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Moscow schoolchildren brought four gold medals from the International Astronomy Olympiad

From September 26 to October 2, the first Open International Astronomy Olympiad was held remotely, where children from Russia received six awards of the highest value.

The team included winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in astronomy from Moscow and Russian Republic of Mordovia. Ekaterina Bobkova, a graduate of the Specialized Educational and Scientific Center of Moscow State University named after Andrey Kolmogorov, became an absolute winner of the Olympiad. Elisey Zhdanov, a graduate of the Physics and Mathematics School No. 2007, Ilya Prosyanoy, a graduate of the Letovo School, and Kirill Roshchin, an 11th grade student of the CPM School, also received gold medals.

Teams from Bangladesh, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan and Singapore took part in the Olympiad. The participants competed in four rounds: theoretical, practical, observational and test. They solved research problems, tests for logic and knowledge, processed and analyzed astronomical data.

Photo: Ministry of Education


С 26 сентября по 2 октября в дистанционном формате прошла первая открытая Международная астрономическая олимпиада, где ребята из России получили шесть наград высшего достоинства.

В команду вошли победители и призеры Всероссийской олимпиады школьников по астрономии из Москвы и Мордовии. Выпускница СУНЦ МГУ имени Андрея Колмогорова Екатерина Бобкова стала абсолютной победительницей олимпиады. Выпускник физико-математической школы №2007 Елисей Жданов, выпускник школы «Летово» Илья Просяной и ученик 11-го класса школы ЦПМ Кирилл Рощин также получили золотые медали.

В олимпиаде приняли участие команды из Бангладеша, Беларуси, Болгарии, Казахстана, Китая, Киргизии и Сингапура. Ребята соревновались в четырех турах: теоретическом, практическом, наблюдательном и тестовом. Участники решали исследовательские задачи, тесты на логику и знания, обрабатывали и проводили анализ астрономических данных.

Фото: Министерство просвещения

#Россия #Russia #EducationinRussia #AstronomyOlympiad #Astronomy
🌠 💫 The ll Open world Astronomy Olympiad will be held in the Sirius Educational Center, Krasodar region, Russia, on November 14-22, 2023.

🔺To take part in the olympiad one needs to register on the official website of the olympiad:

🔺Registration is available until 01, November 2023.

🔺The up to date program is available on the official website of the olympiad.

🔺The assignments of the olympiad will be provided to the participants in English.

#Russia #Astronomy #olympiads
👏 The Russian team won six gold medals at the International Astronomical Olympiad

The Russian team became the absolute winner of the Open International Astronomical Olympiad (OWAO 2023) on the federal territory of Sirius.

The schoolchildren shared the victory with the Iranian team. In total, children from 14 countries took part in the competition.

Gold medals received:

🏆 Dmitry Timofeev, secondary school of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence (Moscow) - absolute winner;

🏆 Egor Potapov, Phystech-Lyceum named after. P.L. Kapitsa (city of Dolgoprudny, Moscow region);

🏆 Kirill Roshchin, secondary school of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence (Moscow);

🏆 Dmitry Sankovsky, secondary school of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence (Moscow);

🏆 Svyatoslav Suglobov, school No. 57 (Moscow);

🏆 Konstantin Telelyukhin, school No. 57 (Moscow).

The team is led by Boris Eskin, a senior lecturer at the Department of Celestial Mechanics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of St. Petersburg State University.

Congratulations guys! ❤️

Photo: Media platform “Look”

#Russia #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #Astronomy #Olympiad #Sirius