The Karelians belong to the Finno-Ugric peoples. They live in Karelia and speak Karelian and Russian.
The main occupations of the Karelians are fishing and hunting. Thanks to these types of activities, people get meat, wool and milk. Karelians are also engaged in farming.
The people honor the traditions and believe in omens. Many of them are associated with agriculture. For example, if plants are planted under the rising moon, then they will grow faster.
It is interesting that in the diet of the people there are no fried dishes - meat and fish are marinated, dried, smoked, stewed and baked. "The calling card" is round Karelian bread. It was baked from sourdough-based rye flour. In case of a bad harvest, women had to bake bread with different additives, for example, with pine flour.
Among Karelian written monuments there is national epic "Kalevala" which is widely known and has been translated into more than 100 languages. The people are also distinguished by their embroidery, for which they use a monochrome color scheme: white and red. The embroidered ornament is a talisman.
Карелы относятся к финно-угорским народам. Они проживают в Карелии, говорят на карельском и русском языках.
Основные занятия карелов —рыбная ловля и охота. Благодаря этому население получает мясо, шерсть, молоко. Карелы занимаются и земледелием.
Народ чтит традиции и верит в приметы. Многие из них связаны с земледелием. Например, если растения сажать под растущей луной, то они будут быстрее расти.
Интересно, что в рационе народа жареных блюд нет — мясо и рыбу маринуют, вялят, коптят, тушат и запекают. «Визитной карточкой» является круглый карельский хлеб. Его пекли из ржаной муки на основе закваски. В случае неурожая женщинам приходилось выпекать хлеб с разными добавками, например, с сосновой мукой.
Среди памятников карельской письменности сохранился национальный эпос «Калевала», который получил широкую известность и был переведен более чем на 100 языков. Народ также выделяется своей вышивкой, для которой используют монохромную цветовую гамму: белый и красный. Вышитый орнамент — талисман.
#НародыРоссии #Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #PeoplesofRussia #Karelians #Karelia
The Karelians belong to the Finno-Ugric peoples. They live in Karelia and speak Karelian and Russian.
The main occupations of the Karelians are fishing and hunting. Thanks to these types of activities, people get meat, wool and milk. Karelians are also engaged in farming.
The people honor the traditions and believe in omens. Many of them are associated with agriculture. For example, if plants are planted under the rising moon, then they will grow faster.
It is interesting that in the diet of the people there are no fried dishes - meat and fish are marinated, dried, smoked, stewed and baked. "The calling card" is round Karelian bread. It was baked from sourdough-based rye flour. In case of a bad harvest, women had to bake bread with different additives, for example, with pine flour.
Among Karelian written monuments there is national epic "Kalevala" which is widely known and has been translated into more than 100 languages. The people are also distinguished by their embroidery, for which they use a monochrome color scheme: white and red. The embroidered ornament is a talisman.
Карелы относятся к финно-угорским народам. Они проживают в Карелии, говорят на карельском и русском языках.
Основные занятия карелов —рыбная ловля и охота. Благодаря этому население получает мясо, шерсть, молоко. Карелы занимаются и земледелием.
Народ чтит традиции и верит в приметы. Многие из них связаны с земледелием. Например, если растения сажать под растущей луной, то они будут быстрее расти.
Интересно, что в рационе народа жареных блюд нет — мясо и рыбу маринуют, вялят, коптят, тушат и запекают. «Визитной карточкой» является круглый карельский хлеб. Его пекли из ржаной муки на основе закваски. В случае неурожая женщинам приходилось выпекать хлеб с разными добавками, например, с сосновой мукой.
Среди памятников карельской письменности сохранился национальный эпос «Калевала», который получил широкую известность и был переведен более чем на 100 языков. Народ также выделяется своей вышивкой, для которой используют монохромную цветовую гамму: белый и красный. Вышитый орнамент — талисман.
#НародыРоссии #Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #PeoplesofRussia #Karelians #Karelia
A new laboratory of renewable energy sources has been created at Adygea State University with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science as part of the national project "Science and Universities". The laboratory will attract even more young researchers to scientific research. They will develop a system of intelligent analytical evaluation of solutions in renewable energy. The implementation of the project is designed for three years.
В Адыгейском государственном университете при финансовой поддержке Минобрнауки создана новая лаборатория возобновляемых источников энергии в рамках нацпроекта "Наука и университеты". Лаборатория позволит привлечь к научным исследованиям еще больше молодых исследователей. Они займутся разработкой системы интеллектуальной аналитической оценки решений в возобновляемой энергетике. Реализация проекта рассчитана на три года.
