Today we will talk about three Russian composers of the past, without whom it is impossible to imagine classical music.
Sergei Rachmaninov (1873–1943) was born in a family of musicians. In 1882 he entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory, six years later he continued his studies at the Moscow Conservatory. In his work, he managed to combine these two schools traditions, that is why he is often called "the most Russian composer". His style combined church songwriting, European romanticism, impressionism and neoclassicism. In the 1900s his best works were born: e.g. the Second Symphony and the poem "The Bells".
Sergei Rachmaninov (1873–1943) was born in a family of musicians. In 1882 he entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory, six years later he continued his studies at the Moscow Conservatory. In his work, he managed to combine these two schools traditions, that is why he is often called "the most Russian composer". His style combined church songwriting, European romanticism, impressionism and neoclassicism. In the 1900s his best works were born: e.g. the Second Symphony and the poem "The Bells".
Alexander Scriabin (1872–1915) was born in a noble family. He studied at the cadet corps in youth, but a year before graduation he entered the Moscow Conservatory. Scriabin was a real innovator, he was the first who visualized a melody using color. Contemporaries described Alexander as a composer-philosopher. The peak of Scriabin's work was 1903-1908, when the Third Symphony, the "Tragic" and "Satanic" piano poems and the "Divine Poem" were released.
Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) creations reflect the human drama accurately and are a chronicle of the 20th century events, where the deeply personal is intertwined with the tragedy of mankind and the fate of the country. Fifteen symphonies of all Shostakovich works take a central place, they became the pinnacle of Soviet symphonic music. His music spread throughout the world and was performed by the best conductors on the planet despite the fact he practically did not travel outside the USSR.
Peoples of Russia: Kazakhs
The Kazakhs are one of the largest Turkic-speaking peoples. According to the 2010 All-Russian population census results almost 648 thousand ethnic Kazakhs live in Russia, or 0.45% of the Russia's total population, at the same time, Kazakhs are on top 10 main ethnic groups in Russia.
The Kazakhs have become one of the most interesting Turkic-speaking population descendants due to the unique culture which have many borrowings from other peoples.
The Kazakhs national dress reflects their ancient traditions associated with history, social, economic and climatic conditions. The skins of tigers and kulans were often used in its manufacture, as well as the fur of a desman, ermine, and sable. An important part of the national costume is a dressing gown – shapan. Bright color and gold embroidery have pointed out the person status. Under the dressing gown men wore shirts and pants, women wore loose-fitting dresses.
Kazakh cuisine is divided into traditional and modern. The Kazakh diet basis is meat dishes. Manti, which are prepared with the addition of meat and pumpkin, are very popular. Such food is filling and fat-saturated since the nomadic life conditions required eating heavily.
The Kazakhs are one of the largest Turkic-speaking peoples. According to the 2010 All-Russian population census results almost 648 thousand ethnic Kazakhs live in Russia, or 0.45% of the Russia's total population, at the same time, Kazakhs are on top 10 main ethnic groups in Russia.
The Kazakhs have become one of the most interesting Turkic-speaking population descendants due to the unique culture which have many borrowings from other peoples.
The Kazakhs national dress reflects their ancient traditions associated with history, social, economic and climatic conditions. The skins of tigers and kulans were often used in its manufacture, as well as the fur of a desman, ermine, and sable. An important part of the national costume is a dressing gown – shapan. Bright color and gold embroidery have pointed out the person status. Under the dressing gown men wore shirts and pants, women wore loose-fitting dresses.
Kazakh cuisine is divided into traditional and modern. The Kazakh diet basis is meat dishes. Manti, which are prepared with the addition of meat and pumpkin, are very popular. Such food is filling and fat-saturated since the nomadic life conditions required eating heavily.
Перспективы развития торгово-экономических связей между Россией и Индией обсудили в Нью-Дели
Русский дом в Нью-Дели совместно с Фондом «Индия-Россия» провели онлайн-семинар «Вопросы укрепления российско-индийских торгово-экономических связей. Механизмы расчетов в рупиях и рублях».
Главными спикерами стали: первый вице-президент Фонда «Индия – Россия» Судхир Пал Сабхарвал, председатель торгово-промышленной палаты БРИКС (Индия) Вишвас Трипатхи, руководитель Торгового представительства Российской Федерации в Индии Александр Рыбас, представитель индийского отделения Сбербанка Абхинав Гровер, представитель индийского банка Canara Bank Хитендра Кумар, научный сотрудник Центра изучения России и Центральной Азии университета им. Джавахарлала Неру профессор Сандип Трипатхи и генеральный секретарь Фонда «Индия – Россия» доктор Раджеш Мехта.
