Russian House. Israel
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Русский дом в Израиле
Russian House in Israel
הבית הרוסי בישראל
Культура. Искусство. Образование.
Culture. Art. Education
📍Jerusalem, Heleni ha-Malka Street, 13.
☎️ +972585959644
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‎חג העצמאות שמח, ישראל! שלום ושיגשוג!🙏🕊️
#ישראל76 #ביתביתרוסי

С Днем Независимости, Израиль! Мира и процветания!🙏🕊️#израилю76

Happy Independence Day, Israel! Peace and prosperity!🙏🕊️ #Israel76 #houseRussianhouse
‎הייתי מציע לכתוב את המשפט הקצר הזה: "תסלח וייסלח!" באותיות גדולות ולהציב אותו בחדר כדי שתוכל לראות אותו כל יום.

‎ הקדושתו הפטריארך קיריל

‎ יום השם שמח של קדושתו הפטריארך של מוסקבה ורוס כולה!


Я бы предложил эту короткую фразу: «прощай, и будешь прощен» - написать крупными буквами и у себя в комнате разместить так, чтобы каждый день ее видеть.

Святейший Патриарх Кирилл

С днем тезоименитства Святейшего Патриарха Московского и всея Руси!




I would suggest writing this short phrase: "forgive, and you will be forgiven" in large letters and placing it in your room so, that you can see it every day.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill

Happy Name Day of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia!



Today is the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture.
It was in the 9th century that Cyril and Methodius created a universal and accessible written language.
The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture for many of us is a reminder of the unity of all Slavic peoples, of common origins, traditions, customs and cultural space.

Сегодня отмечается День славянской письменности и культуры.
Именно в IX веке Кирилл и Мефодий создали универсальный и доступный письменный язык.
День славянской письменности и культуры для многих из нас – напоминание о единстве всех славянских народов, об общих истоках, традициях, обычаях и культурном пространстве.
#КириллМефодий #домрусскийдом
#МыРоссия#12Июня#ДомРусскийДом #WeAreRussia#12June#HouseRussianHouse
Media is too big
Соотечественники из разных городов Израиля собрались в Тель-авиве, чтобы поздравить Россию с наступающим праздником🎈🎈🌞🌞

On the eve of Russia Day, we returned to the wonderful tradition of unfurling the large flag of our country all together. Compatriots from different cities of Israel gathered in Tel Aviv to congratulate Russia on the upcoming holiday🎈🎈🌞🌞
Media is too big
Нетания. Монумент «Крылья». С Днем России!🇷🇺🇷🇺🎈🎈

Netanya. Monument "Wings". Happy Russia Day!🇷🇺🇷🇺🎈🎈
22nd of June. The day when the Second World War began. A day of remembrance and mourning. We remember🙏#June221941#houseRussianhouse 22 июня. День, когда началась Великая Отечественная война.День памяти и скорби. Мы помним🙏#22июня1941#домрусскийдом
When you learn Russian online, this does not mean at all that graduation takes place there 🤗Happy 1st academic year! 🎊Online Russian language school “Brusnika”. Communication and gingerbread off-line🫖🥨
Когда учишь русский онлайн, это вовсе не означает, что выпускной проходит там же🤗С 1- ым учебным годом! 🎊Онлайн-школа русского языка «Брусника». Общение и пряники офлайн🫖🥨
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Right now we are in Tel Aviv at the opening of TISFF, the Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival, one of the largest in the world in its field🎬🎥We have become proud information partners🤝 We are cheering for 2 graduates of the Moscow School of New Cinema who made it to the finals in🙌# TISFF#themostimportantofthe arts#houseRussianhouse.
Прямо сейчас мы в Тель-Авиве на открытии TISFF, Международного студенческого кинофестиваля в Тель-Авиве одного из крупнейших в мире в своей области🎬🎥Стали гордыми информационными партнерами🤝 Болеем за 2- х выпускников Московской школы Нового кино (@newcinemaschool_com), вышедших в финал🙌#TISFF#важнейшимИзИскусств#домРусскийдом
Tomorrow, on August 17th, the Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival (TISFF) will present the film "Runaway" by Salome Kintsurashvili, a graduate of the Moscow School of New Cinema. We are happy to be media partners of the festival, and we are cheering for Salome, who made it to the final! The event will take place at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque at 13:30.

You can buy tickets, get acquainted with the event and the program at the following link:

Russian House congratulates teachers, students, schoolchildren and their parents on Knowledge Day! 🍁📚

Under Peter I, the New Year was moved to January 1, but the tradition of starting classes on the first day of autumn remained. It was by this time that field work ended, and children had free time that should not be wasted.

In Russia, as a national holiday, "September 1" has been officially celebrated since 1984. This year, the festive assemblies will be held on September 2, the first working day of September. But today we have collected paintings and engravings dedicated to this day in the carousel. Using the site, you can also find works of art dedicated to any topic you choose!