Подробнее: https://nauka.tass.ru/nauka/16586331
#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo
A new laboratory of renewable energy sources has been created at Adygea State University with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science as part of the national project "Science and Universities". The laboratory will attract even more young researchers to scientific research. They will develop a system of intelligent analytical evaluation of solutions in renewable energy. The implementation of the project is designed for three years.
В Адыгейском государственном университете при финансовой поддержке Минобрнауки создана новая лаборатория возобновляемых источников энергии в рамках нацпроекта "Наука и университеты". Лаборатория позволит привлечь к научным исследованиям еще больше молодых исследователей. Они займутся разработкой системы интеллектуальной аналитической оценки решений в возобновляемой энергетике. Реализация проекта рассчитана на три года.
Подробнее: https://nauka.tass.ru/nauka/16586331
#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo
В Адыгейском госуниверситете создали лабораторию возобновляемых источников энергии
Это позволит привлечь к научным исследованиям в области ВИЭ еще больше молодых исследователей, сообщил ректор вуза Дауд Мамий
Russian House in Kolkata and ITMO University of St.Petersburg invite all interested to attend a presentation of educational programs and scholarship opportunities in Russia.
Date: 20 December 2022, 5 p.m.
Venue: Russian House in Kolkata, conference hall 2nd floor.
Entry free.
#Russia #RussianHouse #RussianHouseKolkata #Scholarship #EducationinRussia
Date: 20 December 2022, 5 p.m.
Venue: Russian House in Kolkata, conference hall 2nd floor.
Entry free.
#Russia #RussianHouse #RussianHouseKolkata #Scholarship #EducationinRussia
Myshkin is the smallest town in the Yaroslavl region. There is an interesting legend about its creation. Prince Feodor Mstislavich stopped here, laid down to sleep on the bank of the Volga, and suddenly a mouse ran across his face. He got angry and wanted to kill it, but he saw a snake in the grass and understood that the mouse wanted to warn him about the danger. That's how the town of Myshkin got its name.
In the town there are still only one- and two-storey wooden houses. Here you can visit different museums and even the "Festival of Mice" - with races, fights and mouse romp, which is usually held in early July. In addition, you can see Nikolsky Cathedral, or the Cathedral of Nicholas the Wonderworker - the oldest stone construction of Myshkin, built in the XVIII century.
In the town there is also a tourist and educational complex "Myshkin Chambers". Here the king and queen of mice live and receive guests, the mice run along the secret paths, and the guards check the passwords of all comers. Most of the roles are played by costumed animators.
In the city you should also visit the museum "Russian valenki". There you can learn a lot of interesting things about the process of making felt boots, how the great Russian sovereigns treated them, how valenki cured hangovers, colds and rheumatism and how brides chose the groom according to them.
It is believed that from Myshkin you need to bring home the symbol of this town - a mouse. It can be in the form of a drawing on a mug or plate, in the form of a brooch, on house slippers or souvenir bell.
Мышкин - самый маленький город Ярославской области. Существует интересная легенда о его создании. Князь Федор Мстиславич остановился здесь, прилег поспать на берегу Волги, и вдруг по его лицу пробежала мышь. Он рассердился и хотел ее прибить, но увидел в траве змею и понял, что мышь хотела предупредить его об опасности. Так город Мышкин и получил свое имя.
В городе можно посетить разные музеи и даже «Фестиваль Мыши» — с бегами, боями и мышиной вознёй. Кроме того, здесь можно увидеть собор Николая Чудотворца, — самую старую каменную постройку Мышкина, возведенную в XVIII веке.
В городе также располагается туристско-образовательный комплекс «Мышкины палаты». Здесь живут и принимают гостей мышиные царь и царица, дворовые мышки бегают по секретным тропам, а стражники проверяют пароли у всех пришедших.
В городе также стоит посетить музей «Русские валенки» , где можно узнать о процессе изготовления валенок, о том, как лечили недуги и как по ним невесты выбирали жениха.
#Россия #Russia #AmazingRussia #Myshkin #Мышкин
Myshkin is the smallest town in the Yaroslavl region. There is an interesting legend about its creation. Prince Feodor Mstislavich stopped here, laid down to sleep on the bank of the Volga, and suddenly a mouse ran across his face. He got angry and wanted to kill it, but he saw a snake in the grass and understood that the mouse wanted to warn him about the danger. That's how the town of Myshkin got its name.
