Russian House in Kolkata, Gorky Sadan
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Olim Shirinov is a photographer and musician from Tajikistan calling for an end to Russophobia: "My father is Tajik, my mother is Tatar. I was born in Soviet Tajikistan. In my family, we always spoke Russian language. Even now, me and my children speak and think in Russian language. And I find it absolutely unacceptable whatever is happening in the world right now. All I want to say - stop hating Russians."

Lake Elton is located in the Volgograd region. It impresses everyone who has ever been there with its beauty. The pink surface with a golden hue and the snow-white coast strewn with salt crystals fascinate and seem unearthly. People come here to escape from the daily routine, improve their health and breathe in plenty of tart steppe air.
Lake Elton is the Russian Dead Sea. Elton is replenished by several brackish rivers and bottom mineral springs. It is the largest salt lake in Europe, it has huge reserves of table salt, brine (water saturated with salt), as well as therapeutic mineral mud. The mineralization of brine is 350-400 g/l, which is 1.5 times more than the salinity of the Dead Sea waters. In spring, the lake is filled with meltwater and becomes bluish, in summer it becomes very shallow and acquires a pink tint.

The depth of the lake is no more than one and a half meters - up to 10 cm in summer, up to 1.5 m in spring, even in the most full-flowing months. Therefore, the ideal time to travel to the lake is spring or early autumn, when there is a much more comfortable weather for treatment.

Lake Elton legends explain us its current name. The peoples of the Mongolian ethnographic group called this place Altyn-Nor ("Golden bottom"). The fact is that the algae that has been living here for thousands of years and a variety of crayfish contain hematochrome, a pigment that “gives birth” to five shades of a warm range: from golden to pink.

#RussianHouse #Россотрудничество #РусскийДом #Rossotrudnichestvo #русскийтуризм #СмотриВВыходные #AmazingRussia
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An action in support of Russia is being held in Yerevan, Sputnik Armenia reports

#Russia #Armenia
Сегодня, 21 марта, день рождения отмечает Министр иностранных дел Российской Федерации Сергей Лавров.

Желаем Сергею Викторовичу быть в такой же прекрасной форме, энергии и успехов 👏


Today, March 21, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov celebrates his birthday.

We wish him to be in the same great shape, to be energetic and successful👏
#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Lavrov #Лавров #МИД #МИДРоссии
🇷🇺 Children's Ombudsman turned to the UN because of the persecution of Russian children abroad

The Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation Maria Lvova-Belova sent an appeal to the UN in connection with cases of harassment of Russian-speaking and Russian children abroad. It is reported by TASS.

“The Commissioner for Children’s Rights under the President of the Russian Federation Maria Lvova-Belova, in connection with the increasing cases of persecution of Russian and Russian-speaking children outside our country, appealed to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet,” the Ombudsman’s press service said.


#UN #Ombudsman #Discrimination #Compatriots #Russia #RussianHouse
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Maryana Naumova, world champion in powerlifting, responds to Arnold Schwarzenegger's appeal to the Russian people.

Back in 2015, Maryana Naumova who lifted 150-kilograms in the United States, handed a letter from Donbass children to Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"In October and December 2014 Maryana visited schools and sports institutions in Donetsk and Luhansk where she held children's sports events and delivered humanitarian aid. In reply, Ukraine stripped Maryana of the sports awards and titles she had received in Ukraine, and put her and her coaches on the 'list of terrorists'," the spokesperson said.

#RussianHouse #MaryanaNaumova #schwarzenegger #donbass
Media is too big
«Границы — в головах людей. Перестаньте распространять ненависть».

В сети появился ролик, призывающий остановить русофобию.

«Borders are in people's minds. Stop spreading hate».

A video calling to stop Russophobia has appeared on the Internet.

#StopHatingRussians #НетРусофобии #Russophobia
Peoples of Russia: Kazakhs

The Kazakhs are one of the largest Turkic-speaking peoples. According to the 2010 All-Russian population census results almost 648 thousand ethnic Kazakhs live in Russia, or 0.45% of the Russia's total population, at the same time, Kazakhs are on top 10 main ethnic groups in Russia.

The Kazakhs have become one of the most interesting Turkic-speaking population descendants due to the unique culture which have many borrowings from other peoples.

The Kazakhs national dress reflects their ancient traditions associated with history, social, economic and climatic conditions. The skins of tigers and kulans were often used in its manufacture, as well as the fur of a desman, ermine, and sable. An important part of the national costume is a dressing gown – shapan. Bright color and gold embroidery have pointed out the person status. Under the dressing gown men wore shirts and pants, women wore loose-fitting dresses.

Kazakh cuisine is divided into traditional and modern. The Kazakh diet basis is meat dishes. Manti, which are prepared with the addition of meat and pumpkin, are very popular. Such food is filling and fat-saturated since the nomadic life conditions required eating heavily.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Russia #Kazakh #казахи #народыроссии
🐻 International development assistance. Humanitarian aid for residents of Donbass was collected in Nizhny Tagil. Food, children’s toys and medicaments were part of the cargo:

🐻 #WeAreTogether. Russian universities have joined volunteer activity to help refugees from Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics:

🐻 Scientific discovery. Russian scientists created antibacterial textile. This will help to contain the spread of the pathogenic bacteria:

🐻 Historical and cultural heritage. International forum of ancient cities will take place in Ryazan:

🐻 Russian animation cluster. Representatives of the animation schools of Russia, China and South Korea will meet in Khabarovsk for the International festival:

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Digest #РусскийДом
🐻 СМР. Гуманитарную помощь для жителей Донбасса собрали в Нижнем Тагиле. В состав груза вошли продукты питания, игрушки для детей и медикаменты:

🐻 #МыВместе. Российские вузы подключились к волонтерской деятельности для помощи беженцам из ДНР и ЛНР:

🐻 Научное открытие. Российские ученые создали антибактериальный текстиль. Это поможет сдерживать распространение патогенных бактерий:

🐻 Историко-культурное наследие. Международный форум древних городов пройдет в Рязани:

🐻 Российский мультипликационный кластер. Представители анимационных школ России, Китая и Южной Кореи соберутся в Хабаровске на Международном фестивале:
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Foreign students from Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky spoke out against Russophobia.

Video: KSU

#Russophobia #StopHatingRussians
Famous muralist Milan Milosavljevic Deroks has painted the second mural of Dostoevsky on the wall of a school in the Serbian town of Štrpce. The image was created as part of the Italian project Amici di Decani (Friends of Decani) in support of the Russian culture, which has been persecuted in European countries recently.

In 2021, Milan Milosavljevic donated the first work to the Cultural Centre of the Belgrade municipality of Cukarica. The Russian house in Belgrade became the initiator of the Dostoevsky bicentennial campaign.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouseBelgrade #Russophobia #Dostoevsky