Russian House New Delhi
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Russian scientists have created a self-cleaning fabric under the influence of light on which organic substances, bacteria, and viruses are destroyed. The new material will be in demand in humid, warm climates due to its properties. Such a fabric can be used for sewing working clothes for medical workers, employees of laboratories, or food production facilities. Russian companies are interested in the development.
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При поддержке Министерства культуры России 4 новых кинотеатра открылись в городах Ровеньки и Суходольск ЛНР, а также в Харцызске и Ждановке ДНР. Общая вместимость всех кинозалов составляет более 700 мест.
Первыми пройдут бесплатные показы отечественного фильма «Баба Яга спасает мир». С 28 декабря в кинотеатрах будет по 5 сеансов в день: по 2 сеанса фильмов «Три богатыря и пуп земли» и «Великолепная пятерка», а также 1 сеанс киноленты «Новогодний шеф».
Кинотеатры открыты в рамках национального проекта «Культура».
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#Россия #ЛНР #ДНР


With the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, 4 new cinemas opened in the cities of Rovenky and Sukhodolsk of the LPR, as well as in Khartsyzsk and Zhdanovka of the DPR. The total capacity of all cinemas is more than 700 seats. Free screenings of the domestic film "Baba Yaga saves the world" will be held the first. From December 28, cinemas will have 5 sessions per day: 2 sessions of the films "Three Heroes and the Navel of the Earth" and "Magnificent Five", as well as 1 session of the film "New Year's Chef". Cinemas have been opened as part of the national project "Culture".
🎓 с 2018 года Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет осуществляет уникальный образовательный проект, не имеющий аналогов в Российской Федерации. Он позволяет русскоязычным школьникам со всего света получать знания на русском языке, обучаться по программам российской школы, а также развивать эрудицию и расширять кругозор.

🖋 На данный момент в Онлайн-школе проводятся занятия для учащихся 5-11 классов общеобразовательных школ по 11 предметам школьной программы.

Учиться можно в двух форматах:
Дистанционное обучение. Онлайн лекции проходят по субботам. Данный формат позволяет обучаться в реальном времени из любой точки мира, где есть интернет.
Курсы в записи. Этот формат позволяет обучаться в любое удобное время.

📜В конце обучения выдаются дипломы и сертификаты.

📌Подробнее о школе можно узнать по ссылке:

#СПБГУ #онлайншкола #образование
You can enroll at a university not only within the quota or on a contract basis but also based on the results of the university Olympiads. For example, all participants of the International Multidisciplinary Olympiad for School Students 'MOCT' get a
10% discount for the entire period of study at STANKIN University. And those who win the Multidisciplinary Olympiad ‘My Career’ are entitled to free Master’s studies. Read the article to find out more.
Here they say “Happy New Year!” in Russian. The Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC) donated a batch of humanitarian aid to the Mala Smriti orphanage in Noida, a satellite city of New Delhi.
IARC collected warm clothes, footwear, toys, and sweet gifts. The families of employees of the Russian Embassy in India and the Russian House joined the action.
The children made a surprise and congratulated the guests on the new year 2024 in Russian.

#compatriots #action #help #shelter #Smriti
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Международный форум «АТОМЭКСПО-2024» пройдет 25-26 марта

Одно из основных конгрессно-выставочных мероприятий мировой атомной отрасли состоится на Федеральной территории «Сириус», в Парке науки и искусств «Сириус». Форум объединит руководителей государственных структур, крупнейших вендоров и компаний мировой атомной индустрии, общественных организаций и международных экспертов.

Ключевая тема форума в этом году - «Чистая энергетика: создавая будущее вместе». Планируется обсудить роль ядерной энергетики в национальных стратегиях борьбы с изменениями климата. Более подробная информация на сайте.

