Indian Oil и компанией Nayara Energy. Общий объем импорта сырой нефти Индией из России в марте почти в четыре раза увеличился по сравнению с аналогичным периодом в прошлом году. Эксперты также отметили три основных проблемных момента, с которыми сталкиваются индийские экспортеры и импортеры, работающий с Россией. Это в первую очередь вопросы логистики, страховки и взаиморасчетов. Что касается последних, по словам Александра Рыбаса вся необходимая законодательная и правовая база для ведения торговли между нашими странами в формате рубль/рупия уже существует, и нет необходимости изобретать какие-то новые схемы проведения расчетов. Это подтвердил и Абхинав Гровер, добавив, что Сбербанк работает в Индии в данном формате с 2010 года. Как отметили участники конференции, вопрос ведения торговли между Россией и Индией в рублях и рупиях на данный момент прорабатывается на высшем уровне, и соглашение может быть готово уже через несколько недель. В рамках такого соглашения российский банк должен будет открыть счет в индийском, а индийский — в России.
С инициативой о рассмотрении возможности введения фиксированного курса обмена рубля к рупии выступили представители Фонда «Индия – Россия». Как отметил Судхир Пал Сабхарвал, в связи с высокой волатильностью и девальвацией российской валюты это помогло бы не только снизить инфляционное давление на российских потребителей и повысить их покупательскую способность, но и позволило бы индийским экспортерам успешно войти на российский рынок и сделать их товары более конкурентоспособными. Помимо этого участники семинара также обсудили расширение обоюдных инвестиционных возможностей и возобновление работы торгового коридора Владивосток – Ченнаи, который функционировал во времена Советского Союза. По итогам конференции эксперты сошлись во мнении, что текущая макроэкономическая и геополитическая ситуация открывает большие возможности для значительного расширения торгово-экономических связей между Россией и Индией, и разыграв свои карты нужным образом, страны смогут достигнуть поставленной задачи увеличения показателя товарооборота до 30 млрд долларов в год.
A Webinar to “Enhance Bilateral Trade in RUB/ RUPEES between Indian and Russia
A webinar to “Enhance Bilateral Trade in RUB/ RUPEES between Indian and Russia” was held at the Russian House, New Delhi, on 24th March 2022, which was jointly organized by the Russian House and India-Russia foundation. The webinar witnessed an invigorating discourse and on the prospects of how both the governments can strengthen the Rupee-Ruble trade after the European Union, the US and other Western nations decided to block many Russian banks' from accessing SWIFT, the global Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication payment system, following the current Russian-Ukraine War scenario.
Dignitaries who graced the webinar included Mr Fedor Rozovskiy, Director, Russian House, New Delhi, Prof. Dr. Alexander Rybas, Trade Commissioner, Embassy of the Russian Federation in India, Mr Sudhir Pal Sabharwal, Sr Vice-President, India-Russia Foundation, Dr Rajesh Mehta, Secretary General, Unity International, Mr Vishwas Tripathi, President, BRICS CCI, Mr Abhinav Grover, Sber Bank, Mr. Hiterndra Kumar, Canara Bank and Dr Sandeep Tripathi, Professor, Political Science.
The panelists discussed that the Rupee-Ruble exchange is nothing new and it had its foundation in the Indo-Soviet Trade Agreement signed between the two countries on 2nd Dec 1953. It is a payment mechanism between India and Russia to settle trade payments in Rupees and Ruble, instead of Dollars and Euros. Goods imported to India will be paid for in rupees and goods imported by Russia will be paid for in Ruble. This is being done to reduce dependence on the dollar and makes the countries less vulnerable to US sanctions. As an example, this agreement is proposed for the purchase of 4.8 million barrels of Russian crude oil by Indian Oil Corporation