Russian House in Dar es Salaam
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Tanzania among the spectators of the Parade on Red Square!
📺 In the morning of Victory Day, all the friends of the Russian House in Dar es Salaam gathered to watch the Parade in Moscow together.
The guests of honor of the event are the Ambassador of Russia to Tanzania A.L. Avetisyan, the Head of the Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Tanzania L.V.Sukhanov and our many friends from both Russia and friendly countries.
🖼🖤🧡 At the entrance to the Russian House, visitors were able to receive a St. George ribbon and get acquainted with the exhibition dedicated to Victory Day.
We listened with great attention to the address of Russian President Vladimir Putin, congratulated each other, our loved ones and relatives, and wished each other a happy and peaceful sky above our heads. It is now more important than ever to rally in the face of a new threat," the guests of the event said. We, the children and grandchildren of those who gave their lives for freedom and the liberation of the world from fascism, will never forget the feat of the Soviet people.
🌹 Your feat is great, your memory is eternal!🎉
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Танзания приняла участие в общероссийском движении «Бессмертный полк»

Акция «Бессмертный полк» для большинства соотечественников уже стала неотъемлемой частью празднования Дня Победы. С даты открытия первого кинофестиваля современного военного кино, приуроченного ко Дню Победы танзанийцы стали участниками как акции «Георгиевская ленточка», так и акции «Бессмертный полк». Пять кинопоказов собрало более 1000 зрителей.

В одном из залов Русского Дома представлена экспозиция «Стена памяти» с портретами героев войны. Соотечественники, проживающие в Танзании, поделились фотографиями и информацией о членах своих семей – участниках боевых действий, тружениках тыла и детях войны.

Трагедия коснулась каждую советскую семью. На выставке представлены фотографии участников войны из разных областей и республик России от Калининграда до Владивостока, а также ветеранов боевых действий из Кыргызстана, Туркменистана, Украины, Армении.
Tanzania took part in the all-Russian movement "Immortal Regiment"

The Immortal Regiment campaign has already become an integral part of Victory Day celebrations for most compatriots.The action is organized annually by the Russian House in Dar es Salaam in memory of the participants and victims of the Great Patriotic War.

In one of the halls of the Russian House there is an exhibition "Wall of Memory" with portraits of war heroes. Compatriots living in Tanzania shared photos and information about their family members – combatants, home front workers and war children.

The tragedy touched every Soviet family. The exhibition presents photographs of war veterans from different regions and republics of Russia from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, as well as combat veterans from Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Armenia.