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#анонс #АТОМЭКСПО2024
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Российские ученые создали прибор для восстановления дыхания после коронавируса. Изобретение позволяет восстановить нормальную работу диафрагмы после заболевания легких и осложнений после COVID-19. Разработка имеет ряд преимуществ перед своими аналогами: она компактна и не требует имплантации.
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Russian scientists have created a device to restore breathing after coronavirus. The invention makes it possible to restore normal work of the diaphragm after lung disease and complications after COVID-19. The development has a number of advantages over its analogues: it is compact and does not require implantation.
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Media accreditation for the World Youth Festival is continuing!
Russian media and bloggers, as well as foreign media accredited by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs are invited to participate.
During the Festival, the International Press Centre will be deployed. Workplaces, studios for recording and broadcasting, equipped auditoriums for press conferences and briefings are organised for journalists.
Journalists and bloggers will be able to communicate with speakers, event participants and volunteers, as well as visit all Festival venues at "Sirius".
Register by 15 January at the following link:
Dear friends,
We invite you on January 17 at 7 p.m. to a concert of the Moscow folk song ensemble “Lyubo-Milo”.
Address: Russian House, 24, Firozshah Road, New Delhi, 110001.
“Lyubo-Milo” are talented musicians and vocalists, graduates of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. A professional creative team led by Ekaterina and Vladimir Brinchugov was created in 2014 in the capital of Russia.
The group's concerts took place in more than 25 countries. The Moscow City Department of Culture awarded the ensemble the title of “Leading Creative Group”.
Admission is free subject to availability of seats in the hall.

#LyuboMilo #RussianHouse #concert #folklore #Russia
The Department of Applied Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of the Volga Region Institute of Management RANEPA invites undergraduates, graduate students and scientific and pedagogical workers of Russian and foreign universities to take part in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Modern linguocommunicative and sociocultural practices.”

Deadline: until January 28, 2024 inclusive
Applications for participation in the Conference are accepted through the google form:
Date of the Conference: February 1, 2024
Format: mixed
Venue: Russia, Saratov, st. Moskovskaya, 164, military station No. 2
Organizer of the Conference: Department of Applied Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of the Volga Region Institute of Management - branch of the Russian State Archives and Public Administration

You can learn more about the main directions of the conference on the website:
For questions regarding participation, please contact: [email protected]

#RANEPA #conference #Saratov #Russia #science #education
Хотите побывать в самых отдаленных и неизведанных уголках России? 🇷🇺
Теперь у вас есть такая возможность! 🌋 Благодаря сайту ( вы можете прямо сейчас отправиться в виртуальное путешествие и узнать о богатом животном мире и заповедных территориях России, понаблюдать за жизнью различных зверей и птиц. 🐅🦩
📷 На портале доступны записи с фотоловушек из заповедников и нацпарков, фотографии ученых и профессиональных фотографов, а также самые важные новости. Кроме того, вы можете ознакомиться с программами по сохранению и изучению исчезающих видов животных.
💻 Сайт запущен 11 января, во Всероссийский день заповедников и национальных парков.

Do you want to visit the most remote and unexplored corners of Russia? 🇷🇺
Now you have such an opportunity! Thanks to the website ( you can go on a virtual journey right now and learn about the rich wildlife and protected areas of Russia, observe the life of various animals and birds. 🐅🦩
📷 The portal offers recordings from camera traps from reserves and national parks, photographs by scientists and professional photographers, as well as the most important news. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with programs for the conservation and study of endangered species.
💻 The website was launched on January 11, on the All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks.
The library of the Russian House in New Delhi was replenished with books written by Lyudmila Chakrabarty, a poet, artist and book illustrator. All these new products are published in English.
Come, sign up for our library and read all 26 thousand items from our shelves - in Russian, and also in Hindi, Urdu, Malayalam, Bengali and other Indian languages!
Lyudmila is a Russian compatriot who has been living permanently in India since 1997. A native of Ulan-Ude, in eastern Siberia, she then moved to Tver. This city, as it has been wittily noted, is famous for its “outskirts” - Moscow and St. Petersburg (Tver is located between two Russian capitals on the Volga river).
L. Chakrabarty's first book, “The Winged Tree and Other Tales,” was published in 2003. In addition to poetry and prose, her other element is fine art. Following the traditions of the Russian art school, she tints her works with Indian sensibility.
#RussianHouse #library #books #new #LyudmilaChakrabarty