Генеральное консульство России в Эдинбурге
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⚡️ Заявление МИД России в связи с приостановлением Россией действия Договора о мерах по дальнейшему сокращению и ограничению стратегических наступательных вооружений (ДСНВ)

❗️ Крайняя степень враждебности Вашингтона, нагнетаемая им конфронтация и открыто взятый курс на злонамеренную эскалацию конфликта на Украине и вокруг неё создали для нас принципиально иную обстановку в области безопасности.

Сегодня США открыто стремятся нанести России «стратегическое поражение», а подстёгиваемая Вашингтоном напряжённость выходит далеко за рамки украинского кризиса – США и возглавляемый ими Запад пытаются навредить нашей стране на любом уровне, в любой сфере и в любом регионе мира.

Есть все основания констатировать, что политика США направлена на подрыв национальной безопасности России, что прямо противоречит закреплённым в преамбуле ДСНВ фундаментальным принципам и пониманиям, на которых зиждется Договор и без которых он не был бы заключён.

Фактически речь идёт о коренном изменении обстоятельств по сравнению с существовавшими на момент заключения ДСНВ.
В такой обстановке ведение дел с США и в целом с Западом в обычном режиме больше не представляется возможным – как в принципиальном плане, так и применительно к сфере контроля над вооружениями, которая неотделима от геополитических и военно-стратегических реалий.


⚠️ Cерьёзные изменения в ландшафте безопасности связаны также с тем, что консолидация на антироссийской почве западных стран всё больше затрагивает аспекты их ядерной политики. В частности, члены НАТО, которые десятилетиями практикуют так называемые «совместные ядерные миссии» и с некоторых пор открыто объявили Североатлантический блок «ядерным альянсом», усиливают упор на ядерное оружие в общенатовских концептуальных установках, заявляют о нацеленности на дальнейшее укрепление и повышение боеготовности «приписанных» к НАТО потенциалов в данной сфере.


По совокупности изложенных обстоятельств российская сторона была вынуждена прийти к выводу о допущенном США существенном нарушении ДСНВ, то есть таком нарушении, которое имеет принципиальное значение для реализации объекта и целей Договора.

Решение о приостановлении действия ДСНВ может быть обратимо. Для этого в Вашингтоне должны проявить политическую волю, предпринять добросовестные усилия в целях общей деэскалации и создания условий для возобновления полноформатного функционирования Договора и, соответственно, всестороннего обеспечения его жизнеспособности. Призываем американскую сторону именно к этому.

☝️ До тех пор любые наши шаги навстречу Вашингтону в контексте ДСНВ абсолютно исключены.

Полный текст заявления
Forwarded from MoD Russia
On 22 February, an influential U.S. non-governmental organisation held a conference on the events in Ukraine. Within the event, former U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan made the statement, ‘...Russian troops plan to use chemical weapons in the special military operation area...’.

◽️Russia regards this information as the intention of the United States itself and its accomplices to carry out a provocation in Ukraine using toxic chemicals.

◽️They expect that amid hostilities, the international community will be unable to organise an effective investigation, with the result that the real organisers and executors may escape accountability and the blame is going to be placed on Russia.

📄 Read full text of Briefing by the Chief of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops of Russian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on the West preparations for large-scale provocations involving toxic chemicals in Ukraine

Forwarded from MoD Russia
​​Toxic chemicals delivered to Kramatorsk

In addition, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation received information that on 10 February 2023, a rail transport arrived in Ukraine (Kramatorsk) with a cargo of chemicals in one of its cars, accompanied by a group of foreign nationals.

The car was detached and towed to the territory of the Kuybyshev Iron and Steel Works in Kramatorsk, where it was unloaded under the control of the Security Service of Ukraine and the AFU command representatives.

The consignment consisted of 16 sealed metal boxes, eight of which were labelled with a chemical hazard symbol, BZ inscription and marked with two red bands, corresponding to the class of poisonous substances of temporary incapacitation action. Five of the boxes were labelled as 'C-S-RIOT', three were labelled as 'C-R-RIOT' with a single red band, which corresponds to substances with an irritant action.

The cargo was placed on the U.S.-manufactured armoured vehicles, which moved to the combat line of contact as part of the convoy.

On 19 February, 11 cars of specially marked shrapnel ammunition have been unloaded in Kramatorsk. The unloading took place at night on a platform in the suburbs, with the car labelled as 'Building materials', 'Cement'.

According to the information of the Russian Ministry of Defence, the U.S. Army has previously upgraded its shrapnel rounds to be loaded with ready-to-use, liquid formulated irritant acids.

The facts of the simultaneous delivery of toxic chemicals and protection means indicate an attempted large-scale provocation using the BZ psychotropic warfare agent during the conflict.