and Nayara Energy. India's total crude oil imports from Russia almost quadrupled in March compared to the same period last year. Mr. Sabharwal, in his speech suggested that pegging of Rupee-Ruble to encourage trade and foreign investments, as well as to hedge the inflation. When executed well, pegged currencies can increase trade and incomes between Russian and India. Mr. Hitender Kumar agreed on the suggestion and conveyed that the pegging the two currencies is critical to the success of the Rupee-Ruble agreement if it extends to a restricted list of goods beyond government-to-government deals and appropriate approvals from APEX level for the same has to be in place from both the governments. Prof Dr. Alexander Rybas conveyed that all necessary legislative and legal frameworks for conducting trade between our countries in the Rupee-Ruble format already exists, and there is no need to invent any new settlement schemes. Mr. Abhinav Grover prompted to an arrangement, in which part of the trade purchase settlement with Russia could be in foreign currency and rest through local Rupee could also be explored. Dr Rajesh Mehta elucidated that both countries aims to bolster trade, with an ambitious target of $30 billion annually by 2025. The two sides are also looking at starting a direct trade route between Vladivostok and Chennai, that would cut down shipping time by half to just over 20 days from the current route.
🇷🇺 Peoples of Russia: Dargins
More than half a million Dargins live in Russia, most of them are in Dagestan –about 17% of the republic population.
🔹 They have been practicing farming and cattle breeding, processing wood, stone, leather and wool, embroidering with gold thread and silk. In some villages they are engaged in pottery.
The jewellery making is well developed in Kubachi village: craftsmen's products decorate ceremonial weapons and clothes.
🔹 Traditionally, Dargin men wore a cloak, burka and bashlyk, while women wore a full-length dress and tunic, and a fitted coat. Shoes were usually felt or leather.
🔹 Dargins lived primarily in rural communities, djamaats. The main types of dwellings in the foothills and mountains were multi-storied houses with flat roofs.
🥣 The national cuisine abounds in meat dishes: khinkals, chudu pirogi, the Daghestani version of the familiar dumplings – kurze.
📖 Dargin literature for over 20 centuries was oral, so folklore and dance is of great importance in the culture of the people. Mass dances of Dargins are accompanied by national instruments agach-kumuz, chugur and zurna.
«Golden Mountains» - this is how the word “Altai” is translated from Turkic languages. This is where the borders of Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia meet, and one of the most significant mountain systems in Central Asia and Southern Siberia is located.
There are few places in the world have such a diverse landscape on a small space. Altai shows all the range of Central Asia natural zones: deserts, steppes, forest-steppes, mixed forests, taiga and alpine meadows. Furthermore, there is a special attention to the fauna: rare species of mammals, fish and birds have survived in Altai vastness.
About a million tourists annually admire the beauty of Altai nature. Of course, it is not always easy to get there, but the one who dares will have unforgettable impressions. One of the main attractions is Lake Teletskoye. It is one of the Russia deepest lakes (more than 325 meters). Tourist centers, hotels and campsites lined up on the shore of the lake and ready to receive tourists.
Gorny Altai is also regarded as a land of caves. The region counts more than 430 karst caves.
Natural parks and protected spaces make up the treasures of the Altai Mountain Republic. This is a land of pristine nature, where your soul and body can relax.
Media is too big
Next summer, from 8 to 19 August, the XXXII World University Games 2023 will start in Ekaterinburg.

