💬On June 16, Consul General I.Sagitov delivered a welcome speech at the presentation of St.Petersburg and Moscow travel destinations organized by Committee for Tourism Development of St.Petersburg and St.Petersburg Convention Bureau in the framework of the International Travel Exhibition in Hong Kong (15-18 June, HKCEC).
🌟Mr. Sagitov observed that with the pandemic taken under control it is time to explore new travel opportunities offered by Russia’s two most popular tourist destinations.
🌟Mr. Sagitov observed that with the pandemic taken under control it is time to explore new travel opportunities offered by Russia’s two most popular tourist destinations.
🎼The XVII International Tchaikovsky Competition will take place in Moscow and St.Petersburg from June 19 to July 1. A total of 742 applications from 41 countries have been submitted for participation in the competition, which includes six categories: piano, violin, cello, solo singing, woodwind instruments, and brass instruments.
🌟The competition is a national treasure of Russian musical culture and has a continuous history, taking place once every four years. This year marks the 65th anniversary of the competition, which has grown to become one of the largest and most prestigious music competitions in the world.
📺 Solemn opening and closing ceremonies, as well as performances within the framework of the program will be broadcast on the official page of the competition "VKontakte" (https://is.gd/4C87DO).
🔗 https://is.gd/nQQAeK
🌟The competition is a national treasure of Russian musical culture and has a continuous history, taking place once every four years. This year marks the 65th anniversary of the competition, which has grown to become one of the largest and most prestigious music competitions in the world.
📺 Solemn opening and closing ceremonies, as well as performances within the framework of the program will be broadcast on the official page of the competition "VKontakte" (https://is.gd/4C87DO).
🔗 https://is.gd/nQQAeK
XVII Международный конкурс имени П.И.Чайковского
Официальная страница XVII Международного конкурса имени П.И. Чайковского Организатор - РОСКОНЦЕРТ +7 (495) 748-67 77 [email protected] 101000, Россия, г. Москва, Архангельский переулок 10/2
Forwarded from Консульский департамент МИД России
❗️🇨🇳Обращаем внимание, что безвизовый транзит российских граждан, следующих через территорию Китайской Народной Республики, возможен при условии, если он не предполагает выхода из транзитной зоны аэропорта, а длительность пребывания в ней не превышает 24 часов. В остальных случаях требуется оформление соответствующей визы.
При этом действовавшие до начала пандемии COVID-19 программы местных властей, предусматривавшие безвизовое пребывание иностранных граждан на территории КНР в течение 72 либо 144 часов с возможностью выхода из транзитной зоны аэропорта, до настоящего времени не возобновлены.
C информацией о порядке выдачи китайских виз можно ознакомиться на сайте Посольства КНР в России
При этом действовавшие до начала пандемии COVID-19 программы местных властей, предусматривавшие безвизовое пребывание иностранных граждан на территории КНР в течение 72 либо 144 часов с возможностью выхода из транзитной зоны аэропорта, до настоящего времени не возобновлены.
C информацией о порядке выдачи китайских виз можно ознакомиться на сайте Посольства КНР в России
Forwarded from Консульский департамент МИД России
🇨🇳Вниманию российских граждан, планирующих поездку в КНР #визы
Обращаем внимание, что информация о порядке подачи заявлений, а также перечень требуемых документов размещены на сайте китайской дипмиссии в разделе «Консульская служба» - «Визы в КНР».
Во избежание сложностей с получением китайских виз, отказа в приеме документов или временного запрета на въезд в Китай из-за несоответствия информации о фактическом заявителе данным, указанным в анкете или подтверждении о записи, для записи в Консульский отдел Посольства Китая настоятельно рекомендуем использовать исключительно специализированную бесплатную онлайн-платформу электронной очереди МИД КНР,
а также воздержаться от обращения к посредникам, оказывающим услуги записи на подачу документов на коммерческой основе с использованием Telegram-каналов и ботов.
Это, по информации китайской стороны, может стать причиной для отказа в выдаче визы👋🏻
Обращаем внимание, что информация о порядке подачи заявлений, а также перечень требуемых документов размещены на сайте китайской дипмиссии в разделе «Консульская служба» - «Визы в КНР».