В ходе обсуждения участники отметили, что, несмотря на введенные Западом санкции против России и давление на Индию, обе страны по-прежнему заинтересованы в дальнейшем развитии торгово-экономических связей. В пример были приведены крупные сделки на покупку 4.8 миллионов баррелей российской нефти марки Urals корпорацией Indian Oil и компанией Nayara Energy. Общий объем импорта сырой нефти Индией из России в марте почти в четыре раза увеличился по сравнению с аналогичным периодом в прошлом году. Эксперты также отметили три основных проблемных момента, с которыми сталкиваются индийские экспортеры и импортеры, работающий с Россией. Это в первую очередь вопросы логистики, страховки и взаиморасчетов. Что касается последних, по словам Александра Рыбаса вся необходимая законодательная и правовая база для ведения торговли между нашими странами в формате рубль/рупия уже существует, и нет необходимости изобретать какие-то новые схемы проведения расчетов. Это подтвердил и Абхинав Гровер, добавив, что Сбербанк работает в Индии в данном формате с 2010 года. Как отметили участники конференции, вопрос ведения торговли между Россией и Индией в рублях и рупиях на данный момент прорабатывается на высшем уровне, и соглашение может быть готово уже через несколько недель. В рамках такого соглашения российский банк должен будет открыть счет в индийском, а индийский — в России.
С инициативой о рассмотрении возможности введения фиксированного курса обмена рубля к рупии выступили представители Фонда «Индия – Россия». Как отметил Судхир Пал Сабхарвал, в связи с высокой волатильностью и девальвацией российской валюты это помогло бы не только снизить инфляционное давление на российских потребителей и повысить их покупательскую способность, но и позволило бы индийским экспортерам успешно войти на российский рынок и сделать их товары более конкурентоспособными. Помимо этого участники семинара также обсудили расширение обоюдных инвестиционных возможностей и возобновление работы торгового коридора Владивосток – Ченнаи, который функционировал во времена Советского Союза. По итогам конференции эксперты сошлись во мнении, что текущая макроэкономическая и геополитическая ситуация открывает большие возможности для значительного расширения торгово-экономических связей между Россией и Индией, и разыграв свои карты нужным образом, страны смогут достигнуть поставленной задачи увеличения показателя товарооборота до 30 млрд долларов в год.
A Webinar to “Enhance Bilateral Trade in RUB/ RUPEES between Indian and Russia
A webinar to “Enhance Bilateral Trade in RUB/ RUPEES between Indian and Russia” was held at the Russian House, New Delhi, on 24th March 2022, which was jointly organized by the Russian House and India-Russia foundation. The webinar witnessed an invigorating discourse and on the prospects of how both the governments can strengthen the Rupee-Ruble trade after the European Union, the US and other Western nations decided to block many Russian banks' from accessing SWIFT, the global Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication payment system, following the current Russian-Ukraine War scenario.
Перспективы развития торгово-экономических связей между Россией и Индией обсудили в Нью-Дели
Русский дом в Нью-Дели совместно с Фондом «Индия-Россия» провели онлайн-семинар «Вопросы укрепления российско-индийских торгово-экономических связей. Механизмы расчетов в рупиях и рублях».
Главными спикерами стали: первый вице-президент Фонда «Индия – Россия» Судхир Пал Сабхарвал, председатель торгово-промышленной палаты БРИКС (Индия) Вишвас Трипатхи, руководитель Торгового представительства Российской Федерации в Индии Александр Рыбас, представитель индийского отделения Сбербанка Абхинав Гровер, представитель индийского банка Canara Bank Хитендра Кумар, научный сотрудник Центра изучения России и Центральной Азии университета им. Джавахарлала Неру профессор Сандип Трипатхи и генеральный секретарь Фонда «Индия – Россия» доктор Раджеш Мехта.
