🇷🇺🇱🇻 Посольство России в Латвии
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🇷🇺🇱🇻 Официальный аккаунт Посольства России в Латвии
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Krievijas vēstniecība Latvijā
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🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"Last weekend the military burial of Soviet soldiers in the city of Jekabpils on Varonu st. was attacked by unknown vandals. The rabid apologists of historical revisionism barbarously tore down the memorial plaques and destroyed their foundation.

In the mentioned mass grave there rest more than 750 soldiers of the Red Army who heroically fell in the battles for freedom and independence of the Latvian land from the fascist “yoke”, including Guards Major General S.P.Kupriyanov and Guards Colonels G.K.Sharikalov and S.G.Gazeev, whose remains were reburied here in August last year. The previous resting place of the latter in the city park of Jekabpils was also desecrated in February 2021, when a cannon, once installed as a symbol of victory over the Nazi invaders, was stolen from the pedestal. The fate of the 76 mm artillery gun is still unknown, the memorial has been dismantled, and the perpetrators of this outrage have remained unpunished.

In a country where the veneration of historical monuments is presented as a threat to national security, and the destruction of cultural monuments has become part of the state policy at the connivance of the local authorities, it is no wonder that such blasphemous mockery of the deceased takes place.

The degraded vandals do not realize that their efforts to destroy the symbols of the historical truth, which is inconvenient for them, are futile, the memory of the great feat of the Red Army soldier will live forever!"

#Jekabpils #Latvia #Russia #RussianEmbassy

🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"On May 30, the Latvian authorities dismantled the sculpture of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin in Riga's park of Kronvald, which for 14 years served as a place of unity of our compatriots and a place of contact with the Russian cultural heritage.

This treacherous step, as is customary here, was carried out secretly under the cover of night in order to avoid unnecessary resonance.

Let's recall that the decision to get rid of this memorial object was taken by the Riga City Council in the best traditions of the "Latvian democracy", without taking into account the opinion of the city's residents and the author of the monument A.Taratynov.

This cowardly trick of the local Russophobes, undertaken out of fear of the consolidation of the Republic`s citizens on the basis of common cultural values, will not change the fact that hundreds of thousands of Latvians still treat with reverence and will always honor the great literary heritage that A.S.Pushkin, a truly world-class poet, left to his descendants.

The purposeful efforts of the Latvian authorities to eradicate objects of the Russian culture not only overshadow the image of a "modern civilized state", but serve as signs of their own weakness."

#Riga #Latvia #Pushkin #Russia #RussianEmbassy

🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"The story of how yesterday's schoolgirl has become a "threat to the national security" of the Republic of Latvia continues. Today, the Riga Court decided to extend for another two months detention of the public activist, student of Saint Petersburg State University Tatiana Andriets. Now, in addition to "violating the sanctions regime," she is charged with "creating a criminal organization," which, in accordance with local criminal law, is punishable by imprisonment from 8 to 17 years.

The local Themis has not yet presented to the public any convincing evidence of the guilt of the Latvian citizen who is not indifferent to what is happening in her country. However, as practice shows, in such initially politicized cases, this is not required. The purpose of this cynical violation of human rights is obvious – to convince the Republic's population of the inevitability of "punishment" for expressing "wrong" thoughts.    

The persecution of the young girl who naively believed that she lives in a state governed by the rule of law is a disgrace to the Latvian justice!"

#Latvia #RussianEmbassy

On June 9, 2023, the Russian Embassy in Latvia held a reception on the occasion of the national holiday – the Day of Russia. The event was attended by the representatives of the diplomatic corps, business circles and public organizations, as well as compatriots and veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

The guests were greeted by Charge d'affaires of Russia in Latvia O.O.Zykov, who emphasized that the celebration of the Day of Russia unites the multinational people of the Russian Federation and serves as a symbol of boundless respect and love for the Motherland, its centuries-old history, unique natural and spiritual wealth. Stressed that Russia has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the world civilization, culture and literature. Today, despite the artificial escalation of the anti-Russian sentiments and unprecedented pressure, our country is steadfastly, with honor and dignity, overcoming all the trials that have befallen it. Expressed gratitude and respect to the heroes – participants of the Special Military Operation, who are fighting on the front line right now, defending the interests of the Fatherland. Paid special attention to the fact that Russia is ready to develop relations with everyone who is interested in an equal dialogue and respects the national interests of our country.

#RussiaDay #RussiaDay2023 #Russia #Riga #Latvia #RussianEmbassy
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in Latvia:

"The Latvian law enforcement officers continue to ruthlessly eradicate the historical memory of their own population.

Apparently, inspired by the classic dystopian novels, where the principle of "control is freedom" is put at the forefront, local lawkeepers began to send out mass notifications on initiating administrative proceedings against Republic's residents, who "had the temerity" to post on social media publications on the occasion of the Victory Day or express their support to them.

In the interpretation of the Latvian "thought police", these acts fall under articles 13 and 131 of the Law on administrative offenses and serve as glorification of the "Soviet totalitarian regime" and "military aggression" (may be fined of up to 350 euros).

We would like to remind that dystopias have been written as a don't-do-that-warning to future generations and not as a guide to action!

The question involuntarily arises: what other surprises may await the "recalcitrant" descendants, who honour the memory of their ancestors - a "Black Maria car" under the window?!

#RussianEmbassy #Russia #RussianMFA #Riga #Latvia
🇷🇺🇱🇻 Commentary of the Russian Embassy in the Republic of Latvia:

❗️We drew attention to the recent statements made by the Latvian education officials that dissemination of information about the Russian distance school programs is considered almost as a threat to the national security and is a subject to careful study by local law enforcement agencies.

By impetuously cracking down on "Russian schools" local fighters for the "ideological purity" of the educational sphere seem to be seriously determined to restrict access to educational programs recognized as "dangerous" for the Western value system.

Judging by the public rhetoric of the Latvian officials, the war against "wrong thinking" in the republic is getting much more horryfying. The question of how such a policy of practically total censorship correlates with the status of the European law-governed state remains open.

#RussianEmbassy #Latvia #RussianMFA #Riga #Censorship #Education #Discrimination