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 The international project "Educational Collaboration of Commonwealth Libraries – 2022" within the framework of the Rossotrudnichestvo "New Generation" program has recently been completed in Moscow. Cultural events were organized for the children in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. Participant from Tajikistan Khochi Akbari shared his impressions of the trip.
"I really liked the program, it was very rich. We visited Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow. Everything was interesting there: architecture, cultural program, and – most importantly – people. Lectures and excursions have expanded my knowledge in the field of librarianship. I also liked that everywhere we could ask interesting questions and discuss them. It is very important that the program is international. Thanks to this, I was able to meet colleagues from other countries, we exchanged contacts, made friends. Many thanks to the organizers and participants".
#RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #NewGeneration
Гликерия Хайтыева из Узбекистана поделилась своими впечатлениями от участия в международном проекте «Образовательная коллаборация библиотек Содружества - 2022» в рамках программы Россотрудничества «Новое поколение».
«Для меня программа «Новое поколение» — вдохновение. В Нижнем Новгороде для меня открытием стал курс «Инновации в библиотеке». После его прохождения я нашла ответы на сложные для себя вопросы. В Москве мы побывали в трёх библиотеках: в каждой из них была своя особенная атмосфера, а у сотрудников — свой взгляд на библиотечное дело. Также хочется отметить профессиональную работу организаторов, чувствуется огромная забота, внимание и тепло. Все продумано до мелочей. Культурная программа дополняет научную, каждая минута проходит с пользой: новые знакомства, углубление и расширение знаний. Желаем организаторам творческих сил и новых идей».
#РусскийДом #Россотрудничество #RussianHouse #Rossotrudnichestvo #НовоеПоколение #NewGeneration

Glyceria Haityeva from Uzbekistan shared her impressions of participating in the international project "Educational Collaboration of Commonwealth Libraries - 2022" within the framework of the Rossotrudnichestvo program "New Generation".
"For me, the "New Generation" program is an inspiration. The course "Innovations in the library" in Nizhny Novgorod became a discovery for me. After passing it, I found answers to difficult questions. We visited three libraries in Moscow: each of them had its own special atmosphere, and the staff had their own view of librarianship. I would also like to note the professional work of the organizers, one feels great care, attention and warmth. Everything is thought out to the smallest details. The cultural program complements the scientific one, every minute is spent with benefits: new acquaintances, deepening and expanding knowledge. We wish the organizers creative forces and new ideas".