В ходе обсуждения участники отметили, что, несмотря на введенные Западом санкции против России и давление на Индию, обе страны по-прежнему заинтересованы в дальнейшем развитии торгово-экономических связей. В пример были приведены крупные сделки на покупку 4.8 миллионов баррелей российской нефти марки Urals корпорацией Indian Oil и компанией Nayara Energy. Общий объем импорта сырой нефти Индией из России в марте почти в четыре раза увеличился по сравнению с аналогичным периодом в прошлом году. Эксперты также отметили три основных проблемных момента, с которыми сталкиваются индийские экспортеры и импортеры, работающий с Россией. Это в первую очередь вопросы логистики, страховки и взаиморасчетов. Что касается последних, по словам Александра Рыбаса вся необходимая законодательная и правовая база для ведения торговли между нашими странами в формате рубль/рупия уже существует, и нет необходимости изобретать какие-то новые схемы проведения расчетов. Это подтвердил и Абхинав Гровер, добавив, что Сбербанк работает в Индии в данном формате с 2010 года. Как отметили участники конференции, вопрос ведения торговли между Россией и Индией в рублях и рупиях на данный момент прорабатывается на высшем уровне, и соглашение может быть готово уже через несколько недель. В рамках такого соглашения российский банк должен будет открыть счет в индийском, а индийский — в России.
С инициативой о рассмотрении возможности введения фиксированного курса обмена рубля к рупии выступили представители Фонда «Индия – Россия». Как отметил Судхир Пал Сабхарвал, в связи с высокой волатильностью и девальвацией российской валюты это помогло бы не только снизить инфляционное давление на российских потребителей и повысить их покупательскую способность, но и позволило бы индийским экспортерам успешно войти на российский рынок и сделать их товары более конкурентоспособными. Помимо этого участники семинара также обсудили расширение обоюдных инвестиционных возможностей и возобновление работы торгового коридора Владивосток – Ченнаи, который функционировал во времена Советского Союза. По итогам конференции эксперты сошлись во мнении, что текущая макроэкономическая и геополитическая ситуация открывает большие возможности для значительного расширения торгово-экономических связей между Россией и Индией, и разыграв свои карты нужным образом, страны смогут достигнуть поставленной задачи увеличения показателя товарооборота до 30 млрд долларов в год.
A Webinar to “Enhance Bilateral Trade in RUB/ RUPEES between Indian and Russia
A webinar to “Enhance Bilateral Trade in RUB/ RUPEES between Indian and Russia” was held at the Russian House, New Delhi, on 24th March 2022, which was jointly organized by the Russian House and India-Russia foundation. The webinar witnessed an invigorating discourse and on the prospects of how both the governments can strengthen the Rupee-Ruble trade after the European Union, the US and other Western nations decided to block many Russian banks' from accessing SWIFT, the global Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication payment system, following the current Russian-Ukraine War scenario.
Dignitaries who graced the webinar included Mr Fedor Rozovskiy, Director, Russian House, New Delhi, Prof. Dr. Alexander Rybas, Trade Commissioner, Embassy of the Russian Federation in India, Mr Sudhir Pal Sabharwal, Sr Vice-President, India-Russia Foundation, Dr Rajesh Mehta, Secretary General, Unity International, Mr Vishwas Tripathi, President, BRICS CCI, Mr Abhinav Grover, Sber Bank, Mr. Hiterndra Kumar, Canara Bank and Dr Sandeep Tripathi, Professor, Political Science.
The panelists discussed that the Rupee-Ruble exchange is nothing new and it had its foundation in the Indo-Soviet Trade Agreement signed between the two countries on 2nd Dec 1953. It is a payment mechanism between India and Russia to settle trade payments in Rupees and Ruble, instead of Dollars and Euros. Goods imported to India will be paid for in rupees and goods imported by Russia will be paid for in Ruble. This is being done to reduce dependence on the dollar and makes the countries less vulnerable to US sanctions. As an example, this agreement is proposed for the purchase of 4.8 million barrels of Russian crude oil by Indian Oil Corporation and Nayara Energy. India's total crude oil imports from Russia almost quadrupled in March compared to the same period last year. Mr. Sabharwal, in his speech suggested that pegging of Rupee-Ruble to encourage trade and foreign investments, as well as to hedge the inflation. When executed well, pegged currencies can increase trade and incomes between Russian and India. Mr. Hitender Kumar agreed on the suggestion and conveyed that the pegging the two currencies is critical to the success of the Rupee-Ruble agreement if it extends to a restricted list of goods beyond government-to-government deals and appropriate approvals from APEX level for the same has to be in place from both the governments. Prof Dr. Alexander Rybas conveyed that all necessary legislative and legal frameworks for conducting trade between our countries in the Rupee-Ruble format already exists, and there is no need to invent any new settlement schemes. Mr. Abhinav Grover prompted to an arrangement, in which part of the trade purchase settlement with Russia could be in foreign currency and rest through local Rupee could also be explored. Dr Rajesh Mehta elucidated that both countries aims to bolster trade, with an ambitious target of $30 billion annually by 2025. The two sides are also looking at starting a direct trade route between Vladivostok and Chennai, that would cut down shipping time by half to just over 20 days from the current route.