Competitions will be held in 18 types of sports, including three additional ones chosen by the Russian side: boxing, rugby and sambo. An artistic block will make its debut appearance. It will consist of three categories: music, dance and public art. 247 sets of medals will be awarded during the competition.

The capital of the Urals is preparing to host more than 11,500 athletes. The stadiums are expected to gather about 800,000 guests and fans of the event. The Universiade will be held at 24 sports facilities, 8 of which are still under construction.

Three heroes became mascots of the 32nd Summer Universiade: a malachite girl Hitti, an amateur athlete deer Jaggy and a sable-musician Kedry.

#Ekat2023 #Yekaterinburg #Universiade2023
Every day dozens of solutions appear in Russia and advanced technologies are introduced. With the withdrawal of multinational corporations from the market, Russian companies have been able to expand production and discover new niches. Everything that had to be bought abroad yesterday is now successfully produced in Russia.

Follow the latest news about import substitution and Russian developments on the portal «Made in Russia»:
Space is an amazing expanse where boundaries between countries and cultures disappear and a common humanity comes to the fore.

For Cosmonautics Day, Rossotrudnichestvo prepared a video with the memories of cosmonauts who participated in the Intercosmos program.

This program was created by the Soviet Union to promote international cooperation in space. Most of the socialist countries participated in it, giving their citizens a unique chance to become astronauts and see our planet from orbit.

The Czechoslovak Vladimir Remek, the Pole Miroslav Hermaszewski, the German Sigmund Ian, the Romanian Dumitro Prunariu, the Mongolian Jugdardemidin Gurgacha, the Cuban Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez, the Afghan Abdul Akhad Momand, the Vietnamese Pham Tuan, the Hungarian Bartolan Farkas and the Bulgarian Georgi Ivanov went into space together with Soviet crews.

To get acquainted with the memories of Pham Tuan, Bartalan Farkas and Gheorghe Ivanov, please watch our short video clip.

The full versions of the cosmonauts' interviews are available on the social networks of Russian Houses in Vietnam (, in Hungary ( and in Bulgaria (
Within the framework of the IX Moscow Legal Forum on April 16 2022 the Moscow State Law University (MSAL) will hold two International Scientific and Practical Conferences: "Current Problems of Russian and Brazilian Law in the context of new technological challenges" and "Actual Problems of Russian and Indian Law in the Context of Digital Transformation."
The conference will be broadcasted live on the official YouTube channel of MSAL.

Conference "Actual problems of the law of Russia and India in the context of digital transformation" will start at 10:30 a.m. Moscow time (1.00 p.m. IST). For more information you can visit:

Conference "Actual problems of the law of Russia and Brazil in the context of new technological challenges": will start at 03:00 p.m. Moscow time (5.30 p.m. IST). For more information you can visit:

#MSAL #MoscowLegalForum
The Agency continues to tell the stories of graduates of Soviet and Russian universities from neighboring countries in the new category #LeagueoftheBest.
The decisive role in the fate of each hero of the project was played by studying in Russia or in the Soviet Union. Graduates tell how their life turned out after getting education at the university, recall their student years and note the value of the knowledge, experience and connections gained during this time.
Oganes Arakelian is a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). While studying, Oganes and his friend from MGIMO opened an advertising agency, and two years later he became one of the founders of the «Citymobil» service. Later, together with friends from the university, Oganes opened a chain of creative spaces in Russia and Armenia. Today he is the chairman of the Armenian Alumni Club of MGIMO. He noted that it was the teachers who inspired him to take his first steps in business. Watch the story of Oganes about his student years in Russia.

#РусскийДом #RussianHouse #Россотрудничество #Rossotrudnichestvo #ОбразованиевРоссии #EducationinRussia
🐻Chess game. A grandmaster from Russia played a game with young chess players from Donbass:

🐻International ranking. The Russian Theatre Institute was ranked among the world's top universities:

🐻New technologies. Russia has developed a space sensor for space orientation:

🐻Space unites. Educational International Aerospace Festival has started:

🐻Cultural cooperation. Russia will train ballet dancers from China:
Peoples of Russia. Belarusians
Belarusians are an East Slavic people and the Belarus indigenous population. Over 500 thousand Belarusians live in Russia nowadays. Their native language is Belarusian, but 90% of Belarusians also speak Russian.
The traditional crafts of Belarusians were farming, beekeeping, and gathering. Belarusians are also engaged in animal husbandry, breeding pigs and cattle.
Belarusian women know how to perfectly sew, embroider, braid and weave. They make traditional clothes from linen and hemp fibers. The characteristic features of the Belarusian traditional clothes are bright, contrasting colors and a variety of decorative elements decorated with national patterns.
The Belarusian cuisine is similar to Russian in many ways. Belarusians cook cereals, soups, root vegetables, meat and dairy products. There are about 200 potato dishes in the national cuisine. The most popular potato-made treats are kluski, kolduny, kapytki, lezhen, casseroles, pancakes. The most famous Belarusian dish is draniki which are made of grated potatoes, usually served with sour cream.