In the town there are still only one- and two-storey wooden houses. Here you can visit different museums and even the "Festival of Mice" - with races, fights and mouse romp, which is usually held in early July. In addition, you can see Nikolsky Cathedral, or the Cathedral of Nicholas the Wonderworker - the oldest stone construction of Myshkin, built in the XVIII century.
In the town there is also a tourist and educational complex "Myshkin Chambers". Here the king and queen of mice live and receive guests, the mice run along the secret paths, and the guards check the passwords of all comers. Most of the roles are played by costumed animators.
In the city you should also visit the museum "Russian valenki". There you can learn a lot of interesting things about the process of making felt boots, how the great Russian sovereigns treated them, how valenki cured hangovers, colds and rheumatism and how brides chose the groom according to them.
It is believed that from Myshkin you need to bring home the symbol of this town - a mouse. It can be in the form of a drawing on a mug or plate, in the form of a brooch, on house slippers or souvenir bell.
Мышкин - самый маленький город Ярославской области. Существует интересная легенда о его создании. Князь Федор Мстиславич остановился здесь, прилег поспать на берегу Волги, и вдруг по его лицу пробежала мышь. Он рассердился и хотел ее прибить, но увидел в траве змею и понял, что мышь хотела предупредить его об опасности. Так город Мышкин и получил свое имя.
В городе можно посетить разные музеи и даже «Фестиваль Мыши» — с бегами, боями и мышиной вознёй. Кроме того, здесь можно увидеть собор Николая Чудотворца, — самую старую каменную постройку Мышкина, возведенную в XVIII веке.
В городе также располагается туристско-образовательный комплекс «Мышкины палаты». Здесь живут и принимают гостей мышиные царь и царица, дворовые мышки бегают по секретным тропам, а стражники проверяют пароли у всех пришедших.
В городе также стоит посетить музей «Русские валенки» , где можно узнать о процессе изготовления валенок, о том, как лечили недуги и как по ним невесты выбирали жениха.
#Россия #Russia #AmazingRussia #Myshkin #Мышкин
From January 16 to 29, 2023, the HSE International Olympiad will be held with the support of Rossotrudnichestvo.
➡️ Subjects of the Olympiad: IT, biology, oriental studies, design, journalism, foreign languages and intercultural communication, history, mathematics, media communication, international relations and others.
Foreign citizens and stateless persons living abroad – students of the 10th, 11th, 12th grades, as well as foreign citizens - students of the 10th, 11th grades living in Russia can take part in the competition.
Winners and prize-winners will have the opportunity to enroll in HSE bachelor's degree programs without exams, as well as a discount for the entire period of study.
‼️ Participation is free. Registration until December 18 on the website https://olymp.hse.ru/en/inter/
➡️ Subjects of the Olympiad: IT, biology, oriental studies, design, journalism, foreign languages and intercultural communication, history, mathematics, media communication, international relations and others.
Foreign citizens and stateless persons living abroad – students of the 10th, 11th, 12th grades, as well as foreign citizens - students of the 10th, 11th grades living in Russia can take part in the competition.
Winners and prize-winners will have the opportunity to enroll in HSE bachelor's degree programs without exams, as well as a discount for the entire period of study.
‼️ Participation is free. Registration until December 18 on the website https://olymp.hse.ru/en/inter/
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The Republic of Sakha will help with the construction of computer literacy centers in the DPR: https://pobedarf.ru/2022/12/13/dnr-pomogut-s-obucheniem-ajtishnikov/
Science news. A device that recognizes a person’s thoughts has been created in Russia: https://nauka.tass.ru/nauka/16638385
Affordable opportunities. Moscow's opportunities have been demonstrated for Indian tourists: https://pobedarf.ru/2022/12/19/moskva-privlekaet-delovyh-turistov-iz-indii/
The Days of Russia's Cultural Heritage were held in Dubai: https://culture.gov.ru/press/news/v_dubae_proshli_dni_kulturnogo_naslediya_rossii_v_oae/
Linguistic project. An educational campaign on teaching Russian has ended in Mongolia: https://russkiymir.ru/news/308540/
Science news. A device that recognizes a person’s thoughts has been created in Russia: https://nauka.tass.ru/nauka/16638385
Affordable opportunities. Moscow's opportunities have been demonstrated for Indian tourists: https://pobedarf.ru/2022/12/19/moskva-privlekaet-delovyh-turistov-iz-indii/
The Days of Russia's Cultural Heritage were held in Dubai: https://culture.gov.ru/press/news/v_dubae_proshli_dni_kulturnogo_naslediya_rossii_v_oae/
Linguistic project. An educational campaign on teaching Russian has ended in Mongolia: https://russkiymir.ru/news/308540/
Russia and Belarus have signed an agreement to create a planning system for the Union State. First of all, the agreement concerns economic and social development. It will simplify the implementation of joint business projects and increase the effectiveness of the macroeconomic policy of the two countries.
