Russian Cultural Center in US 🇺🇸
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🌟 Russian Cultural Centre visited Rakhmaninov's grave in New York after his 150th anniversary

Olga Golovashchenko, the head of Russian Cultural Centre in USA, has visited the grave of Sergey Rakhmaninov in New York. Several members of the Russian Consulate General in New York also joined the solemn laying of flowers in the Kensico Cemetery.

On April 2 all around the world the 150th anniversary of the great Russian composer was celebrated. Rakhmaninov is often described as 'the most Russian musician'. He was able to combine principles of Moscow and St. Petersburg music schools and created his own unique style, which is well-known throughout the world.

Even after changing the country of residence, Rakhmaninov always remained a truly Russian musician. 'When I left Russia, I've lost the desire to compose. Having lost my Homeland, I lost myself...' — he said after first 10 years in immigration in the United States with not a single work done.

Nevertheless, Rakhmaninov never stopped being a true citizen. He always had a soft spot for his compatriots and helped both acquaitances and strangers from Russia in every way he could. What is more, during World War II he donated all the proceeds from his concerts to the Red Army and the USSR defense foundations.

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Russian Cultural Center in US 🇺🇸
⚡️ Диктант Победы в США 27 апреля Российский Культурный Центр станет организатором Диктанта Победы на площадке Посольства России в Вашингтоне. Участники ответят на 25 вопросов по военно-исторической тематике: о победах Красной армии в Сталинграде и Курске…
🔢 Главные цифры Диктанта Победы

2️⃣7️⃣ апреля состоится Диктант Победы: написать его можно как лично, так и на сайте диктантпобеды.рф

2️⃣5️⃣вопросов по военно-исторической тематике

6️⃣иностранных языков: задания будут доступны на английском, испанском, китайском, французском и сербском

2️⃣2️⃣ тысяч площадок уже зарегистрированы по всему миру. Лидерами в России стали Ставропольский и Краснодарский края, а также Московская, Самарская и Тульская области. В Вашингтоне Российский культурный центр проведет Диктант Победы на площадке @embUSA

1️⃣8️⃣ стран предоставили специалистов для составления вопросов к Диктанту. В этом приняли участие историки и представители общественных объединений патриотической направленности из 🇷🇺 🇦🇿 🇦🇷 🇧🇪 🇧🇬 🇪🇬 🇮🇳 🇰🇿 🇰🇬 🇲🇩 🇲🇳 🇷🇸 🇹🇯 🇺🇿 🇫🇮 🇫🇷 🇨🇿

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Russian Cultural Center in US 🇺🇸
⚡️ The Dictation of Victory in the United States On April 27th Russian Cultural Center will host Dictation of Victory on the grounds of @embUSA. Participants will answer 25 questions on military-historical topics: the Red Army victories in Stalingrad and…
🔢 Main figures of the Dictation of Victory

2️⃣7️⃣ of April the Dictation of Victory will take place: you can write it in person or online at диктантпобеды.рф

2️⃣5️⃣questions on military-historical topics

6️⃣ foreign languages: tasks will be available in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, and Serbian

2️⃣2️⃣ thousand sites have already been registered all over the world. The leaders in Russia are the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions, as well as the Moscow, Samara, and Tula regions. The Russian Cultural Center will hold the Victory Dictation in Washington, DC at @embUSA

1️⃣8️⃣ countries provided experts to compose questions for the Dictation. This included historians and representatives of patriotic public associations from 🇷🇺🇦🇿 🇦🇷 🇧🇪 🇧🇬 🇪🇬 🇮🇳 🇰🇿 🇰🇬 🇲🇩 🇲🇳 🇷🇸 🇹🇯 🇺🇿 🇫🇮 🇫🇷 🇨🇿

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🎖️ #OnThisDay in 1945 Soviet and American Troops met at the Elbe river, near Torgau in Germany, marking the important step toward the end of World War II.

On April 25, 1945 Soviet patrol commanded by Lieutenant Alexander Silvashko coming from East met American patrol under Second Lieutenant William Robertson coming from West on the destroyed Elbe bridge. As a result, the Nazi troops were effectively split in two parts and were soon defeated by Allied troops.

🤝Elbe Day is significant not only for WWII veterans, but also for all those who remember the feat of Allied troops in defeating the ‘brown plague’. Even during the Cold War the meeting of Soviet and American armies was often recalled as a symbol of peace and friendship between the people of two superpowers.

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Russian Cultural Center in US 🇺🇸
🎖️ #OnThisDay in 1945 Soviet and American Troops met at the Elbe river, near Torgau in Germany, marking the important step toward the end of World War II. On April 25, 1945 Soviet patrol commanded by Lieutenant Alexander Silvashko coming from East met American…
🇷🇺🇺🇸The US military honors the exploits of the Allied nations and every year lays flowers at memorials across the country from New York and Washington to Los Angeles and Seattle.

On April 25, 1995, the dedication of the Spirit of Elba Memorial, a symbol of our countries' alliance in the anti-Hitler coalition during World War II, was held at Arlington National Military Cemetery.

The first commemorative photograph of the day: General John Eisenhower, son of the President of the United States, along with Marshall Zhukov's two daughters, Era and Ella, took part in the unveiling of the plate.

Since then, at the initiative of the Russian Embassy in the USA, a wreath-laying ceremony in Arlington on April 25 commemorates this symbolic meeting of soldiers of the two allied armies.

Unfortunately, for the second year in a row, US authorities have prohibited the Russian Cultural Center and @embUSA from taking part in this ceremony. ‘This attitude is insulting not only to the veterans of the two countries, but also to all those who remember their feat,’ said Russian Ambassador to the USA Anatoly Antonov in his statement.

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🎖️В Вашингтоне состоялся Диктант Победы

27 апреля Российский культурный центр в США при участии Посольства России провел Диктант Победы. В международной акции, посвященной 78-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне, приняли участие более 100 человек.

Дипломаты, сотрудники военного атташата, а также учителя и ученики школы при Посольстве ответили на 25 вопросов по военно-исторической тематике. Соотечественники в США присоединились к написанию Диктанта онлайн.

Russian Cultural Center in US 🇺🇸
🎖️В Вашингтоне состоялся Диктант Победы 27 апреля Российский культурный центр в США при участии Посольства России провел Диктант Победы. В международной акции, посвященной 78-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне, приняли участие более 100 человек. …
🎖️The Dictation of Victory was held in the United States

On April 27 the Russian Cultural Center in the United States with the assistance of the @embUSA held the Dictation of Victory. The international action, dedicated to the 78th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, was attended by more than 100 people.

Diplomats, officers of the Defense Attaché System as well as teachers and students of the Embassy school answered 25 questions on military-historical topics. Compatriots in the USA joined the dictation online.

🎶 Military songs concert dedicated to Victory Day was held in Washington

On May 4, the Russian Cultural Center in the USA hosted a musical evening dedicated to Victory Day. For an hour and a half Nikolay Mounts performed the main songs of the war years — ‘Katyusha’, ‘Officers’, ‘The Last Battle’ — as well as compositions of his own.

📷 In addition, guests saw two exhibitions: ‘Liberation of Europe’ with archive footage from World War II and ‘The Road to Victory’ from @muzeypobedy with Soviet war posters. Anyone could also check out books about the Great Patriotic War from the library of the Russian Cultural Center.

More than 40 people took part in the event: compatriots, foreigners, as well as @EmbUSA diplomats.

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