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Russian schoolchildren won four gold medals at the international mathematics olympiad Romanian Master of Mathematics.

The winners were Roman Kuznetsov, Alisa Volkova, Eldar Khisamutdinov and Pavel Prozorov. The Ministry of Education noted that they participated in the event remotely.

There are no names of Russian schoolchildren in the table of preliminary results of the Olympiad. They flew under a neutral flag as "individual participants".

Three medalists study at the Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239 in St. Petersburg. The fourth winner of the Olympiad, Pavel Prozorov, represented St. Petersburg Lyceum No. 533.


Российские школьники завоевали четыре золотые медали на международной олимпиаде по математике Romanian Master of Mathematics.

Победителями стали Роман Кузнецов, Алиса Волкова, Эльдар Хисамутдинов и Павел Прозоров. В Минпросвещения отметили, что они участвовали в мероприятии дистанционно.

В таблице предварительных результатов олимпиады имен российских школьников нет. Они выступали под нейтральным флагом в качестве «индивидуальных участников».

Трое медалистов учатся в Президентском физико-математическом лицее № 239 в Санкт-Петербурге. Четвертый победитель олимпиады, Павел Прозоров, представлял петербургский лицей № 533.

#Russia #EducationinRussia #mathematics #Olympiad
GORLOVKA. The number of dead and injured is growing every day

Gorlovka is a once thriving city located 50 kilometers from Donetsk. Since 2014, it has been part of the Donetsk People's Republic, and according to the results of the referendum in September 2022, it is part of Russia.

It is one of the largest industrial centers of Donbass. The leading industries are: coal, mining, engineering, chemical, food. Now, due to frequent shelling, production is almost stopped, hundreds of citizens, including children, are injured by shrapnel, the number of deaths is growing.

SHELLING: The Armed Forces of Ukraine have been shelling the city since 2014. The number of civilian deaths and injuries, including children, is growing.

Until 22 February 2022, on the territory of Gorlovka 241 people died: these are 117 men, 103 women and 21 children. 738 people were injured with varying degrees of severity, including 362 men, 323 women and 53 children.

Since the beginning of the special military operation residents of Gorlovka have been shelled 9 418 times, 101 people have died, these are: 54 men, 46 women and 1 child. 360 people were injured with varying degrees of severity, including: 176 men, 162 women, 22 children.

In total, from 2014 to 2023, 342 people died in Gorlovka, including 171 men, 149 women, and 22 children. 1 098 people were injured with varying degrees of severity: 538 men, 485 women, 75 children.

Civilian infrastructure is suffering: schools, kindergartens, hospitals. People are losing their homes and livelihoods.
Another attack was recorded on 23 February, 2023. Six shells with 152 mm caliber were fired from the Ukrainian side.

Until 22 February 2022, on the territory of Gorlovka 4 820 civil infrastructure facilities, including 4 656 residential buildings, were damaged.

Since February 2022, 3 679 civilian objects have been damaged due to shelling from the Ukrainian side, including 2 747 residential buildings, 203 industrial facilities, 161 social facilities, 124 public buildings, gas pipelines, water pipelines, 211 boiler houses, urban transport: 16 buses, 3 trolleybuses.

WATER SHORTAGE: Since the end of February 2022, serious problems with water supply have begun in Gorlovka, as well as throughout the territory of the DPR. On 21 February, due to shelling by the Ukrainian side, several water supply stations were damaged, including the pumping station of the South Donbass water pipeline. And on the 24th in the area of Gorlovka, the Seversky Donets – Donbass canal was damaged, this is a key water supply facility in the region. As a result, water stopped flowing into the #DPR from the territory controlled by Ukraine.
Problems with water supply affected residential buildings, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, enterprises. The supply was limited – once every few days.
In June 2022, it was possible to establish the supply of additional water to the Seversky Donets — Donbass canal, but people still feel an acute shortage of water.

THE CRISIS CONTINUES: Residents of #Gorlovka continue to suffer from water shortages and systematic shelling, and the Ukrainian side often uses prohibited weapons.
On 24 February, 2023, the AFU used cluster munitions to shell the Kalininsky district of Gorlovka. A shell burst was recorded between residential buildings, a 39-year-old woman was injured. Also, 29 power lines were cut.

Since 2010, an international convention has come into force prohibiting the use, transfer and accumulation of cluster munitions, because their victims are primarily civilians, including children. Such shells kill very often even years after their use.