Россия и Беларусь подписали соглашение для создания системы планирования Союзного Государства. В первую очередь договор касается экономического и социального развития. Он упростит проведение совместных бизнес-проектов и повысит эффективность макроэкономической политики двух стран.
Подробнее: https://tass.ru/ekonomika/16636021
#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Russia #Belarus
Russia and Belarus have signed an agreement to create a planning system for the Union State. First of all, the agreement concerns economic and social development. It will simplify the implementation of joint business projects and increase the effectiveness of the macroeconomic policy of the two countries.
Россия и Беларусь подписали соглашение для создания системы планирования Союзного Государства. В первую очередь договор касается экономического и социального развития. Он упростит проведение совместных бизнес-проектов и повысит эффективность макроэкономической политики двух стран.
Подробнее: https://tass.ru/ekonomika/16636021
#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Russia #Belarus
Минск и Москва подписали соглашение для создания системы планирования Союзного государства
Министр экономики Белоруссии Александр Червяков отметил, что успешная реализация договора станет шагом для повышения эффективности макроэкономической политики
In Russia, a neuroprosthesis has been created to decode speech by brain activity. The system is able to "read" the patient's thoughts using a small number of electrodes implanted in the brain with an accuracy of up to 70%.
В России создали нейропротез для декодирования речи по активности мозга. Система способна «считывать» мысли пациента при помощи небольшого числа имплантированных в его мозг электродов с точностью до 70%.
Подробнее: https://nauka.tass.ru/nauka/16638385
#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #neuroprosthesis
In Russia, a neuroprosthesis has been created to decode speech by brain activity. The system is able to "read" the patient's thoughts using a small number of electrodes implanted in the brain with an accuracy of up to 70%.
В России создали нейропротез для декодирования речи по активности мозга. Система способна «считывать» мысли пациента при помощи небольшого числа имплантированных в его мозг электродов с точностью до 70%.
Подробнее: https://nauka.tass.ru/nauka/16638385
#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #neuroprosthesis
В России создали нейропротез для декодирования речи по активности мозга
По словам специалистов, с его помощью они они смогли обучить алгоритм, распознающий слова двух добровольцев с точностью 55% и 70%
The Saratov region has sent more than 3 thousand New Year's gifts for children to the sponsored Svatovsky district of the LNR. They will be presented at the festive on December 23.
In total, on December 19, about 100 tons of humanitarian aid were sent from the region to the Svatovsky district. The cargo also included building materials and heating equipment.
Саратовская область направила в подшефный Сватовский район ЛНР более 3 тыс. новогодних подарков для детей. Их вручат на праздничной ёлке 23 декабря.
Всего 19 декабря из региона в Сватовский район было отправлено около 100 тонн гуманитарной помощи. В составе груза также были стройматериалы и оборудование для обогрева.
#Россия #ЛНР #СМР
The Saratov region has sent more than 3 thousand New Year's gifts for children to the sponsored Svatovsky district of the LNR. They will be presented at the festive on December 23.
In total, on December 19, about 100 tons of humanitarian aid were sent from the region to the Svatovsky district. The cargo also included building materials and heating equipment.
Саратовская область направила в подшефный Сватовский район ЛНР более 3 тыс. новогодних подарков для детей. Их вручат на праздничной ёлке 23 декабря.
Всего 19 декабря из региона в Сватовский район было отправлено около 100 тонн гуманитарной помощи. В составе груза также были стройматериалы и оборудование для обогрева.
#Россия #ЛНР #СМР
"I am absolutely against the idea that under pressure we should voluntarily turn our backs and close the door to our offices." This was stated by the head of Rossotrudnichestvo, Yevgeny Primakov, at a press conference “Results of the work of Rossotrudnichestvo in 2022: new conditions for humanitarian policy” on December 21.