📄 Read full text of Briefing by the Chief of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops of Russian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on the West preparations for large-scale provocations involving toxic chemicals in Ukraine

Forwarded from MoD Russia
'To be remembered...' photo exhibition opened near the German Embassy in Moscow

🇷🇺🇩🇪 Near the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Moscow, 'To be remembered...' photo exhibition, prepared by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, was opened.

📷The exhibition showcases the most landmark moments of the Great Patriotic War.
The photo exhibition commemorates the feat of the Soviet people and aims to preserve the historical truth about the Great Patriotic War.

🎞 The photo chronicle shows the real liberators of Europe who saved it from Nazism.

In the past two years alone the agency has produced and hosted over 35 photo exhibitions.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️Briefing by Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Chief of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops on US military and biological activity

Key talking points:

☣️ An analysis of documents, some of which were obtained during the special military operation, shows that such research on enhancing the functions of dangerous pathogens conducted, including in the states of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, is systematic, and large US pharmaceutical companies are involved in its implementation.

❗️ The establishment of global biological control is the primary goal of US bioprogrammes. A move to US standards for the transmission and collection of biological information, the deterioration of national health systems, and the imposition of medical equipment and medicine suppliers are frequently the outcomes of ‘selective assistance’ to participating governments in the programmes.

🔹 Along with this, military research facilities are being built near the borders of geopolitical rivals. In addition, harmful microorganism strains unique to particular regions are being gathered, and dangerous medications are being tested on humans.

🇺🇸 The BWC and other international law norms are replaced by US efforts to establish global biological control with their own regulations, which are developed in the US’s interests, supported by the West as a whole, and imposed for execution on third parties.

🔹 The Russian Federation’s disclosure of U.S. military and biological activities outside its national territory makes a growing number of countries wonder about the real reasons for the presence of US research facilities on their territory.

☝️ Under the pretext of reducing the risks of spreading infectious diseases, the Kiev regime continues to cooperate with the Pentagon in the military-biological sphere, including the transfer of pathogenic biomaterials. Such activities may be carried out for launching provocations with dangerous pathogens with the subsequent imposition of responsibility on the Russian Federation.
Forwarded from Russian Mission Geneva
Media is too big
🎙 Ambassador Gennady Gatilov:

You will not hear about AFU crimes from the statements of the EU, the US and its satellites, as well as from the UNHRC, the OHCHR and the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine.

❗️ All of them prefer to ignore the barbaric cruelty and disregard for any principles by the Ukrainian authorities and military, who see nothing wrong with inhumane reprisals against defenseless civilians, as well as unarmed and wounded POWs, the use of prohibited methods of warfare.
💥 Ukrainian armed groups continue to conduct massive shellings of Donbass cities and settlements using multiple launch rocket systems, as well as artillery systems supplied by the West. A favorite tactic among the Kiev military is to place military equipment and its fighters in schools, hospitals, and other civilian infrastructure.

🤐 It goes without saying, that it is not in the interests of Kiev's patrons to shed light and comment on such Ukrainian war crimes.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
✍️ Interview with the Director of the Foreign Ministry’s Foreign Policy Planning Department Alexey Drobinin published in the journal “National Strategy Issues” of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, No 1, 2023 (13 March, 2023)

🌐 The main trend is that the structure of international relations is changing in the direction of greater multipolarity. The ability of one country or group of countries to dominate another is becoming a thing of the past. It is being replaced with a global configuration based on the balance of power and interests of the globally important decision-making centres.

🇷🇺 Russia is acting as a sovereign global centre. It is carrying out its historically established unique mission of maintaining the global balance of power & ensuring the conditions for humanity’s steady advance based on a unifying and constructive agenda.

🔹 A new balance has not yet been found. For the time being, we are seeing a gradual diffusion of political power, with stronger positions for different non-Western players that are capable of choosing their own path of development and may become independent centres of the emerging multipolarity in the future. Such states or their associations are striving for independence or “strategic autonomy,” if you will.

🔹 It is no secret that the collective West considers this global configuration disadvantageous. The countries on both sides of the Atlantic are afraid of potentially losing the opportunity to be a parasite on the rest of the world.

🔹 The forces that are opposing a modern Anglo-Saxon hegemonic paradigm for the global configuration are gaining strength in conditions of the dual containment of Russia & China. They are creating an infrastructure of interstate ties that are independent of Western policy and immune to its pressure.

🔹 Having mastered these cancel culture elements at the national level, the Americans and their allies tried to apply these very mechanisms to other countries, including Russia.

Read in full
Для иностранных специалистов IT-отрасли и членов их семей значительно упростили миграционное законодательство. Отныне работникам указанной сферы станет гораздо легче трудоустроиться в нашей стране. Введены послабления и для работодателей.

Компаниям для привлечения программистов и других специалистов этой сферы не понадобится получать ранее необходимые разрешения. А родные приезжих работников впредь смогут в упрощенном порядке получить вид на жительство. Впрочем, как и они сами.

