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Rosatom and the Bolivian state company YLB have signed a contract for the construction of an industrial complex for the production of lithium carbonate at the Uyuni salt marsh in the department of Potosi.

The development of the resource potential of the solar is planned using the Russian technology of direct sorption extraction of lithium, which is not only safe but also environmentally friendly.
The future production complex will not affect the nearest ecosystems in any way, since the use of aggressive reagents is not provided for in the technological process.

Росатом и боливийская государственная компания YLB подписали контракт на сооружение промышленного комплекса по производству карбоната лития на солончаке Уюни в департаменте Потоси.

Освоение ресурсного потенциала салара планируется с использованием российской технологии прямого сорбционного извлечения лития, который не только безопасен но и экологичен.
Будущий производственный комплекс никак не затронет ближайшие экосистемы, так как в технологическом процессе не предусмотрено использование агрессивных реагентов.

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Dear friends, do you want to get a profession of the future at a Russian university? The international magazine Higher Education Discovery presents Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov where you can choose any major out of 350+ popular majors.

When you become a NArFU student, you will live and study on a unique campus where you will have everything for professional, creative and sports development. After graduation, you will be able to work for top Russian and international companies involved in megaprojects in oil and gas extraction, mining engineering, civil engineering, power engineering, information technologies, chemical engineering and biotechnologies, and other areas.

The Higher Education Discovery website has a special service “Chat with University Staff” that helps international applicants to get first-hand information about studying in Russia. If you have any questions about admission and studies, feel free to contact the university staff member on the HED magazine page at

#Russia #HED #education
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Dear Russia Beyond followers,

Due to the recent Meta ban, we regret to inform you that our content is no longer accessible on Facebook or Instagram*. This change impacts over 5 million followers across our language groups, with 2.1 million in our English group alone.

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We appreciate your support and will keep bringing you the stories and insights that capture the fascinating enigma that is Russia. Thank you for staying with us!

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Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
🌐 On September 11-14, St Petersburg hosted the X International Forum of United Cultures which became the most representative in its history!

🟣The theme of the event was “Culture of the XXI century: Sovereignty or Globalism”.

👥 It was attended by representatives from 80 countries. Its programme included 10 thematic areas, particularly, “Artificial Intelligence and National Sovereignty”, “Cultural Heritage”, “Cinema”, “Theatre” and others.

🇷🇺 Russian President Vladimir Putin speaking at the plenary session of the event underscored that the Forum of United Cultures is one of the meaningful responses to the complex challenges that countries and peoples face today.

🤝 As part of the business programme, the 9th Meeting of the BRICS Culture Ministers took place which resulted in the adoption of a ministerial declaration with key initiatives and plans for the near future.

🇮🇳 The Indian delegation was headed by Arunish Chawla, Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, who emphasized that promotion of creative industries will facilitate global interaction.

👉🏻 More details

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Forwarded from WYF 2024
#WYF2024 participant Israa Ska from France took the initiative at the Eurasian Women's Forum taking place these days in St. Petersburg 📍

The Sorbonne University student took part in the plenary session «Women for Confidence Building and Global Cooperation» 🌐

In her speech, Israa said that at the World Youth Festival she met a lot of interesting young women leaders from different professional fields. And now she wants to build on this networking.

She suggested organizing a mentoring program between young women and senior mentors, which would help to share practical experiences in different fields more effectively for further professional development.

Israa also suggested creating a regular youth track on women's leadership, building on the community of young women gathered at #WYF2024. This program will be able to bring together young women leaders from different regions and give them the opportunity:

🔵 to participate in leadership workshops
🔵 to participate in professional development activities
🔵 and to work in teams on real projects to address professional gender issues in their communities.
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Drone footage of this spectacular event, involving hundreds of deer


🔔 Russia Beyond
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Forwarded from Russian House New Delhi
New date of the Courses for NPOs in New Delhi!
📌 Important information for NPOs! Our courses in New Delhi are postponed to 2 December. Winter India will welcome you with its mild climate and festive atmosphere — conditions ideal for fruitful learning!
📚 The courses' programme includes:
- Advisory support on submitting grant applications
- Workshops on legal aspects of NPO activities
- Lectures on information support for international projects
👥 Who are welcome to apply?
Directors and managers of NPO projects, which focus on foreign policy and are established in countries of South Asia.
📎 Working languages: Russian and English.
🔜 The call for applications is extended until 30 November. Submit by following the link. ( )