#KnowledgeDay #houseRussianHouse
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8 сентября - День начала 872-дневной блокады Ленинграда. Церемония возложения цветов у Свечи Памяти в Иерусалиме🕯️


September 8 - Day of the beginning of the 872-day siege of Leningrad. Ceremony of laying flowers at the Candle of Remembrance in Jerusalem🕯️

September 21 is the International Day of Peace. Peace is what each of us must strive for in order to preserve our humanity. To preserve humanity means to show the next generations that life is created for kindness and love🕊️

The symbol of peace is a dove with an olive branch. The very first version of the emblem was developed by Pablo Picasso for the World Peace Congress in 1949.

Later on, there were many variants of the dove from the artist: from the classic drawing in the style of realism, with the detail of the bird and the absence of a branch - to cubist image, where the dove with a branch flies over the rainbow and a pile of weapons.

But why the dove? The bird has always acted as a symbol of peace and good news in Christianity. When Noah sent a variety of birds in search of land after the Flood, a white dove brought him an olive branch, heralding the proximity of land.

«Дикая охота короля Стаха»(1979). Гран-при на фестивалях в Бельгии и Италии, спецприз жюри на МКФ В Канаде и Франции . #кинопоказ #важнейшимИзИскусств#ДомрусскийДом «The Wild Hunt of King Stakh» (1979). Grand Prix at festivals in Belgium and Italy, special jury prize at the IFF in Canada and France. #filmscreening #mostimportantfromthearts #houserussianhouse
October 28 is the International Animation Day.

We decided to briefly recreate the chronology of the development of the Soviet and Russian school of animation, which gave the world real masterpieces.

In the early 30's l the first professional Soviet animation studios appeared. Sovkino and Mezhrabprom produced "Tarakanishche" and "Moidodyr", and Mosfilm - "The Adventures of Bratishkin" and "New Gulliver". These cartoons became classics.

In 1935, Soyuzmultfilm is created, which includes all the studios of the Soviet Union. Real masterpieces of animation appeared: "Neposlushnyy kotyonok", "Kashtanka", "The Snow Queen", "The Lost Letter".

In the 50's "The Scarlet Flower", "The Snow Maiden" and "The Twelve Months" were produced.

Our animation has always retained its uniqueness. It inspired many creators, today recognized by the world as classics. Among them is the famous Japanese animator and Oscar winner Hayao Miyazaki.

Miyazaki did not see his future in animation until watching the Soviet "The Snow Queen" (1957), which turned his view of animation upside down. Enraptured, he became literally obsessed with the cartoon. He called it "my destiny and my favorite film...". In a number of his works, such as "Kiki's Delivery Service", "Ponyo", "Princess Mononoke" looks similar to the characters of our Snow Queen.

Soviet animation is an invaluable contribution to world culture. It combines emotion, real artistic skill and philosophical idea. Artists created unique images and stories that delight and inspire movie audience from all over the world and of all ages.

Netanya. Laying flowers at the Monument to the Red Army's Victory over Nazi Germany. Day of the Unknown Soldier. #WingsOfNetanya#DayOfTheUnknownSoldier #houseRussianHouse Нетания. Возложение цветов к Монументу Победы Красной армии над нацистской Германией. День неизвестного солдата. #КрыльяНетании#ДеньНеизвестногосолдата
While we are preparing for the first interviews with candidates for studying in Russia from Israel, we have guests coming to visit us🤗 High school students from the city of Magar in northern Israel traveled more than 130 km there and back to learn about the culture and history of another country and ask their questions. Agree, this deserves respect🙌 We talked and watched great videos, where there was everything at once😉: from the Hermitage to Lake Baikal, from Russian signs to the opportunities to get an education in Russia. And perhaps these guys will come to us for interviews in a few years☺️👨🏻‍🎓 Or perhaps they will just come to Russia to see for themselves everything they learned yesterday, visiting the Russian House☃️🐻🚀
We are always for curiosity🌍 And we are always glad to have such guests🌞
#EducationInRussia #Magar #houseRussianHouse
Surprisingly, Yakutia is third in Russia in terms of film production volumes. Only Moscow and St. Petersburg are ahead. Yakut filmmakers are adored by film critics and highly rated at international festivals. What explains this leadership and how it is connected with the history and culture of these places, we learned from the RT documentary “Camera! Action! Yakutia!”. #YakutCinema #RT#mostimportantFromArts #houseRussianHouse
Новогодняя страна. Татарстан. Казань - "третья столица России».
"New Year's Russia. Tatarstan. Kazan - "the third capital of Russia".
Возложение цветов к мемориалу «Свеча памяти» в Иерусалиме в канун Дня защитника Отечества. #деньзащитникаотечества#домРусскийДом
Laying flowers at the "Candle of Memory" memorial in Jerusalem on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day🎖️🎖️