“The aggressive, thoughtless, stupid crowd is canceling Russian culture. We are not going to help her. We will not do it ourselves, especially voluntarily. If they close our offices, it is entirely their initiative and their fault. We will not ask for it, force something, we will not return someone. We continue to work on the transfer, on the transfer of priorities and resources from "unfriendly" countries to the countries of the near abroad, Africa, Asia, Latin America. According to the current situation, in a diagonal cut, we have 89 representative offices in 74 countries of the world,” Yevgeny Primakov noted, speaking about the current situation in Russian humanitarian policy.
At the meeting, he also spoke about the projects that were implemented in 2022, including jointly with the regions, in particular, “New Generation” for specialists, “Hello, Russia!” for schoolchildren, the program "Mission Dobro" for volunteers and volunteers who work in the humanitarian field abroad. The results of the work of Rossotrudnichestvo in the field of education were summed up. In the 2021 academic year, 18,000 scholarships for foreign students were allocated, this year - 23,000, and 30,000 places are planned for next year. In addition, in 2022, the Agency conducted 50 educational projects abroad, more than 7,000 people took part in these events from 66 countries of the world. This includes the preparation of applicants for admission to Russian universities, and the training of teachers and methodologists.
«Категорически против того, чтобы в условиях давления мы добровольно повернулись спиной и закрыли дверь в наши представительства». Об этом заявил глава Россотрудничества Евгений Примаков на пресс-конференции «Итоги работы Россотрудничества в 2022 году: новые условия гуманитарной политики» 21 декабря.
«Отменяет русскую культуру, российскую культуру агрессивная, бездумная, глупая толпа. Помогать ей мы не намерены. Мы не будем это делать сами, тем более добровольно. Если они будут закрывать наши представительства это целиком их инициатива и их вина. Напрашиваться, форсировать что-то, возвращать кого-то не будем. Продолжаем работу по переброске, по переносу приоритетов и ресурсов из «недружественных» стран в страны ближнего зарубежья, Африки, Азии, Латинской Америки. По нынешней ситуации в диагональном срезе у нас осталось 89 представительств в 74 стран мира», — отметил Евгений Примаков, говоря о текущей ситуации в российской гуманитарной политике.
На встрече он также рассказал о проектах, которые были реализованы в 2022 году, в том числе совместно с регионами, в частности «Новое поколение» для специалистов, «Здравствуй, Россия!» для школьников, программа «Миссия Добро» для добровольцев и волонтеров, которые работают в гуманитарной сфере за рубежом. Были подведены итоги работы Россотрудничества в сфере образования. В 2021 учебном году было выделено 18 тысяч квот для иностранных студентов, в этом году — 23 тысячи, на следующий год планируется выделить 30 тысяч мест. Кроме того, в 2022 году Агентство провело 50 образовательных проектов за рубежом, более 7000 человек приняли участие в этих мероприятиях из 66 стран мира. Это и подготовка абитуриентов для поступления в российские вузы, и обучение педагогов и методистов.
#РусскийДом #Россотрудничество #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo
"I am absolutely against the idea that under pressure we should voluntarily turn our backs and close the door to our offices." This was stated by the head of Rossotrudnichestvo, Yevgeny Primakov, at a press conference “Results of the work of Rossotrudnichestvo in 2022: new conditions for humanitarian policy” on December 21.
“The aggressive, thoughtless, stupid crowd is canceling Russian culture. We are not going to help her. We will not do it ourselves, especially voluntarily. If they close our offices, it is entirely their initiative and their fault. We will not ask for it, force something, we will not return someone. We continue to work on the transfer, on the transfer of priorities and resources from "unfriendly" countries to the countries of the near abroad, Africa, Asia, Latin America. According to the current situation, in a diagonal cut, we have 89 representative offices in 74 countries of the world,” Yevgeny Primakov noted, speaking about the current situation in Russian humanitarian policy.
At the meeting, he also spoke about the projects that were implemented in 2022, including jointly with the regions, in particular, “New Generation” for specialists, “Hello, Russia!” for schoolchildren, the program "Mission Dobro" for volunteers and volunteers who work in the humanitarian field abroad. The results of the work of Rossotrudnichestvo in the field of education were summed up. In the 2021 academic year, 18,000 scholarships for foreign students were allocated, this year - 23,000, and 30,000 places are planned for next year. In addition, in 2022, the Agency conducted 50 educational projects abroad, more than 7,000 people took part in these events from 66 countries of the world. This includes the preparation of applicants for admission to Russian universities, and the training of teachers and methodologists.