The panelists discussed that the Rupee-Ruble exchange is nothing new and it had its foundation in the Indo-Soviet Trade Agreement signed between the two countries on 2nd Dec 1953. It is a payment mechanism between India and Russia to settle trade payments in Rupees and Ruble, instead of Dollars and Euros. Goods imported to India will be paid for in rupees and goods imported by Russia will be paid for in Ruble. This is being done to reduce dependence on the dollar and makes the countries less vulnerable to US sanctions. As an example, this agreement is proposed for the purchase of 4.8 million barrels of Russian crude oil by Indian Oil Corporation and Nayara Energy. India's total crude oil imports from Russia almost quadrupled in March compared to the same period last year. Mr. Sabharwal, in his speech suggested that pegging of Rupee-Ruble to encourage trade and foreign investments, as well as to hedge the inflation. When executed well, pegged currencies can increase trade and incomes between Russian and India. Mr. Hitender Kumar agreed on the suggestion and conveyed that the pegging the two currencies is critical to the success of the Rupee-Ruble agreement if it extends to a restricted list of goods beyond government-to-government deals and appropriate approvals from APEX level for the same has to be in place from both the governments. Prof Dr. Alexander Rybas conveyed that all necessary legislative and legal frameworks for conducting trade between our countries in the Rupee-Ruble format already exists, and there is no need to invent any new settlement schemes. Mr. Abhinav Grover prompted to an arrangement, in which part of the trade purchase settlement with Russia could be in foreign currency and rest through local Rupee could also be explored. Dr Rajesh Mehta elucidated that both countries aims to bolster trade, with an ambitious target of $30 billion annually by 2025. The two sides are also looking at starting a direct trade route between Vladivostok and Chennai, that would cut down shipping time by half to just over 20 days from the current route.
🇷🇺 Peoples of Russia: Dargins
More than half a million Dargins live in Russia, most of them are in Dagestan –about 17% of the republic population.
🔹 They have been practicing farming and cattle breeding, processing wood, stone, leather and wool, embroidering with gold thread and silk. In some villages they are engaged in pottery.
The jewellery making is well developed in Kubachi village: craftsmen's products decorate ceremonial weapons and clothes.
🔹 Traditionally, Dargin men wore a cloak, burka and bashlyk, while women wore a full-length dress and tunic, and a fitted coat. Shoes were usually felt or leather.
🔹 Dargins lived primarily in rural communities, djamaats. The main types of dwellings in the foothills and mountains were multi-storied houses with flat roofs.
🥣 The national cuisine abounds in meat dishes: khinkals, chudu pirogi, the Daghestani version of the familiar dumplings – kurze.
📖 Dargin literature for over 20 centuries was oral, so folklore and dance is of great importance in the culture of the people. Mass dances of Dargins are accompanied by national instruments agach-kumuz, chugur and zurna.
More than half a million Dargins live in Russia, most of them are in Dagestan –about 17% of the republic population.
🔹 They have been practicing farming and cattle breeding, processing wood, stone, leather and wool, embroidering with gold thread and silk. In some villages they are engaged in pottery.
The jewellery making is well developed in Kubachi village: craftsmen's products decorate ceremonial weapons and clothes.
🔹 Traditionally, Dargin men wore a cloak, burka and bashlyk, while women wore a full-length dress and tunic, and a fitted coat. Shoes were usually felt or leather.
🔹 Dargins lived primarily in rural communities, djamaats. The main types of dwellings in the foothills and mountains were multi-storied houses with flat roofs.
🥣 The national cuisine abounds in meat dishes: khinkals, chudu pirogi, the Daghestani version of the familiar dumplings – kurze.
📖 Dargin literature for over 20 centuries was oral, so folklore and dance is of great importance in the culture of the people. Mass dances of Dargins are accompanied by national instruments agach-kumuz, chugur and zurna.