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Registration for the International Olympiad in the Russian language "Lobachevsky/RU" continues.
International students of the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod and other Russian and foreign universities, students of foreign schools, and students of Russian as a foreign language courses are invited to participate in the Olympiad.
To participate, you should fill out the registration form on the website by March 1, 2024 /, as well as complete the online task of the first stage.
Join the participants and become one of the 26 lucky ones who will be able to study for a master's degree for free within the quota of the Russian Government.
Follow the link for details:

Продолжается регистрация на Международную олимпиаду по русскому языку «Лобачевский/RU».
К участию в олимпиаде приглашаются иностранные студенты ННГУ и других российских и зарубежных вузов, ученики зарубежных школ, слушатели курсов русского языка как иностранного.
Для участия необходимо до 1 марта 2024 года заполнить регистрационную форму на сайте по адресу, а также выполнить онлайн-задание первого этапа.
Присоединяйтесь к участникам и станьте одним из 26 счастливчиков, которые смогут бесплатно учиться в магистратуре в рамках квоты Правительства России.
Подробности по ссылке:

#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Education #Olympiad #Scholarship #NizhnyNovgorod #UNN #University #EducationinRussia
School of Advanced Studies of Tyumen State University (SAS invites talented applicants to participate in a competition to receive a 100% discount on tuition for English-language undergraduate programs at SAS. Applications will be accepted until April 20, 2024.

More information about the conditions of the competition can be found on the website:

Also, foreign applicants can apply for training on a contractual basis (until July 15, 2024) or choose SAS as a place to study under the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Contact person for questions regarding training of foreign citizens at SAS: Anna Medyukova-Meyer, [email protected]

Школа перспективных исследований Тюменского государственного университета (SAS приглашает талантливых абитуриентов поучаствовать в конкурсе на получение 100% скидки на обучение на англоязычных программах бакалавриата в SAS. Заявки принимаются до 20 апреля 2024 года.

Больше информации про условия конкурса можно найти на сайте:

Также иностранные абитуриенты могут подать заявку на обучение на договорной основе (до 15 июля 2024) или выбрать SAS в качестве места для обучения по квоте Правительства Российской Федерации.

Контактное лицо по вопросам обучения иностранных граждан в SAS: Анна Медюкова-Мейер, [email protected]

#Russia #Tyumen #Education #EducationinRussia #Scholarship
For four years already, we have been publishing the Higher Education Discovery (HED) magazine supported by Rossotrudnichestvo

HED is a multilingual international magazine about education in Russia for international applicants. It covers in detail the promotion of Russian education abroad through the Agency’s representative offices – Russian centers of science and culture (Russian Houses) in other countries. They provide information and organizational support for Russian universities recruiting international students and consult applicants wishing to study in Russia. The Russian Houses also hold informative and entertaining activities that inspire foreigners to see Russia with their own eyes and apply to Russian universities.

Currently, the HED magazine presents the Russian Houses of 24 states: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Vietnam, Egypt, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Mexico, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Peru, the Republic of the Congo, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, Chile, Sri Lanka, and Ethiopia. The heads of these representative offices of Rossotrudnichestvo abroad will tell you:

• why international applicants choose Russian universities
• what fields of study are most popular among foreigners
• how to get a state-funded place at a Russian university within the Russian Government quota
• how to learn Russian before going to Russia
• what career prospects graduates of Russian universities have read the HED magazine and get acquainted with the Russian Houses abroad.

#Russia #HED #education #EducationinRussia #Scholarship
⚡️ Federal State Scientific Organization "Social Center" with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation from July 29 to August 12, 2024 organizes the project "Summer Institute for Young Teachers and Researchers" on the basis of Pskov State University ("Russian language, as a language of international communication"), Tyumen Industrial University ("Oil and Gas", in English language), Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University ("Social sciences») and the Russian State Humanities University («Historical processes in the Eurasian space: methodology and new approaches to studying»).

📚 The goal of the project is to integrate researchers and teachers into the scientific and educational environment by conducting joint research, writing scientific articles, and engaging in educational activities.

☝️ Participants will be reimbursed for transportation expenses, accommodation, meals, cultural and excursion programs.

👋 We invite Indian teachers and researchers to participate in the project.

🕐 Familiarize yourself with the conditions of participation and register until June 15, 2024 on the website

#Russia #Education #Scholarship #SummerUniversity
🇷🇺 🇮🇳 Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with students

On July 9, Indian students from the National Research Nuclear University #MEPhI and other universities in the country had a chance to interact with the wotld leaders at the Atom pavilion of the international exhibition and forum "Russia".

The pavilion presented by the Rosatom, Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation, displays the history, current projects and the future potential of the nuclear power usage. Nuclear collaboration between Russia and India did not stop even in the turbulent 1990s.

Soumojit Mukherjee, a PhD scholarship student from India, explained the opportunities of nuclear power in food preservation in hot climates like in his homeland India. President Putin pointed on the importance of having such valuable professionals, in developing the collaborative projects and strengthening of the bilateral partnership.