Иностранные IT-специалисты могут заключать трудовой договор или гражданско-правовой договор на выполнение работ с организациями, которые осуществляют деятельность в области IT, без оформления разрешения на работу или патента.

При этом работодатели (аккредитованные IT-компании) привлекают таких сотрудников без получения разрешения на привлечение и использование работников. Подтверждением наличия у организации госаккредитации является запись в реестре аккредитованных IT-компаний, сведения о которой размещены в открытом доступе в разделе "Аккредитация IT-компаний" по ссылке.

Иностранному IT-специалисту, который осуществляет трудовую деятельность в аккредитованной IT-компании, а также членам его семьи предоставлено право на получение ВНЖ в РФ без срока действия в упрощенном порядке. IT-специалисту и членам его семьи для получения вида на жительство нужно обратиться в подразделение по вопросам миграции территориального органа МВД по избранному месту постоянного проживания. Срок рассмотрения такого заявления составляет три месяца.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: Russia files criminal charges against ICC prosecutor and judges

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has initiated criminal charges against Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Karim Ahmad Khan, as well as judges of the International Criminal Court Tomoko Akane, Rosario Salvatore Aitala and Sergio Gerardo Ugalde Godinez.

On February 22, 2023, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Karim Ahmad Khan, acting as part of a criminal investigation, submitted applications to Pre-Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court for warrants of arrest in relation to citizens of the Russian Federation.

Based on this application, the above-named judges of the International Criminal Court issued illegal arrest warrants in relation to the President of the Russian Federation and the Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights.

This criminal prosecution is illegal by definition because there are no grounds for bringing criminal charges.

According to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons of December 14, 1973, heads of state enjoy total immunity and cannot be subjected to the jurisdiction of a foreign state.

Actions by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court contain elements of offences as per Part 2, Article 299, Part 1, Article 30, and Part 2, Article 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, including knowingly ascribing criminal responsibility to an innocent person, combined with unlawfully accusing a person of committing a grave or especially grave crime, as well as preparing an assault against a representative of a foreign state benefitting from international protection with a view to complicating international relations.

Actions by the judges of the International Criminal Court contain elements of offences as per Part 2, Article 301, Part 1, Article 30, and Part 2, Article 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, including knowingly illegal detention, as well as preparing an assault against a representative of a foreign state benefitting from international protection with a view to complicating international relations.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Foreign Ministry statement on London’s intention to supply depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine

💬 We regard the statement made by British Minister of State for Defence Annabel Goldie about the UK government’s plans to send armour-piercing depleted uranium rounds for the Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine as yet another proof of London’s intention to take the lead in the anti-Russia campaign.

By doing this, the Anglo-Saxons have disclosed their wish to aggravate the confrontation in Ukraine and have disavowed their authorities’ claims about their commitment to the post-conflict rebuilding of that country.

London has apparently forgotten about the well-known serious consequences of the use of toxic and radioactive munitions by the West during the conflicts in Yugoslavia and Iraq. A desire to increase the suffering of civilians and to do irreparable environmental damage shows that the British have no regard whatsoever for the Ukrainian people.

This openly cynical British policy has once again shown who the real aggressor and war monger in Ukraine is. London must know that it will bear full responsibility for violating the fundamental norms of international law.

❗️ London’s decision will have serious consequences for relations between Russia and Britain and will also cause repercussions on the international stage, where the initial reaction by multilateral organisations has indicated their complete rejection of London’s plans. We will respond to such actions accordingly.
⚡️ Заявление МИД России в связи c намерением Лондона 🇬🇧 передать Украине боеприпасы с обеднённым ураном

💬 Рассматриваем заявление заместителя министра обороны Великобритании А.Голди о планах британской стороны поставлять Украине бронебойные снаряды с обеднённым ураном для танков Challenger II как очередное подтверждение намерения Лондона быть в авангарде лагеря российских недоброжелателей.

Тем самым англосаксы публично расписались в желании вывести на новый уровень противостояние на Украине. Налицо и никчёмность заверений властей Великобритании в приверженности «восстановлению» этой страны после конфликта.

В Лондоне, очевидно, уже позабыли о хорошо известных тяжелейших последствиях применения подобных токсичных и радиоактивных боеприпасов в ходе развязанных Западом конфликтов в Югославии и Ираке. Подобное стремление к увеличению страданий мирного населения и нанесению непоправимого ущерба экологии показывает, что англичане готовы пренебречь жителями Украины.

Столь откровенное в своём цинизме поведение британской стороны вновь наглядно демонстрирует, кто является истинным агрессором и разжигателем конфликта на Украине. Нарушая основополагающие нормы международного права, Лондон не должен забывать, что ему придётся нести за это всю полноту ответственности.

❗️ Данное решение не останется без серьёзных последствий как для российско-британских двусторонних отношений, так и на международном уровне, где уже первичная реакция со стороны многосторонних структур свидетельствует о полном неприятии таких планов Лондона. Мы не оставим такие действия без ответа.