Russian House New Delhi
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III Научно-практическая конференция «ЦЕННОСТЬ КАЖДОГО»: жизнь человека с психическими нарушениями: жизнеустройство, сопровождение, социальная интеграция.

Научно-практическая конференция «Ценность каждого» – экспертная площадка, которая объединяет государственные и общественные организации, благотворительные фонды, профессиональные и родительские сообщества, заинтересованные в совершенствовании системы предоставления социальных, реабилитационных, образовательных и иных услуг «особым» детям, подросткам и взрослым.

Целью Конференции является Продвижение в профессиональном сообществе разработок современной науки и практики в области нормализации жизни людей с психическими нарушениями на разных этапах жизненного цикла. Конференция включает 3 тематические секции:

⭐️ образование для всех, в том числе детей и взрослых, проживающих в стационарных организациях социального обслуживания;
⭐️ современные формы жизнеустройства людей с психическими нарушениями и поддержка семей;
⭐️ медицинское обслуживание и реабилитация людей с психическими нарушениями: вызовы и решения.

Мероприятие пройдет 13-14 июня 2023 года с 10:00 до 18:00
в смешанном формате.
Онлайн-трансляция Конференции будет доступна по ссылке:
Чтобы принять участие необходимо зарегистрироваться по ссылке:
Более подробную информацию о Конференции Вы можете прочитать
на сайте

Будем рады видеть Вас среди участников Конференции!

#конференция #ценностькаждого #социальнаяподдержка #интеграция

III Scientific and practical conference "THE VALUE OF EVERYONE": the life of a person with mental disabilities: life disorder, support, social integration.

The scientific and practical conference "The Value of Everyone" is an expert platform that unites state and public organizations, charitable foundations, and professional and parental communities interested in improving the system of providing social, rehabilitation, educational, and other services to "special" children, adolescents and adults.

The purpose of the Conference is to promote in the professional community the development of modern science and practice in the field of normalizing the lives of people with mental disabilities at different stages of the life cycle. The conference includes 3 thematic sections:

⭐️ education for all, including children and adults, living in inpatient social service organizations;
⭐️ modern forms of life management for people with mental disabilities and support for families;
⭐️ medical care and rehabilitation of people with mental disabilities: challenges and solutions.

The event will be held June 13-14, 2023 from 10:00 to 18:00
mixed format.
An online broadcast of the Conference will be available at:
To take part, you have to register at the link:
Read more about the Conference
on the website

We will be glad to see you among the participants of the Conference!

#conference #valueofeveryone #socialsupport #integration
The international conference “Preservation of the Russian language and Russian culture” took place in Bangkok. It was attended by teachers of Russian studies and compatriots from the countries of the Asian region.
The conference participants discussed the peculiarities of organizing the process of teaching the Russian language in Asian countries, as well as issues of preserving the Russian language among compatriots. The Russian Ambassador to Thailand Evgeny Tomikhin and the director of the Moscow House of Compatriots Dmitry Kozhaev spoke at the conference.
From India, the conference was attended by the heads of Russian language courses in Russian houses in New Delhi, Tatyana Shipilova, and in Chennai, Valentina Mayorova.

#RussianLanguage #conference #Bangkok #India
The Department of Applied Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of the Volga Region Institute of Management RANEPA invites undergraduates, graduate students and scientific and pedagogical workers of Russian and foreign universities to take part in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Modern linguocommunicative and sociocultural practices.”

Deadline: until January 28, 2024 inclusive
Applications for participation in the Conference are accepted through the google form:
Date of the Conference: February 1, 2024
Format: mixed
Venue: Russia, Saratov, st. Moskovskaya, 164, military station No. 2
Organizer of the Conference: Department of Applied Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of the Volga Region Institute of Management - branch of the Russian State Archives and Public Administration

You can learn more about the main directions of the conference on the website:
For questions regarding participation, please contact: [email protected]

#RANEPA #conference #Saratov #Russia #science #education
On February 11-12, a discussion is being held in New Delhi on the issues of literary translation from Indian languages into Russian and from Russian into numerous dialects of the Asian country. The first day of the international conference “Rethinking the meaning of culture, literature and literary translation” is hosted by the Russian House, the second - by the Sahitya National Academy of Literature.
The opening speakers included the director of the Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vadim Polonsky, executive director of the Institute of Translation Evgeny Reznichenko, former head of the department of Slavic and Finno-Ugric languages at the University of Delhi Ranjana Saxena, professor at the Center for Russian Studies at the University. Jawaharlal Nehru (JNU) Ranjan Banerjee and JNU Professor Sonu Saini.
#RussianHouse #conference #translation #languages
On April 18, an International Conference was held on the topic: “Contemporary Reflections on Intersectionality and Justice” at Bennett University, Greater Noida.
The conference was organized by the School of Law and Academic Collaborations Committee of Bennett University in collaboration with the School of Law of the Far Eastern Federal University, Russia.
In his remarks at the opening ceremony, Bennett University Vice-Chancellor Ajith Abraham noted that the intersectionality perspective is currently attracting particularly broad scientific interest and is being used across many different disciplines.
The conference was also attended by Dean, School of Law, Bennett University Pradeep Kulshreshtha, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, School of Law, Far Eastern Federal University Olga Miroshnichenko, as well as representatives of the Russian House in New Delhi.

#RussianHouse #conference #BennettUniversity