Russian Cultural Center in US 🇺🇸
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On Thursday, February 23 during a gala evening in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day at the Russian Embassy in Washington, DC with the support of the Russian Cultural Center held a photo exhibition ‘Liberation. 1943’. The exhibit was provided by MIA Rossiya Segodnya and the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.

The mission showcased exclusive footage taken by Soviet war correspondents during the Battle of Stalingrad and the liberation of southwestern regions of the USSR from the Nazi invaders. In addition, the exhibition featured a copy of the letter from Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States, in which he expressed the admiration of the American people for the fortitude and courage of the residents of Stalingrad who survived the city's siege.

More than 300 people visited the exhibition: ambassadors and military attachés of friendly countries, Russian and American journalists, as well as compatriots.

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🇺🇸 Несём «Освобождение» в Вашингтон вместе с Послом России Антоновым

📸 Фотовыставка в рамках мультимедийного проекта нашей медиагруппы «Освобождение. 1943» стартовала в Посольстве России в Вашингтоне. Ее открыл глава российский дипмиссии в США Анатолий Антонов.

Открывая экспозицию гостям посольства, Антонов провел параллели между подвигом советских солдат, отраженном в «Освобождении», с героизмом военнослужащих Вооруженных Сил России, которые сейчас «продолжают спасать не только Россию, но и глобальную безопасность от «коричневой чумы».

Проект «Освобождение» создан при поддержке Президентского фонда культурных инициатив и посвящен истории деоккупации юго-запада Советского Союза от немецко-фашистских захватчиков. В его основе лежит фотоархив «Совинформбюро» 1941-1945 гг., правообладателем которого является наша медиагруппа.

С конца января выставки проекта были представлены на трех российских площадках: в музее-панораме «Сталинградская битва» в Волгограде, Луганском государственном университете имени Владимира Даля и Донском государственный техническом университете в Ростове-на-Дону.
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Do you want to get higher education in Russia for free?

It is possible under the quota of the Russian government. All you need is to upload all the necessary documents on the portal.

Watch our video for more details.
👩🏼‍🚀Legendary cosmonaut, the very first woman in space Valentina Tereshkova turns 8️⃣6️⃣ today!

She orbited Earth 48 times, spending nearly 3 days in space during the historic Vostok6 spaceflight in 1963.

🎖️Tereshkova was one of the initiators to establish Russian Cultural Centre in the United Stated. As a head of Rossotrudnichestvo at that time, she personally participated in the opening ceremony of our center in 1999.

🎂 Valentina Vladimirovna, happy birthday and best wishes!

🎨 Boris Kustodiev was lucky enough to become a pupil of the greatest Russian painter Ilya Repin. However, he rejected the canons of his teacher's work and began to seek his own creative direction. He devoted his life to depicting cheerful and vivid pictures in everyday-life and landscape genres, achieved recognition as a decorator, became an academician of painting and even tried his hand at sculpture.

Kustodiev was faced with many ordeals in his life, from the rejection of his work by the public to a serious illness. But even in the most difficult times, being confined to a wheelchair, he continued to create.

For the 1️⃣4️⃣5️⃣-th anniversary of the master's birth we publish a selection of his most famous works.

Village Festival’, 1924 — Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA

‘Girl with a Muff’, 1920 — Mead Art Museum, Massachusetts, USA

‘Moscow Tavern’, 1916 — Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia

‘Portrait of Chaliapin’, 1921 — Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

‘Russian Venus’, 1926 — Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum, Russia

Today we celebrate International Womens Day! In Russia it’s prime day of the year & an official holiday since 1966.

💐 Many people associate this holiday with lightness and the imminent arrival of spring, but in fact its history is much deeper.

🎖At first, March 8 was Women's Workers' Solidarity Day. Women workers marched to demand labor equality with men and the right to vote in elections. In the Soviet Union, this date turned from protest to celebration, so its slogans glorified the image of the Soviet woman - toiler, mother, wife. The USSR was for a long time the only European country where March 8 was considered an official state holiday.

On this day we celebrate women, their manifold achievements and the marvel they are! 💜
