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Researchers at the National University of Science and Technology MISIS presented an enhanced method of protecting heat-resistant alloys from oxidation at high temperatures.

This technology will help avoid defects in production and extend the durability of turbine and aircraft engine blades by maintaining optimal mechanical characteristics.

The research was carried out with support from the Russian Science Foundation and the results were published in the Coatings academic journal.

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Ученые Национального исследовательского технологического университета «МИСИС» представили усовершенствованный метод защиты жаропрочных сплавов от окисления при высоких температурах.

Эта технология поможет избежать дефектов в производстве и продлит долговечность лопаток турбин и авиационных двигателей за счет сохранения оптимальных механических характеристик.

Исследование было выполнено при поддержке Российского научного фонда, а результаты опубликованы в научном журнале Coatings.

#Russia #Technology #Aviation #Oxidation #Alloy
More than 300 finalists will meet in the second round of the Presidential Library’s International Russian Language Olympiad 🇷🇺

From March 26 to 28, 2024, the final stage of the Presidential Library Olympiad “Russia in the Electronic World” in the subject “Russian as a Foreign Language” will be held. More than 300 children will take part in it. In total, about a thousand schoolchildren and students from Vietnam, Iran, Uzbekistan, Egypt, India, China and other countries of the world competed to reach the final this year.

The competition runs from October 2, 2023 to March 28, 2024. Foreign citizens - schoolchildren over 14 years old and students - participate. The Olympics includes two stages. The qualifying round was held remotely from October 2, 2023 to January 18, 2024. The final stage will take place in person from March 26 to March 28, 2024 on the basis of the Presidential Library in St. Petersburg, its branch in the Tyumen region, as well as the sites of remote electronic reading rooms of the institution in Russia and foreign countries.

Competitive tests allow you to evaluate three levels of Russian language proficiency: elementary (A1), basic (A2), first certification level (B1). The knowledge testing system includes tasks in the sections “Vocabulary”, “Grammar”, “Listening”. The final stage involves passing the “Writing” test. Speaking."

The results will be summed up based on the results of the individual competition. Winners and runners-up are awarded diplomas.

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Dpartment of educational and educational programs of the Presidential Library: Anastasia Chashchina: [email protected].

Более 300 финалистов встретятся во втором туре международной олимпиады Президентской библиотеки по русскому языку 🇷🇺

С 26 по 28 марта 2024 года будет проходить заключительный этап олимпиады Президентской библиотеки «Россия в электронном мире» по предмету «Русский язык как иностранный». Его участниками станут более 300 ребят.
Russia's tourism potential abroad will be promoted under a single brand, Discover Russia

In the first year, the Russian tourism brand promotion program will focus on countries that can bring the greatest contribution to the economy - China, India, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Oman.

Read more at the link

Туристический потенциал России за рубежом будет продвигаться под единым брендом Discover Russia

В первый год программа продвижения туристического бренда России будет сосредоточена на странах, которые могут принести наибольший вклад для экономики - Китай, Индия, ОАЭ, Саудовская Аравия, Иран и Оман.

Подробнее читайте по ссылке

#Россия #Russia #DiscoverRussia #India #China #UAE #SaudiArabia #Oman #Iran #RussiaTourism #Tourism
🇷🇺Russia donated wheat and fertilizers to Zimbabwe: 25 thousand tons of grain and 23 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers.

🌾The transfer took place as part of the Russian initiative for free humanitarian aid to African countries. This will enable Zimbabwe to successfully achieve Vision 2030's plans for sustainable socio-economic development.

🇺🇳The delivery was organized by the largest Russian fertilizer manufacturer Uralchem ​​and the UN World Food Program.

Photo: Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Zimbabwe

🇷🇺Россия безвозмездно передала Зимбабве пшеницу и удобрения: 25 тысяч тонн зерна и 23 тысячи тонн минеральных удобрений.

🌾Передача произошла в рамках реализации российской инициативы по бесплатной гуманитарной помощи странам Африки. Это позволит Зимбабве успешно выполнить планы программы Vision 2030 по устойчивому социально-экономическому развитию.

🇺🇳Поставка организована крупнейшим российским производителем удобрений «Уралхимом» и Всемирной продовольственной программой ООН.

Фото: Посольство Российской Федерации в Республике Зимбабве

#Россия #МеждународноеСотрудничество
#Russia #InternationalCooperation #Zimbabwe #Africa #UN
Forwarded from Русский дом
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🌐 Приглашаем иностранных школьников к участию в международном конкурсе «Люди Артека»

Даты проведения: 4 марта — 15 июля 2024 года

Победители получат бесплатную путевку в Международный детский центр «Артек» с 15 июля по 5 августа.

Что необходимо для участия?

- быть в возрасте от 12 до 17 лет;
- не иметь гражданства РФ или постоянно проживать за пределами страны;
- ознакомиться с порядком проживания детей в МДЦ «Артек» на сайте в разделе «Информация для родителей».

📌 Прием заявок на участие проходит до 30 апреля 2024 года на сайте.

#Россия #Артек
Forwarded from Russia Beyond
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Magnificent photoshoots with horses in true Slavic style - folk costumes and the power of Russian beauty ❤️

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🔔 Russia Beyond
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At these moments we are following the events in Crocus City Hall, Moscow

We express our sincere condolences to the families and friends of those killed in this terrorist attack. We wish the victims a speedy recovery.

We are confident that those responsible for this tragedy will be punished. Together we can overcome any challenge.

В эти минуты мы следим за событиями в «Крокус Сити Холле».

Выражаем искренние соболезнования родным и близким погибших в этом теракте. Желаем пострадавшим скорейшего выздоровления.

Уверены, что виновные в этой трагедии понесут наказание. Вместе мы сможем преодолеть любые испытания.

#Russia #Moscow
Forwarded from Russian House New Delhi
NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday condemned the terrorist attack at a Moscow music hall in Russia in which over 60 people have been killed and 100 wounded.
The Prime Minister "strongly condemn the heinous terrorist attack in Moscow" and said India strongly stands in solidarity with the Russian government.
"We strongly condemn the heinous terrorist attack in Moscow. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims. India stands in solidarity with the government and the people of the Russian Federation in this hour of grief," the Prime Minister wrote.
🕯 The World Coordination Council of Russian Compatriots Living Abroad strongly condemned the terror attack on civilians in Moscow.

💬 "Indignation and grief are precisely these feelings that overwhelm us in the tragic hours after the brutal terrorist attack in the capital of Russia. The cowardly monsters who shoot unarmed civilians, as well as those who stand behind them, deserve cruel punishment. The Russian people, regardless of the place of residence of its individual representatives, have repeatedly demonstrated their unity. Our history shows that this unity only grows stronger in times of trial. It will be so this time too! The transition of Russia's enemies to terrorist methods of struggle causes our deep concern. This phenomenon should meet with unanimous condemnation by international structures, as well as the official authorities of all countries of the world, and primarily those that call themselves democratic.

Our hearts are now with those injured during the terrorist attack, our prayers and words of support to the families of the victims!"

#Russia #TerrorAttack #Moscow #Соотечественники
Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
🕯️As a sign of support for Russia and in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall venue in Moscow, compatriots continue bringing flowers to the Russian Embassy in New Delhi.

We sincerely thank everyone who did not remain indifferent and shares with us the pain of this horrific tragedy. 🙏🏻
Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
🕯️The Russian Embassy in India has opened an online book of condolences for those who wish to leave a message of sympathy to the families of victims of the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow on 22 March 2024.

⬇️ You can leave it below in the comment section or send as a letter to [email protected]. 🙏🏻