Изменены даты курсов НКО в Нью-Дели!
📌 Важная информация для НКО: наши курсы в Нью-Дели переносятся на 2 декабря. Зимняя Индия встретит вас мягким климатом и праздничной атмосферой — идеальные условия для продуктивного обучения!
📚Что вас ждет?
- Консультации по подаче грантовых заявок
- Мастер-класс по юридическим аспектам НКО
- Лекции по информационному сопровождению международных проектов

👥 Для кого?
Для руководителей и менеджеров проектов НКО внешнеполитической направленности, зарегистрированных в странах южной Азии.
📎 Рабочие языки: русский и английский.
🔜 Регистрация продлена до 30 ноября по ссылке. ( )
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Ballet season grand opening at the Mariinsky Theatre

🔹The 2024/2025 ballet season at the Mariinsky Theatre has opened with Tchaikovsky's masterpiece "Swan Lake". The performance is dedicated to Marina Alexandrovna Vasilyeva, professor at the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet, who passed on her skills to several generations of famous soloists and prima ballerinas of the theatre.

🔹The ballet was first staged in Moscow in 1877. The stunning music of Swan Lake is now instantly recognizable and it has highly influenced the modern culture.

Торжественное открытие балетного сезона в Мариинском театре

🔹Балетный сезон 2024/2025 в Мариинском театре откроется шедевром Чайковского «Лебединое озеро». Спектакль посвящен Марине Александровне Васильевой, профессору Академии Русского балета им. А. Я. Вагановой, передавшей свое мастерство нескольким поколениям знаменитых солисток и прима-балерин театра.

🔹Балет был впервые поставлен в Москве в 1877 году. Потрясающая музыка «Лебединого озера» сейчас мгновенно узнаваема и оказала большое влияние на современную культуру.

📸 Mariinsky

#Russia #Ballet #Tchaikovsky #SwanLake #mariinskytheatre #saintpetersburg #Theatre
😍 Avacha Bay is one of the most picturesque places, the heart of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. This is one of the largest bays in the world! We tell you where to go if you are planning a trip.

Three Brothers Rocks

According to legend, these rocks are brothers turned into stones by the gods. Now they protect the bay from the waves. In 1983, the Three Brothers received the status of a regional natural monument and were included in the list of specially protected areas of Kamchatka. The first Russian explorers arrived in these places back in 1737 and marked the rocks on maps.

🧗‍♂️ Mishennaya Sopka

For those who love active recreation, we suggest climbing this mountain. The view from the top will definitely not leave you indifferent - from the peak you can see Avacha Bay, the cities of Vilyuchinsky and Koryaksky, as well as volcanoes on the horizon.

🚤 Seroglazka Bay

This is a small bay that is part of Avacha Bay. The name comes from the river of the same name that flows into it. The banks of Seroglazka are surrounded by green hills and rocky cliffs. The bay is popular among lovers of water sports, fishing and the wild nature of Kamchatka.

😍 Авачинская бухта — одно из самых живописных мест, сердце Петропавловска-Камчатского. Это одна из крупнейших бухт мира! Рассказываем, куда сходить, если вы планируете поездку.

Скалы «Три брата»

По легенде, эти скалы — братья, превращенные богами в камни. Теперь они охраняют бухту от волн. В 1983 году «Три брата» получили статус регионального памятника природы и были включены в список особо охраняемых территорий Камчатки. Первые русские исследователи прибыли в эти места еще в 1737 году и нанесли скалы на карты.

🧗‍♂️ Мишенная сопка

Для тех, кто любит активный отдых, предлагаем подняться на эту гору. Вид сверху точно не оставит вас равнодушным – с пика видны Авачинская бухта, города Вилючинский и Корякский, а также вулканы на горизонте.

🚤 Бухта Сероглазка

Это небольшой залив, входящий в состав Авачинской бухты. Название происходит от одноименной речки, которая впадает в неё. Берега Сероглазки окружены зелеными холмами и скалистыми утёсами. Бухта популярна среди любителей водных видов спорта, рыбалки и дикой природы Камчатки.

#Россия #Russia #AvachaBay #kamchatka #kamchatkapeninsula
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🎆 This is how bright and colorful the closing of the fountains in Peterhof was.

From October 14, admission to Peterhof Palace Gardens will be free for the entire winter period.

🎆 Вот так ярко и красочно прошло закрытие фонтанов в Петергофе.

С 14 октября вход в Петергоф станет бесплатным на весь зимний период.

📸 Путешествия по России

#Russia #SaintPetersburg #Peterhof #PETERHOFPALACE #Fountains #fireworkshow