“We are seeing growing interest from India in Russian medical education. Since 2016, the number of Indians studying with us has increased by 200 percent. We preserve the best principles of Russian education, rather than switching to Bologna standards.”
This was stated in New Delhi by Deputy Minister of Health of Russia Tatyana Semenova.
As part of the 1st Indo-Russian educational summit, a representative delegation from Moscow, consisting of T. Semenova and the deputy head of Rossotrudnichestvo Pavel Shevtsov, visited the Indian National Medical Commission (NMC).
Its mission is to improve access to quality and affordable medical education in India.
They spoke via video call with NMC Chairman B.N. Gangadhar, who was on a business trip to Bangalore, and also, off line, with Cabinet Secretary B. Srinivas.
#Rossotrudnichestvo #education #medicine
This was stated in New Delhi by Deputy Minister of Health of Russia Tatyana Semenova.
As part of the 1st Indo-Russian educational summit, a representative delegation from Moscow, consisting of T. Semenova and the deputy head of Rossotrudnichestvo Pavel Shevtsov, visited the Indian National Medical Commission (NMC).
Its mission is to improve access to quality and affordable medical education in India.
They spoke via video call with NMC Chairman B.N. Gangadhar, who was on a business trip to Bangalore, and also, off line, with Cabinet Secretary B. Srinivas.
#Rossotrudnichestvo #education #medicine
For the first time in the history of humanitarian cooperation between Russia and India, 60 universities from Russia simultaneously arrived in this Asian country. They all participate in the exhibition of Russian education which is part of the first Russian-Indian educational summit. This is an innovative event, the idea of which was born in Rossotrudnichestvo, and was supported by the rectors of dozens of Russian universities and executive authorities.
Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo Pavel Shevtsov, Deputy Minister of Education Denis Gribov, and Deputy Minister of Health Tatyana Semenova spoke at the opening of the education fair.
The exhibition stands were crowded with people - Indian schoolchildren and students occupied the entire space of the huge assembly hall in the capital's Le Méridien Hotel. There are many journalists and representatives of Indian educational institutions at the counters of Russian universities.
One of the main goals of the exhibition in New Delhi is to introduce Indian youth to all the opportunities for obtaining higher education in Russia. The fair presents universities that train specialists in all specialties. India is showing great interest in Russia's technical achievements, in particular in the field of space exploration, aviation and military technology, as well as medicine.
#Rossotrudnichestvo #education #summit #RussianHouse
Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo Pavel Shevtsov, Deputy Minister of Education Denis Gribov, and Deputy Minister of Health Tatyana Semenova spoke at the opening of the education fair.
The exhibition stands were crowded with people - Indian schoolchildren and students occupied the entire space of the huge assembly hall in the capital's Le Méridien Hotel. There are many journalists and representatives of Indian educational institutions at the counters of Russian universities.
One of the main goals of the exhibition in New Delhi is to introduce Indian youth to all the opportunities for obtaining higher education in Russia. The fair presents universities that train specialists in all specialties. India is showing great interest in Russia's technical achievements, in particular in the field of space exploration, aviation and military technology, as well as medicine.
#Rossotrudnichestvo #education #summit #RussianHouse
Do you want to get a high-quality and elite education at one of the best Russian and world universities? Apply to Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
What does SPbPU offer its international students?
• The unique campus that comprises 170+ educational and research buildings, a modern sports center, comfortable dormitories, a university polyclinic, a polytechnic park, a concert hall, a museum, and four metro stations.
• University foundation programs in three study areas: Engineering, Economics, and Humanities.
• Educational programs taught in Russian and English, double degree programs delivered jointly with foreign partner universities as well as employment, R&D and business internships at 200 major partner companies.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Zhanna Trunkova, Lead Manager at the SPbPU International Education Department on the HED magazine website at
What does SPbPU offer its international students?
• The unique campus that comprises 170+ educational and research buildings, a modern sports center, comfortable dormitories, a university polyclinic, a polytechnic park, a concert hall, a museum, and four metro stations.
• University foundation programs in three study areas: Engineering, Economics, and Humanities.
