Russian House in Kolkata, Gorky Sadan
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Students of Russian language courses paid tribute to Maxim Gorky in Kolkata

On 22nd of March 2022, students of the Institute of Russian language, Russian House in Kolkata, celebrated the 154th Birth Anniversary of Maxim Gorky. A literary evening was organised with multi-media and paper presentations and narrations. Students recited Gorky's poems in Russian and in English.

Certificates were given out to students on successful completion of their courses.

The programme included :

Presentation on life and works of Maxim Gorky - by Somoshri Palladhi

Narratives of sacrifice - portrayal of motherhood in Maxim Gorky's "Morher" and Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables" - by Jagari Mukherjee

Maxim Gorky and Rabindranath Tagore - by Saswati Manna

Recitation of the poem "Песня о Буревестнике" (The Song of the Stormy Petrel) in Russian, followed by the English translation - by Natasha Ghose

Recitation of a Bengali poem on Maxim Gorky, composed by the student himself - by Biplab Roy

Narration of Russian House in Kolkata named after Maxim Gorky, popularly known as Gorky Sadan ("Gorky House") - by Gautam Ghosh

Narration of a short story on Maxim Gorky, depicting his compassionate and humane trait " Новая Роль" (The New Role) - by Tanusree Chatterjee.

All the participants received brochures "Russian places in and around Kolkata", published by the Russian House in 2019.

Flowers have been laid to the bust of Maxim Gorky, proudly owned by Russian House in Kolkata. According to the archives, the bronze bust can be accredited to a famous Soviet sculptor Mikhail Baburin. Another monument of Maxim Gorky is a copy of the famous statue, work of Vera Mukhina. On 16 March 1987, the street of Kolkata where the Russian House stands, has been renamed from Victoria Terrace to Gorky Terrace.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouseKolkata #GorkySadan #MaximGorky #МаксимГорький #Горький #РусскийДомКалькутта
Members of a Russia-India friendship society celebrated 154th birth anniversary of Maxim Gorky in Kolkata

On 23rd of March, 2022 Russian House in Kolkata along with a Russia-India friendship society "Youth Guild for Friendship" held a literary evening, dedicated to the famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky. Program officer of the centre, Gautam Ghosh, gave a speech on the Gorky's contribution to the world literature and the social movements of the 20th century.

Members of the society presented their perceptions of Maxim Gorky as well as their creative performances connected to the writer.

#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouseKolkata #РусскийДомКалькутта #Горький #МаксимГорький #MaximGorky #Gorky
🇷🇺Peoples of Russia: Dargins

More than half a million Dargins live in Russia, most of them are in Dagestan –about 17% of the republic population.

🔹They have been practicing farming and cattle breeding, processing wood, stone, leather and wool, embroidering with gold thread and silk. In some villages they are engaged in pottery.
The jewellery making is well developed in Kubachi village: craftsmen's products decorate ceremonial weapons and clothes.

🔹Traditionally, Dargin men wore a cloak, burka and bashlyk, while women wore a full-length dress and tunic, and a fitted coat. Shoes were usually felt or leather.

🔹Dargins lived primarily in rural communities, djamaats. The main types of dwellings in the foothills and mountains were multi-storied houses with flat roofs.

🥣The national cuisine abounds in meat dishes: khinkals, chudu pirogi, the Daghestani version of the familiar dumplings – kurze.

📖Dargin literature for over 20 centuries was oral, so folklore and dance is of great importance in the culture of the people. Mass dances of Dargins are accompanied by national instruments agach-kumuz, chugur and zurna.

#russianhouseKolkata #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #peoplesofrussia #dargins
Forwarded from Русский дом
Русский дом в Нью-Дели совместно с Фондом «Индия-Россия» провели онлайн-семинар «Вопросы укрепления российско-индийских торгово-экономических связей. Механизмы расчетов в рупиях и рублях».

Участники конференции отметили, что, несмотря на введенные Западом санкции против России и давление на Индию, обе страны по-прежнему заинтересованы в дальнейшем развитии торгово-экономических связей. Текущая ситуация открывает большие возможности для увеличения показателя товарооборота.

Помимо этого участники семинара также обсудили расширение обоюдных инвестиционных возможностей и возобновление работы торгового коридора Владивосток – Ченнаи.

#RussianHouse #Россотрудничество #РусскийДом #Rossotrudnichestvo #РусскийДомНьюДели