Russian House New Delhi
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В преддверии Дня Победы (9 мая) Русский дом в Нью-Дели покажет фильм «Нюрнберг» – шпионский триллер Николая Лебедева.

События разворачиваются в 1945 году, во время Международного военного трибунала в Нюрнберге. Главный герой, разведчик Игорь Волгин, работает переводчиком в составе советской делегации. Впрочем, основная сюжетная линия в этой картине – не сам суд над военными преступниками, а любовная история Волгина и девушки Лены (тоже разведчицы).

Картина создана на основе романа Александра Звягинцева, бывшего заместителя генпрокурора. В ней вторым врагом Советского Союза после нацистов оказываются американцы.

В Русском доме также развернута фотовыставка «Нюрнбергский процесс: взгляд из Москвы».
Фильм на русском языке с английскими субтитрами.
Приглашаем на просмотр в Русском дом 28 апреля в 18:00. Вход свободный.

#РусскийДом #Нюрнберг #ДеньПобеды #фильм

On the eve of Victory Day (May 9), the Russian House in New Delhi will show the film Nuremberg, a spy thriller by Nikolai Lebedev.

The plot takes place in 1945, during the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. The protagonist, intelligence officer Igor Volgin, works as an interpreter in the Soviet delegation. However, the main storyline in this film is not the trial of war criminals itself, but the love story of Volgin and the girl Lena (also a secret service agent).

The movie was created on the basis of the novel by Alexander Zvyagintsev, the former Deputy Prosecutor General. In the film, the second enemy of the Soviet Union after the Nazis turn out to be the Americans.

The Russian House also hosts a photo exhibition entitled Nuremberg Trial: A View from Moscow.
Film in Russian with English subtitles.
We invite you at the Russian House to view the film on April 28 at 18:00. Free admission.

#RussianHouse #Nuremberg #VictoryDay #film
The “Immortal Regiment” in New Delhi, starting at the Russian House, ended at the monument to Leo Tolstoy. On the eve of the 79th anniversary of the Great Victory, more than 100 people took part in the procession in the Indian capital. At the final stage, near the monument to the classics, the director and staff of the state craft center Cottage Industries Emporium joined the procession.
The cultural center hosted a concert by artists from four Indian colleges and a school at the Russian Embassy, as well as talent from the Russian language courses of the Russian House.
The day ended with a screening of Nikolai Lebedev’s film “Nuremberg” (2023) at the Russian House.
The director of the center, Oleg Osipov, noted that every year the interest of Indian youth in Russia is growing, which is manifested, in particular, in the fact that universities, schools, and cultural figures on their own initiative get in touch, proposing projects for cooperation.

#VictoryDay #RussianHouse #concert #cinema #Nuremberg