✅️ This year, Russia sees record growth in number of foreign students Almost 355,000 students from around the world are studying at Russian universities. This is the largest number of foreigners studying in the new Russia since 1990.

📸 Kremlin.News

🇷🇺 🇮🇳 Президент России Владимир Путин и премьер-министр Индии Нарендра Моди встретились со студентами

9 июля индийские студенты из Национального исследовательского ядерного университета #МИФИ и других университетов страны смогли пообщаться с мировыми лидерами в павильоне «Атом» международной выставки-форума «Россия».

В павильоне представлена ​​история, текущие проекты и будущий потенциал использования ядерной энергии. Ядерное сотрудничество между Россией и Индией не прекращалось даже в бурные 1990-е годы.

Сумоджит Мукерджи, аспирант из Индии, рассказал о возможностях ядерной энергетики в сохранении продуктов питания в жарком климате, как, например, на его родине Индии. Президент Путин указал на важность наличия таких ценных специалистов для развития совместных проектов и укрепления двустороннего партнёрства.

✅️ В этом году в России рекордно возросло число иностранных студентов. Почти 355 тысяч студентов из разных стран мира учатся в вузах России. Это самое большое число иностранцев, обучающихся в новой России за время с 1990 года.

📸 Kremlin.News

#Russia #India #RussiaIndia #Modi #Scholarship #ForeignStudents #Education #EducationinRussia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Students #Rosatom #nuclearenergy
Indian student bags a prestigious Russian scholarship

A graduate of Delhi Public School from Assam Barnil Das became the winner of the MGIMO International School Olympiad 2023/24 and received the opportunity to study at MGIMO for free in the undergraduate programs for foreign citizens. In September, he will begin his undergraduate studies at the Institute of International Relations and Governance, Faculty of International Relations.

MGIMO International School Olympiad is a unique opportunity to get free education in the leading university of Russia.

We hope that as a student at MGIMO, Barnil Das will have a unique opportunity to expand and systematize his knowledge, and in the future, to work for the benefit of his country, developing friendly partnership relations with Russia.

Индийский студент выиграл обучение в МГИМО

Выпускник Delhi Public School из Ассама Барнил Дас стал победителем Международной школьной олимпиады МГИМО 2023/24 и получил возможность бесплатно обучаться в МГИМО по программе бакалавриата для иностранных граждан. В сентябре он приступит к обучению в Институте международных отношений и управления, на факультете международных отношений.

Международная школьная олимпиада МГИМО — это уникальная возможность получить бесплатное образование в ведущем вузе России.

Мы надеемся, что, будучи студентом МГИМО, Барнил Дас получит уникальную возможность расширить и систематизировать свои знания, а в будущем — работать на благо своей страны, развивая дружеские партнерские отношения с Россией.

#Russia #Education #EducationinRussia #MGIMO #foreignaffairs #ForeignRelations #МГИМО #Moscow #Scholarship #Olympiad
⚡️ Win a scholarship to study at MIPT Phystech

Phystech.International is an exciting opportunity to have a government grant to tuition-free study at one of the leading technical universities in the world – Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT Phystech).

This year the international competition consists of one stage provided completely online. You can try yourself in Mathematics and Physics as Olympiad tracks. Olympiad winners and runners-up have a competitive advantage in applying to the state grant for tuition-free education.

Follow to the website:

✅️ Update skills in Mathematics and Physics

✅️ Take part online from all over the world

✅️ Register for a separate tours (but no more than one try)

✅️ Graduate in 2025 or later

#Russia #Education #EducationinRussia #MIPT #Phystech #Physics #Mathematics #Scholarship #МИФИ
HSE International Olympiad is an annual free competition for international students hosted by the National Research University Higher School of Economics

Winners could receive a full-tuition waivers for their studies. HSE INTO is your chance to become a student of one of the best universities in Russia!

✔️ 80+ BA programmes in all spheres
✔️ More than 5.400 international students
✔️ 5 campuses: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, and online-campus
✔️ The only Russian university in THE Young University Rankings top 100

#Russia #HSE #university #Scholarship #Olympiad #Education #EducationinRussia
🎓😍 Open Doors Russian Scholarship: Apply now!

For the first time in the history of Open Doors! Two new tracks are opened:

✅️ Bachelor’s - for those who aim to get higher education for the first time
✅️ Postdoc - for scientists looking for serious research projects (registration for this track will open on September 16)

To learn more and apply go to

Russian Scholarship Project is your chance for early admission to a tuition-free program at one of the leading universities in Russia.

#Russia #Scholarship #opendoors #opendoors2024 #HSE #bachelor #masters #PhD #Education #EducationinRussia
‼️ Dear candidates!

⚡️ The approximate start date of the scholarship campaign under the quota of the Russian Government for the 2025/2026 academic year has become known - September 20.

ℹ️ Follow us for the announcements.

‼️ Уважаемые кандидаты!

⚡️ Стала известна примерная дата начала квотной кампании 2025/2026 учебного года – 20 сентября.

ℹ️ Чтобы узнать подробности и правила нового набора, следите за новостями на наших страницах.

#Russia #Education #EducationinRussia #Scholarship #Соотечественники