«Категорически против того, чтобы в условиях давления мы добровольно повернулись спиной и закрыли дверь в наши представительства». Об этом заявил глава Россотрудничества Евгений Примаков на пресс-конференции «Итоги работы Россотрудничества в 2022 году: новые условия гуманитарной политики» 21 декабря.
«Отменяет русскую культуру, российскую культуру агрессивная, бездумная, глупая толпа. Помогать ей мы не намерены. Мы не будем это делать сами, тем более добровольно. Если они будут закрывать наши представительства это целиком их инициатива и их вина. Напрашиваться, форсировать что-то, возвращать кого-то не будем. Продолжаем работу по переброске, по переносу приоритетов и ресурсов из «недружественных» стран в страны ближнего зарубежья, Африки, Азии, Латинской Америки. По нынешней ситуации в диагональном срезе у нас осталось 89 представительств в 74 стран мира», — отметил Евгений Примаков, говоря о текущей ситуации в российской гуманитарной политике.
На встрече он также рассказал о проектах, которые были реализованы в 2022 году, в том числе совместно с регионами, в частности «Новое поколение» для специалистов, «Здравствуй, Россия!» для школьников, программа «Миссия Добро» для добровольцев и волонтеров, которые работают в гуманитарной сфере за рубежом. Были подведены итоги работы Россотрудничества в сфере образования. В 2021 учебном году было выделено 18 тысяч квот для иностранных студентов, в этом году — 23 тысячи, на следующий год планируется выделить 30 тысяч мест. Кроме того, в 2022 году Агентство провело 50 образовательных проектов за рубежом, более 7000 человек приняли участие в этих мероприятиях из 66 стран мира. Это и подготовка абитуриентов для поступления в российские вузы, и обучение педагогов и методистов.
#РусскийДом #Россотрудничество #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo
The Russian House in New Delhi is pleased to announce the launch of the admission campaign for the study in Russian educational institutions within the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation since December 23, 2022.
The quota for the Republic of India for the 2023/2024 academic year is 200 scholarships, including 150 scholarships granted on a general basis and 50 by a special quota.
The scholarship covers all the costs for the study itself. Students do not pay any admission and tuitions fees. They have 50% discount on accommodation in the student house/hostel. However, the scholarship does not include travel and food expenses.
All applications for the Russian Government’s scholarships are accepted only via the website https://www.education-in-russia.com
Submission of applications in a different way is impossible. The abovementioned website is a centralized platform for that. The Russian House is one of the operators in the process of selection for Russian Government’s scholarships and it does not grant any other ones itself.
The period of submitting applications is two months and expires on February 20, 2023.
A candidate has to take the following steps:
1. to register in the website "Education in the Russian Federation for foreigners" (https://www.education-in-russia.com);
the candidate must, among other things, choose the field of study or specialty as well as the level of education (bachelor’s degree or master’s degree or PhD program) and then 6 educational institutions in which he/she would like to study (in priority order: 1st – high priority; 2nd – less priority; 3rd – more less priority etc.).
2. to attach scanned copies of the original documents to the application:
– passport;
– certificate and mark sheets of 10th and 12th class (for candidates who apply for bachelor’s and specialist’s degrees); degree and full transcript of marks – if you apply for master’s or PhD programs;
– consent to the processing of personal data (to be printed from the website, signed and uploaded back);
– application form (to be printed from the website, signed and uploaded back);
N.B. Students who finish their school in 2023 MUST provide 10th and 11th class results and a letter from school confirming that they are currently undergoing a 12th class program and will attend the final exams this year.
– Students who finish their educational programs (bachelor and master’s degrees) in 2023 MUST provide all semester-wise mark sheets available at the moment and a letter from university confirming that they are a final year student and will graduate in 2023 upon successful completion of their final exams;
– All candidates applying for PhD programs MUST additionally provide a copy of their research paper, list of scientific publications and a recommendation letter from the Russian university, where they want to undergo their studies.
3. after having filled in the application, to send it for consideration, transferring it to the appropriate status on the website till February 20, 2022
Applications that have not been transferred from the "Draft" status till this time will not be accepted for consideration.