RISKS: International organizations, including the UN, do not record separately the injury and death of civilians in #Donbass, as well as damage to civilian infrastructure. The published reports provide only general data on the victims, taking into account the territories controlled by Kiev.

This approach encourages the Ukrainian side to further violations of international humanitarian law against civilians in the conflict zone.
Baskunchak is the saltiest lake in Russia - 80% of the country's salt is extracted here. It is now part of the Bogdo-Baskunchak Nature Reserve, so travelers often combine a visit to the lake and the park.

For some time the reservoir was famous among the racers: from 1960 to 1963 a 20 km long track was organized here, where competitions were held to set speed records. However, the track had to be closed. In spite of this, Soviet racers were able to set 19 world records during the couple of years of the track's existence!

💡Tips for tourists:

☀️ The optimal time to visit is from May to October. Then the lake gains water and you can swim in it.

☀️Around lake Baskunchak you can take off-road rides, visit sanatorium and even take a mud bath.

☀️Swimming in the lake is advised leisurely and not to dive, the salt will strongly corrode the eyes.

#RussianHouse #Russia #ExploreRussia #TravelRussia #Baskunchak #AmazingRussia
Drawing contest on Russia was held in Kolkata

On 5 March, head of the Russian House in Kolkata Sergey Shushin and Senior Consul of the Russian Consulate General Maxim Aleshin attended the V International Child Drawing Competition "Russia - My Love", held at the ICCR.
They sent their wishes to the young artists and presented them with certificates for participating in the competition.

The drawing contest was held by an Indian organization "Russia - India Cultural Exchange" in promotion of friendship ties between the two countries.


Конкурс рисунков, посвящённый России, прошел в Калькутте

5 марта глава Русского дома в Калькутте Сергей Владиславович Шушин и консул-советник Генерального консульства России Максим Анатольевич Алёшин приняли участие в V Международном конкурсе детского рисунка "Россия - любовь моя", который прошел в Индийском совете по культурным связям. Они направили свои пожелания юным художникам и вручили им сертификаты за участие в конкурсе.

Конкурс рисунков проводился индийской организацией «Российско-индийский культурный обмен» в целях продвижения дружбы между двумя странами.

#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #DrawingContest #Art #ArtContest #RussiaIndia #RussianHouseKolkata #Kolkata
Media is too big
Why is Ural Federal University a perfect study destination for international students?
Check this video.

#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #EducationinRussia #uralfederaluniversity #UFU
Builders of the Stavropol Region are carrying out major repairs of the Lyceum named after Oleg Koshevoy in the city of Antratsyt (LPR). It is one of the largest educational institutions in the city. The building is an architectural and historical object.
Specialists have already installed new windows, replaced the roof, heating, water supply and drainage systems. They will also repair floors, ceilings and carry out interior decoration of the premises
The work’s completion is planned for the beginning of the new academic year. About 600 children study at the Lyceum.
Recall that for today, 135 educational institutions have been restored in the DPR, and 102 schools in the LPR. 13 educational institutions have been restored in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.


Строители Ставропольского края проводят капитальный ремонт лицея имени Олега Кошевого в городе Антрацит ЛНР. Это одно из крупнейших образовательных учреждений города. Здание является архитектурным и историческим объектом.
Специалисты уже установили новые окна, заменили кровлю, системы отопления, водоснабжения и водоотведения. Они также отремонтируют полы, потолки и проведут внутреннюю отделку помещений.
Завершение работ планируется к началу нового учебного года. В Лицее обучаются около 600 детей.
Напомним, на сегодняшний день в ДНР восстановлено 135 образовательных учреждений, а в ЛНР 102 школы. В Запорожской и Херсонской областях восстановлено 13 образовательных учреждений.

#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #LPR
The Russian government has allocated funds for the organization of mobile medical teams and multifunctional hospitals in new regions of the country. The subsidy will be received by medical institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the regions. This practice has already been tested during the coronavirus pandemic and has proven to be effective.
Read more:


Правительство России выделило средства на организацию мобильных медицинских бригад и многофункциональных госпиталей в новых регионах страны. Субсидию получат медицинские учреждения, подведомственные Минздраву России и регионам. Эта практика уже была опробована во время пандемии коронавируса и доказала свою эффективность.


#Russia #DPR #LPR