• Educational programs taught in Russian and English, double degree programs delivered jointly with foreign partner universities as well as employment, R&D and business internships at 200 major partner companies.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Zhanna Trunkova, Lead Manager at the SPbPU International Education Department on the HED magazine website at
В Москве прошло заседание российской части организационного комитета по подготовке и проведению Годов культуры России – Китая.
По заявлению вице-премьера Правительства Татьяны Голиковой, запланировано более 230 мероприятий по всем направлениям культуры: музыкальное и театральное искусство, музейные обмены, библиотечное дело, кинематография, творческое образование и креативные индустрии.
Напомним, что перекрестными объявлены 2024-2025 года.
Подробнее читайте по ссылке: https://government.ru/news/51316/
A meeting of the Russian part of the organising committee for the preparation and holding of the Russia-China Years of Culture was held in Moscow.
According to Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, more than 230 events are planned in all areas of culture: music and theatre arts, museum exchanges, librarianship, cinematography, creative education and creative industries.
Inform that the years 2024-2025 have been announced as the cross-cutting years.
Read more at the link: https://government.ru/news/51316/
По заявлению вице-премьера Правительства Татьяны Голиковой, запланировано более 230 мероприятий по всем направлениям культуры: музыкальное и театральное искусство, музейные обмены, библиотечное дело, кинематография, творческое образование и креативные индустрии.
Напомним, что перекрестными объявлены 2024-2025 года.
Подробнее читайте по ссылке: https://government.ru/news/51316/
A meeting of the Russian part of the organising committee for the preparation and holding of the Russia-China Years of Culture was held in Moscow.
According to Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, more than 230 events are planned in all areas of culture: music and theatre arts, museum exchanges, librarianship, cinematography, creative education and creative industries.
Inform that the years 2024-2025 have been announced as the cross-cutting years.
Read more at the link: https://government.ru/news/51316/
Татьяна Голикова: Более 230 мероприятий запланировано в рамках проведения Годов культуры России – Китая
В Доме Правительства под председательством вице-премьера Татьяны Голиковой прошло заседание российской части организационного комитета по подготовке и проведению Годов культуры России – Китая. В повестке – обсуждение российской части плана основных мероприятий…
Сегодня исполняется 77 лет установлению дипломатических отношений между Россией и Индией.
Страны связаны инвестиционными проектами, развивается взаимодействие в области космических исследований, гуманитарной политики, а также в сфере науки и технологий.
Благодаря усилиям с двух сторон российско-индийские отношения поступательно развиваются и сегодня. Надеемся на дальнейшее плодотворное и эффективное сотрудничество. 🇷🇺🇮🇳
#РусскийДом #РоссияИндия #Россотрудничество
Страны связаны инвестиционными проектами, развивается взаимодействие в области космических исследований, гуманитарной политики, а также в сфере науки и технологий.
Благодаря усилиям с двух сторон российско-индийские отношения поступательно развиваются и сегодня. Надеемся на дальнейшее плодотворное и эффективное сотрудничество. 🇷🇺🇮🇳
#РусскийДом #РоссияИндия #Россотрудничество
Более 50 стран подтвердили участие в Играх БРИКС в Казани. Столица Татарстана примет международный спортивный форум с 12 по 23 июня. Игры БРИКС завершатся за месяц до старта Олимпийских игр 2024 года. Узнать больше: https://www.vedomosti.ru/society/news/2024/04/11/1031273-vse-strani-briks
More than 50 countries have confirmed their participation in the BRICS Games in Kazan. The capital of Tatarstan will host the International Sports Forum from June 12 to 23. The BRICS Games will end a month before the start of the 2024 Olympic Games. Find out more: https://www.vedomosti.ru/society/news/2024/04/11/1031273-vse-strani-briks
More than 50 countries have confirmed their participation in the BRICS Games in Kazan. The capital of Tatarstan will host the International Sports Forum from June 12 to 23. The BRICS Games will end a month before the start of the 2024 Olympic Games. Find out more: https://www.vedomosti.ru/society/news/2024/04/11/1031273-vse-strani-briks