Candidates can choose only one field of study/specialty within the same level of education.
The selection of candidates will be held in the following forms:
– competition of documents on education and qualifications;
– portfolio competition;
– creative test (for applicants applying for specialties and fields of study that require applicants to have certain creative abilities, physical and psychological qualities).
Preliminary results of the selection will be announced between February 21 and 28.
The persons who pass successfully the admission campaign will be obliged to add the document package with:
– medical certificate;
The quota for the Republic of India for the 2023/2024 academic year is 200 scholarships, including 150 scholarships granted on a general basis and 50 by a special quota.
The scholarship covers all the costs for the study itself. Students do not pay any admission and tuitions fees. They have 50% discount on accommodation in the student house/hostel. However, the scholarship does not include travel and food expenses.
All applications for the Russian Government’s scholarships are accepted only via the website https://www.education-in-russia.com
Submission of applications in a different way is impossible. The abovementioned website is a centralized platform for that. The Russian House is one of the operators in the process of selection for Russian Government’s scholarships and it does not grant any other ones itself.
The period of submitting applications is two months and expires on February 20, 2023.
A candidate has to take the following steps:
1. to register in the website "Education in the Russian Federation for foreigners" (https://www.education-in-russia.com);
the candidate must, among other things, choose the field of study or specialty as well as the level of education (bachelor’s degree or master’s degree or PhD program) and then 6 educational institutions in which he/she would like to study (in priority order: 1st – high priority; 2nd – less priority; 3rd – more less priority etc.).
2. to attach scanned copies of the original documents to the application:
– passport;
– certificate and mark sheets of 10th and 12th class (for candidates who apply for bachelor’s and specialist’s degrees); degree and full transcript of marks – if you apply for master’s or PhD programs;
– consent to the processing of personal data (to be printed from the website, signed and uploaded back);
– application form (to be printed from the website, signed and uploaded back);
N.B. Students who finish their school in 2023 MUST provide 10th and 11th class results and a letter from school confirming that they are currently undergoing a 12th class program and will attend the final exams this year.
– Students who finish their educational programs (bachelor and master’s degrees) in 2023 MUST provide all semester-wise mark sheets available at the moment and a letter from university confirming that they are a final year student and will graduate in 2023 upon successful completion of their final exams;
– All candidates applying for PhD programs MUST additionally provide a copy of their research paper, list of scientific publications and a recommendation letter from the Russian university, where they want to undergo their studies.
3. after having filled in the application, to send it for consideration, transferring it to the appropriate status on the website till February 20, 2022
Applications that have not been transferred from the "Draft" status till this time will not be accepted for consideration.
Candidates can choose only one field of study/specialty within the same level of education.
The selection of candidates will be held in the following forms:
– competition of documents on education and qualifications;
– portfolio competition;
– creative test (for applicants applying for specialties and fields of study that require applicants to have certain creative abilities, physical and psychological qualities).
Preliminary results of the selection will be announced between February 21 and 28.
The persons who pass successfully the admission campaign will be obliged to add the document package with:
– medical certificate;
– certificate of absence of AIDS/HIV;
– certificate of absence of all types of hepatitis and tuberculosis;
– as well as translations of all documents into Russian duly certified by the Russian consulate and upload them into the website (https://www.education-in-russia.com) till March 15, 2023.
We pay also your attention that the admission campaign on a special quota is carried out separately from the general one. If you are interested in that, please inform us about it by your letter sent to e-mail: [email protected].
For any additional information you can contact us by e-mail: [email protected] or by WhatsApp number + 7 985 638 38 30.
#Russia #RussianHouse #RussianHouseNewDelhi #RussiaIndia #Scholarship #EducationinRussia #UniversitiesofRussia #соотечественники
– certificate of absence of all types of hepatitis and tuberculosis;
– as well as translations of all documents into Russian duly certified by the Russian consulate and upload them into the website (https://www.education-in-russia.com) till March 15, 2023.
We pay also your attention that the admission campaign on a special quota is carried out separately from the general one. If you are interested in that, please inform us about it by your letter sent to e-mail: [email protected].
For any additional information you can contact us by e-mail: [email protected] or by WhatsApp number + 7 985 638 38 30.
#Russia #RussianHouse #RussianHouseNewDelhi #RussiaIndia #Scholarship #EducationinRussia #UniversitiesofRussia #соотечественники