Во избежание сложностей с получением китайских виз, отказа в приеме документов или временного запрета на въезд в Китай из-за несоответствия информации о фактическом заявителе данным, указанным в анкете или подтверждении о записи, для записи в Консульский отдел Посольства Китая настоятельно рекомендуем использовать исключительно специализированную бесплатную онлайн-платформу электронной очереди МИД КНР,
а также воздержаться от обращения к посредникам, оказывающим услуги записи на подачу документов на коммерческой основе с использованием Telegram-каналов и ботов.
Это, по информации китайской стороны, может стать причиной для отказа в выдаче визы👋🏻
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
⚡️ Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation "Human Rights Situation in Certain Countries" ⚡️
This report is a further effort by the Russian Foreign Ministry to bring public attention to human rights challenges facing today's international community.
👉 A full version of the report
The double-standards phenomena remains a major challenge as regards human rights assessments. It is evident that year after year the "collective West" has been increasingly resorting to this approach in order to fuel confrontation. These states have completely discredited everything they said about the universal nature of human rights. In fact, some members of the international community have blatantly instrumentalized the human rights agenda to serve the political interests of certain states and to interfere in internal affairs and infringe the sovereignty of independent states.
This report looks into the human rights situation in certain countries, including those that consider themselves advanced democracies which claim to set standards in human rights protection, as well as those that seek to join them.
We believe that the emerging new world and fairer system of international relations will make it possible to fully implement the principle of genuine respect for the sovereignty, as well as historical, cultural, religious, and national particularities of states across the world. Such system will be free from colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, racial discrimination and related intolerance.
☝️ This report includes negative examples from both the present and the recent past, which, for the most part, we are all well aware of, to illustrate behaviours the entire constructive-minded international community needs to stand up to.
Read in full
This report is a further effort by the Russian Foreign Ministry to bring public attention to human rights challenges facing today's international community.
👉 A full version of the report
The double-standards phenomena remains a major challenge as regards human rights assessments. It is evident that year after year the "collective West" has been increasingly resorting to this approach in order to fuel confrontation. These states have completely discredited everything they said about the universal nature of human rights. In fact, some members of the international community have blatantly instrumentalized the human rights agenda to serve the political interests of certain states and to interfere in internal affairs and infringe the sovereignty of independent states.
This report looks into the human rights situation in certain countries, including those that consider themselves advanced democracies which claim to set standards in human rights protection, as well as those that seek to join them.
We believe that the emerging new world and fairer system of international relations will make it possible to fully implement the principle of genuine respect for the sovereignty, as well as historical, cultural, religious, and national particularities of states across the world. Such system will be free from colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, racial discrimination and related intolerance.
☝️ This report includes negative examples from both the present and the recent past, which, for the most part, we are all well aware of, to illustrate behaviours the entire constructive-minded international community needs to stand up to.
Read in full
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
📄 G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration
We are One Earth, One Family, and we share One Future.
🌐 Together we have an opportunity to build a better future. <...> We will pursue development models that implement sustainable, inclusive and just transitions globally, while leaving no one behind. <...>
✍️ We meet at a defining moment in history where the decisions we make now will determine the future of our people and our planet. <...>
As Leaders of G20, the premier global forum for international economic cooperation, we resolve to act in concrete ways through partnerships.
👉 We commit to:
• Accelerate strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.
• Accelerate the full and effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
• Pursue low-GHG/low-carbon emissions, climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable development pathways by championing an integrated and inclusive approach.
• Promote resilient growth by urgently and effectively addressing debt vulnerabilities in developing countries.
• Scale up financing from all sources for accelerating progress on SDGs.
• Accelerate efforts and enhance resources towards achieving the Paris Agreement.
• Promote sustainable, quality, healthy, safe and gainful employment.
• Better integrate the perspectives of developing countries into future G20 agenda and strengthen the voice of developing countries in global decision making.
🤝 We reiterate our commitment to the G20 as the premier forum for global economic cooperation and its continued operation in the spirit of multilateralism, on the basis of consensus, with all members participating on an equal footing in all its events including Summits.
❗️ Recalling our collective actions to stem earlier global crises, we are determined to steer the world out of its current challenges and build a safer, stronger, more resilient, inclusive and healthier future for our people and the planet.
We are One Earth, One Family, and we share One Future.
🌐 Together we have an opportunity to build a better future. <...> We will pursue development models that implement sustainable, inclusive and just transitions globally, while leaving no one behind. <...>
✍️ We meet at a defining moment in history where the decisions we make now will determine the future of our people and our planet. <...>
As Leaders of G20, the premier global forum for international economic cooperation, we resolve to act in concrete ways through partnerships.
👉 We commit to:
• Accelerate strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.
• Accelerate the full and effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
• Pursue low-GHG/low-carbon emissions, climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable development pathways by championing an integrated and inclusive approach.
• Promote resilient growth by urgently and effectively addressing debt vulnerabilities in developing countries.
• Scale up financing from all sources for accelerating progress on SDGs.
• Accelerate efforts and enhance resources towards achieving the Paris Agreement.
• Promote sustainable, quality, healthy, safe and gainful employment.
• Better integrate the perspectives of developing countries into future G20 agenda and strengthen the voice of developing countries in global decision making.
🤝 We reiterate our commitment to the G20 as the premier forum for global economic cooperation and its continued operation in the spirit of multilateralism, on the basis of consensus, with all members participating on an equal footing in all its events including Summits.
❗️ Recalling our collective actions to stem earlier global crises, we are determined to steer the world out of its current challenges and build a safer, stronger, more resilient, inclusive and healthier future for our people and the planet.
Mr. Igor Sagitov has successfully concluded his term as the Consul-General of Russia in Hong Kong and Macao.
In accordance with the local protocol practice, Mr. Sagitov paid farewell visits to Mr. Eric Chan, the Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Mr. Pan Yundong Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
In accordance with the local protocol practice, Mr. Sagitov paid farewell visits to Mr. Eric Chan, the Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Mr. Pan Yundong Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
On September 21, Aeroflot has announced the resumption of regular direct flights from Moscow to Hong Kong starting on December 23. Ticket sales are now open.
The flights will depart from Terminal C at Sheremetyevo Airport three times a week, specifically on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Return flights from Hong Kong will be available on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. The airline will use wide-body Airbus A330 aircraft that offer a two-class configuration, consisting of Economy and Business classes.
For the current flight schedule, you can refer to the airline's official website.
Источник: https://www.aeroflot.ru/xx-ru/news/62850?_preferredLocale=xx&_preferredLanguage=ru
The flights will depart from Terminal C at Sheremetyevo Airport three times a week, specifically on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Return flights from Hong Kong will be available on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. The airline will use wide-body Airbus A330 aircraft that offer a two-class configuration, consisting of Economy and Business classes.
For the current flight schedule, you can refer to the airline's official website.
Источник: https://www.aeroflot.ru/xx-ru/news/62850?_preferredLocale=xx&_preferredLanguage=ru
On September 27, 2023, Consul General Anatoly Kargapolov took his first steps on the soil of Hong Kong. During his visit to the Protocol Division of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, he expressed his gratitude for the warm hospitality extended to him and conveyed his commitment to strengthening the ties between Russia and Hong Kong throughout his term in office. As part of the protocol, he also signed the Calling Book of the Chief Secretary for Administration of the Government, in adherence to established practice.
On September 27, Consul General Anatoly Kargapolov inaugurated an exhibition of photographs by world-renowned wildlife photographer Mike Korostelev at the office of the Consulate General in Hong Kong.
This event marked the beginning of the annual Russian Culture Festival organized by the Russian Club. Welcoming Mike Korostelev the guests acknowledged his talent and contributions in promoting the diverse nature of Russia to the international audience. Mr.Kargapolov expressed sincere gratitude to the fellow compatriots for their efforts in organizing the exhibition. Later in the day, the renowned"whale whisperer" gave a talk at HKU. On September 28, Mike will visit the University of Macao to share his captivating travel stories and insights on wildlife conservation.
Special thanks to Romanova bakery and Kalinka_HK for the traditional treats.
This event marked the beginning of the annual Russian Culture Festival organized by the Russian Club. Welcoming Mike Korostelev the guests acknowledged his talent and contributions in promoting the diverse nature of Russia to the international audience. Mr.Kargapolov expressed sincere gratitude to the fellow compatriots for their efforts in organizing the exhibition. Later in the day, the renowned"whale whisperer" gave a talk at HKU. On September 28, Mike will visit the University of Macao to share his captivating travel stories and insights on wildlife conservation.
Special thanks to Romanova bakery and Kalinka_HK for the traditional treats.